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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Revelations On Sex

v Sex is a love seal inside marriage. Sex is a lust sin outside marriage. 
v Sex is a communion. The coming together of two bodies and the uniting together of two spirits to become one. 
v Sex goes beyond the act, it wells up from the heart. 
v The feelings during sex goes beyond pleasure, it’s a pressure 
v Until you have questions in your mind, you can’t get answer in your hand 
v Sex is a platform where God unites together the two forms of His Image-male and female 
v Sex is a platform where God’s image is manufactured or conceived 
v Sex is a sacred thing, not a naked thing 
v There’s nothing to hide about sex. It’s God’s make-up not man’s think-of 
v Healthy sex makes you enjoy marriage, Forceful sex makes you endure marriage. 
v Sex should be an agreement between husband and wife, not a one man decision. 
v Too much sex can make you lose value for it. Moderate sex can make you gain value for it. 
v One minute sex with a wrong person can ruin one’s life. 
v Sex within marriage is sweet, sex without marriage is sin. 
v Sex should be between a man and a woman married, not between a boy and a girl 
v Sex should be in love, not in lust. 
v Sex goes beyond physical contact, it entails emotional attachment and spiritual involvement. 
v Husband, have sex with your wife and not with your life. 
v The woman you satisfy with sex will satisfy you with her life. 
v Sex is illegal among singles and outside marriage. Sex is integral among couples and inside marriage. 
v You may not marry the woman you love, but you must love the woman you marry. 
v When devil wants to keep you in sexual sin, he teases you with sensual feel. 
v The power of sexual sin is to keep it in secret seal. The antidote to sexual sin is to leave it in open scene. 
v Sex is not a sin if it has marriage seal. Sex becomes a sin if it does not have a marriage deal. 
v Sex goes beyond physical mating, it involves emotional relating 
v Sex doesn’t happen on the day of mating, it has started since the day of dating. 
v Sex goes beyond physical movements, it involves emotional indepths. 
v Sex goes beyond physical attraction, it involves emotional attachment. 
v Having a woman’s attention for sex is giving attention to what matters to her. 
v To make a woman ready for sex, you need to cross 4 bridges. To make a man ready for sex, you need to cross 2 bridges. 
v The female bridges; Let her 
Know that you love her 
Hear that you love her 
Feel that you love her 
See(act) that you love her 
v The male bridges; Let him 
Know that you respect him 
See that you want him 
v Don’t tell a woman you want to meet with her body when you have not met with her mind. 
v Don’t tell a woman to give you sex when you have not made her set. 
v It’s not difficult to make a woman fall in love, just make her stay in love, she will soon fall 
v Don’t be shy to ask your wife whether she enjoys having sex with you, or she endures you raping her. 
v A woman craves for more sex she enjoys. A woman stays from most sex she endures. 
v Don’t just have sex with a woman’s body, have sex with her mind. 
v When you just have sex with a woman’s body, she thinks you raped her. When you have sex with her mind, she thinks you love her. 
v What makes your woman fall in love with you is what makes other women fall in lust with you. 

v Devil does not need to fight with what is in your hand, he only needs to attack what is in your mind. #MyMindEpisodes

vTop of Form

In d affairs of faith, it's always mission accomplished, no left over, no carry over. It's already done before it is done.

v The mind is a factory where all kinds of products of life are manufactured.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v You cannot know the power of information until it is planted in the soil of the mind and harvested! #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Ask me again and again, and I'll tell you that the most expensive commodity in the market of life is the mind. Forces are fighting on it.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v There are daily infectious agents that attack the bad moments that happen during the day that replay in the mind countless times, top the list. Get ur mind immunized. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Relocation doesn't mean anything if there has not been a change in your mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v You cannot live the life of Christ if you don't have the mind of Christ. The blueprint of life is imprinted in the mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Fear and anxiety are part of the infectious agents that attack the mind and put it in a diseased state; expressing all kinds of signs and symptoms. Immunize your mind before the attack. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Miracle is an event that only supernatural mind can produce, a natural mind doesn't have what it takes to conceive it. #MyMindEpisodes#MindMaster

v The only place where knowledge is transformed to wisdom is in the mind.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v My son, do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings.
Strength in this context could connote; your abilities, your gifts&talents, your resources(money,time,energy,etc), or your multi-million ideas.
Women in this context could connote; an object of distraction or disturbance, object of confusion or frustruation, factors that drain energy or strength.
Your ways could connote; your strategies& methodologies, your plans, your visions&ambitions, your dreams.
King is who you are, who you suppose to be.
My son, do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings. Be blessed!

v You cannot settle your life if you have not settled your mind. Put it in another way, you cannot make up your life if you have not made up your mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v You can reproduce again and again what you have in your hand, if you have it in your mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v One of the most important subfaculties of your mind is the area where images are produced, we call it imagination... nations of images. You can form the picture of your future through it. Your future is in your mind.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v The only part of your being that can give full expression to the kingdom of God is your mind. Get your mind engaged with the kingdom.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Possibility and Impossibility are two conflicting forces in the realm of the mind. Before it manifests in the flesh, it has succeeded in the mind. Breakdown every stronghold of unbelief in your mind. #MyMindEpisodes#MindMaster

v Don't go for beautiful face, go for beautiful mind. For beauty is seen from the mind, not from the eyes. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v #contd# Beautiful face will catch your attention, beautiful mind will keep your attention. Go for what will not only catch your attention but keep it. A beautiful mind will live a beautiful life. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Whatever is happening in your environment is interpreted by your mind. Whatever your mind interprets, that becomes your reality; you may feel cold in hot weather, you may feel abundance in poor environment. Not necessarily what the environment says, but what your mind interprets. Get a good interpreter. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v God will not make you rich by giving you money, He will make you rich by giving you a mind, prosperity mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v A paradigm shift in your mind is more than a million lift with your hand.#Renewingmind

v Something always happen when what you say with your mouth corresponds with what is in your mind. I have the mind of Christ.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Wise minds always know one thing to go for in the midst of plenty. Foolish minds don't know what to do even if they are given plenty things.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v If all you are going to school for is to get a good job and not a good mind then, sorry, an illiterate billionaire is better than you. Let education educates your mind. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Stop living for people in your mind; thoughts of who loves you, who does not care for you, who backbites you and the likes. Engage your mind with your life assignment and not with human approvements. #MyMindEpisodes#MindMaster

v Expectation in the realm of your mind will give birth to manifestation in the palm of your hand. Connect what you see in your mind(softcopy) with what you want to see in your hand(hardcopy). #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Until your eyes connects with your mind, you may not recognize opportunities before you. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v About 60,000 thoughts cross human minds everyday. Large percentage of these thoughts come as distractions and overlaps. Within few minutes, they've gone. They've got no substantial benefit. Get your mind focused!#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v A born-again spirit with an unrenewed mind cannot enjoy the benefits of new life in Christ. #MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Only those with brave mind will always take the lion share.#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v A sound mind produces sound results. Retentive and cognitive abilities, and intelligence are all functions of a mind in good condition. Outstanding success for those writing Krok 2 Exams(Ukraine) today. #MyMindEpisodes#MindMaster

v Global minds think globally and make global impact; Local minds think locally and make local impact. Start small but don't end small, you may look small, but see big. Global minds always solve global problems!#MyMindEpisodes #MindMaster

v Time is an important factor of life. It has quantity, and it has quality. The difference between the old and young is the quantity of time, whereas, the difference between the rich and poor is the quality of time.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Let's not be religious, what God will do for six days, he won't use one day to do it. #Considertimefactor #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Give it time, that zygote will become fetus. Give it time, that small girl will become mother of nations. Give it time, that rejected idea will become a multimillion dollar project. Give it time, that seed will yield bountiful harvest. Give it time, your faith will manifest. Give it time, you will become who you really are. #TimeandPatience #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v You could struggle and toil for years without achieving any tangible results. A moment in His presence can give you an encounter of a lifetime.#Everymountaindissolved #MyWeekofExperiencingWondersOfHisLove#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Time will make no sense to you until you're seriously in need of just 5minutes to get a job done, in need of 2minutes to meet up with an important appointment, in need of 1minute to enter an examination hall, but was eventually disqualified, in need of 30seconds to enter an important flight or train, but was missed, less than 10seconds to decide between life& death, but couldn't do nothing. Time is one of the most valuable resources in life. Don't waste it. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v An intangible resource that you can make tangible resources out of it...Mr.Time. You can convert your time to money, you can convert it to certificates. You can also convert your time to skills and all kinds of visible achievements. Infact, children can come from wise investment of your time with your spouse(Marriage affairs). Time is a currency, make sure you buy good things out of life with it. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Right things can be done but not at the right time. Right time always makes right things right. There's time for everything. Happy New Month.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Why fighting over what you can always get back at the expense of what you can never retrieve again. Time is an irreversible factor that can always get you back things that are lost. Don't cry over spilled milk, take your time to produce a new milk. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v The time has come when the Effulgence of God's Glory will be exalted among the nations of the world. Gentiles will come to the full knowledge of Christ and the Kingdom of our God will be established. Glory to God!#HappyCLICAnniversary #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v In the beginning, all creatures were created under the custody of time. Ability to understand and control time puts you in charge of creation.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Chronos operates with human calculations and speculations. Kairos operates with divine agenda and purpose. The latter always dominate the former with the consent of God-kind on earth. #MyTimeEpisodes#TimeReader

v Don't spend time, invest it. Spent time would depreciate your value, invested time would appreciate your value. Identify the priorities.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Expensive people sell their time expensively, cheap people sell their time cheaply. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Time is a commodity that rich people are looking for. Time is a liability that poor people are dying with. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v What kind of seeds are you sowing into your time...??? If you sow unmarital sex, you'll reap unwanted destiny, if you sow too much sleep, you'll reap poverty, if you sow help, you will reap unmerited favour, if you sow diligence, you'll reap greatness, if you sow prayers, you'll reap manifested blessings, if you sow good studies, you'll reap good knowledge that guarantees good success. Start sowing good seeds into your time now and you'll start reaping good harvest. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v It's not about the quantity, but it's about the quality of time you live on earth that matters. The former gives account of your age, whereas, the latter gives account of your impacts and results in life. Make a quality lifetime.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v For the fact that your reward has not come now doesn't mean you have wrongly invested your time, for the fact that people around you are making visible progress doesn't mean that, that time of delay has been a waste. Nothing is disposable, every second of your life has got a role to play, an experience is not an experiment but an encounter for enthronement, all things are working together for your good. Believe it, confess it and act on it. Greatness is yours! #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Has 5minutes ever appeared to you like 5hours or 5hours appeared to you like 5minutes...The difference is when God gets hold of your time or the devil sneaks into your time. Let God mastermind your time.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v If procrastination is an enemy of time, then proactiveness is a friend of time. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Relevance is a function of time. A life becomes relevant if it can function at the appropriate time. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v As the days go by; new knowledge, new ideas, new revelations, new results, new accomplishments and lots more surface, Why? The factor of time. Time is the agency through which secrets and mysteries will be brought to light. Hummm....Time makes life adventurous.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v When you don't plan nothing into your time, devil plans something into your time. Divine appointment saves you from demonic engagements.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v If you can invest your time into people's lives, they can invest their life into your time. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v The more the time you invest in preparation, the more the result you have in performance. Take your time to answer in private the questions you will be asked in public. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Don't waste your time running after eagles, take your time to gather carcass. Don't mismanage your time pursuing money, invest your time in getting practical ideas that will magnetize money. Don't waste your time running after small boys and girls that are living pompously on their parents' pseudowealth, take your time to add value to your life. You have what you need. You have time, turn it over. #MyTimeEpisodes#TimeReader

v There's no free time, except the one you make free, there's no break time, except the one you break into. A good master of time is a good master of life. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Everything in life is monitored with time, including your own body; A nucleus in the hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus(human biological clock) controls when you sleep and when you wake up. A farmer might have forgotten when he planted a seed inside the soil, but time will not forget when to give him his harvest. A man might have forgotten when he impregnated his wife, but time will not forget when to hand over his baby to him from his wife's womb when is due. Check what you are doing with time, and time will tell what you have done with it. #MyTimeEpisodes#TimeReader

v Those that invest their time on the minors of life have minor results. Those that invest their time on the majors of life have major results. Then, those that wisely appropriate their time on the minors and majors of life have a perfect, life-changing results. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Speed is the distance covered per time. There's a speed of a bicycle, there's a speed of a car, there's a speed of an aeroplane. The last is the fastest and the most convenient. There's a divine aircraft, that gives you the fastest speed in the journey of life. Don't worry if a bicycle rider has traveled miles, don't be bothered if a car driver has covered hundreds of kilometers, be patient till your flight takes off, they'll be hearing of you from higher realms of life. What am talking about is Grace! Grace saves your time, adds value to your life and makes you enjoy your best life on earth.#MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v There are times when time is cheap, there are times when time is expensive. Do not sell your time cheap when it is expensive, and do not sell your time expensive when you can easily give it out. The story of wise and foolish virgins. #MyTimeEpisodes #TimeReader

v Money is a material that is legally tendable for exchange of value; tangible or intangible. It's a financial theft to receive money without giving out value and it's a transaction loss to give out money without receiving any value in return. Know what you are exchanging with money. #MyMoneyEpisodes#MoneyMaker

v Money, in its right use, adds pleasure to your body, adds rest to your soul, and liveliness to your spirit. Money makes heaven real on earth. Poverty does opposites. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Money can buy gifts of men, it cannot buy gifts of God. Whatever God calls gift, he doesn't sell to man. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Let's not mix need for money with love for money. The former gives you the right attitude, the latter gives you the wrong attribute about money.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v It's an insult of 2nd degree order for man-made object(money) to be a bone of contention among God-made subjects. God's subjects are meant to dominate man's objects. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Being rich is not to know how to get money, it is to know how to make money, even when there's no money, you can create it.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v You won't know how to make money if you don't understand the principles of money. Principles have no respect for persons, except those who diligently observe them. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #Exchangeprinciple Money is a medium of exchange. It only comes to you when you have something valuable to exchange for it. It could be tangible or intangible; skills, talents, abilities, position, accomplishment, materials, goods or services etc. Every time you receive money, know value has gone out of you, whether you know it or not. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #SavingsPrinciple. Save your money with God(pay your tithe), save your money with man(bank savings or other means of savings). The former puts supernatural increase on your money, the latter puts calculative increase on your money. Both are needed. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #IncreasePrinciple Increasing your value increases your money. Money always leave the hand of people of low value to the hand of people of high value. The rich quest for more value, the poor ask for more money. Add more value to your life! #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #DisciplinePrinciple Don't spend money the way you want, use it the way you need it. When want is satisfied, transient pleasure is derived, when need is met, absolute contentment is guaranteed. Needs come out of essentiality, wants come out of frivolities. #MyMoneyEpisodes#MoneyMaker

v #LeveragePrinciple There are resources around you that can crystallize your multimillion ideas into money. You can leverage on people's abilities, ideas, resources like money, time, skills, talents and positions/status. Resources are everywhere depending on how well you can see. Leverage on them and turn them into money. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #InvestmentPrinciple Money does not stay with those that spend it, it stays with those that invest it. No matter how much you have, right investment will multiply your money seed. Money invested is money harvested in many folds. Parable of talents. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #AnointingPrinciple When the Spirit of God is at work, creative money is at dawn. Anointing creates and pulls money from anywhere and everywhere when the anointed is in need of it. If you doubt it, ask the fish that deliver money to Peter. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #KnowledgePrinciple What do you know about money? What do you want to know about money? Those two questions will answer how much you have and how much you want to have. Sound knowledge about money aborts stress about money. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #BitsbyBitsPrinciple Riches are not acquired overnight, they are built with time. Don't become a day millionaire, become a life millionaire. The days of small beginnings. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #PacketPrinciple Money is like a packet that can carry conveniently matters that trouble the mind and the body. Sickness, weakness, frustration and worries may not be necessary if money is present. Let's settle money matters first and other matters will automatically settle themselves.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #MindsetPrinciple What do you think about money... Is it good or evil, dispensable or indispensable? 'Cos the way you think about it will always determine the way you will live with/without it. Money is simply a material needed on earth that shouldn't be idolized. #MyMoneyEpisodes#MoneyMaker

v #StatisticsonMoneyMatters Eighty percents of divorced marriages are due to money matters. About 90% of all crimes are committed because of money. Eight hundred and five million people in the world are hungry because of poverty. More than 20,000 children die per day; Poor nutrition(due to poverty) contributes at least half of these deaths. One of the leading causes of depression and committing of suicide is severe debts and other money-related matters. These are problems that wisdom with money can solve. The world needs rich men and women of wisdom who will solve problems with money victimizing humanity. Am talking about you, take your wealthy place. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #ConfessionandAssertionPrinciple Have you ever said assertively that 'you are wealthy' in the midst of scarcity? Have you ever opened your mouth to say 'you are rich' despite no money in your account? Your confession is your possession. Be confident that you are rich and that will become your reality, through ideas that will begin to flow through your mind.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v #AbundancePrinciple When you hear about world billionaires and trillionaires, don't think part of your money is with them, No! There is more than enough wealth in the world for as many that want to become rich to any extent. If air has not ceased to circulate, then money has not ceased to flow. Your money is in nobody's hand. It's from your mind that you get it into your hand. Have abundance mindset. #MyMoneyEpisodes#MoneyMaker

v Any money you have that is not intended to follow God's course or use it to bless people has become a mammon. You can serve God with your money, but you cannot serve God and money. They will never go together.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Money is not the paper or coin you hold in your hand. It is somebody's authority that has become a legal tender within an area. Grivens cannot be spent outside Ukraine because it will become illegal tender. Only men of authority have authority over money. Those under authority are subjected to money control. Know your authority. #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v If God says he will bless you, don't expect money, expect ideas. Ideas are divine creativities for making lasting wealth. #MyMoneyEpisodes#MoneyMaker

v Many things money can buy, including the intangibles. Money can buy you favour. You can settle resentments and contention through money. You can use money to buy smiles and laughter on people's faces. In fact, you can win someone's heart through money. Money is a temporary earthly commodity that can buy you everlasting heavenly treasures.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Money does not multiply because you withhold it, it multiplies because you disown it. Multiplication does not happen in your hand, it happens in your mind. #ProsperityMindset #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Let them not know I have money, you have small money. Let them know I have money, you have nothing. It is not in what they know, it is in what you know that makes you to be known. The rich don't strife, they thrive!#KnowingMindset #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v The rich, I mean the wise ones, their words are money, their actions are money, their living produces money. They've created a force field around them that pulls money. They are landmarkers, they are groundbreakers, they are risk-takers, they are trailblazers and they are pathfinders. They know how to channel their ideas, they don't waste relationships, they don't miss opportunities, they value resources, they value ideas. Their wealth is not in the money they have, it is in the understanding they have. The rich make life rich. #UnderstandingMindset #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Money is key to health. You can't be wealthy except you are healthy. Money makes you enjoy life, poverty makes you endure life.#MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v What makes money available is not people or things around you, it is what within you. Don't look outside when you have not checked inside.#InwardMindset #MyMoneyEpisodes #MoneyMaker

v Life is a journey that is in phases and stages. It's one-way traffic with no going back. Better to relish every moment of it, for there is no joy in the graveyard. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Don't force your life on anybody. What somebody doesn't appreciate about you is what many other people are waiting for. Value your life!#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v I have been on earth for some days now. I have found the difference between meaningful life and meaningless life. The formal found purpose, the latter failed purpose. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Every product has a manufacturer. Every manufacturer knows the purpose of his product. Your life is God's product. He knows your purpose. To know your life purpose is not farfetched. Get to know Him and He will tell you.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v A man's life does not consist of the abundance of the things he has but of the abundance of the lives he touched with what he has. There's a life worths celebrating... Your life! #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Have you ever experienced God's goodness in life? Has the Lord's favour being evident in your life? Have you ever being a living witness of what God can do? Your life is a living testimony. Therefore, testify!#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v It's unprecedented. I mean it has never happened before, your life- God's innovative idea. It's special, it's unique. Among billions of lives, God could distinctively separate yours from the others, just because he wants your life to accomplish what no other life has accomplish before. God doesn't make repetitions, He makes innovations. Your life is God's freshest idea on earth, Make a difference. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v People will not celebrate your living if your life has not impacted their living.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Ask me how long I want to live and I will tell you how well I want to live. Not how many years that makes a life fulfilled, but how many impacts in the line of your purpose that makes a fulfilled life. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Don't beg to live, brag to live. Begging puts you at the mercy of life, bragging puts you at the mastery of life. Fear begs, Faith brags. Check it out! #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v God does not have problem with your living, He has problem with your thinking. 'Cos what is inside will always become what is outside. Good thinking produces good living. Think good life. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v There's nothing like private or public life. Your life is your life, anytime, anywhere. Whether in your closet or on the street. No hypocrisy!#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Great lives meet needs, small lives create needs. #MyLifeEpisodes#LifeLiver

v Don't live if there's nothing to lose, don't die if there's nothing to gain. To live is Christ's, to die is gain. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Good life is not driving a nice car, it is not living in a good house, it's not giving birth to many children, neither is it having numerous possessions. It is one thing...making other lives good. #LifeTouch #LoveTouch#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v For the very first time I saw a dead human body, terrible fear overwhelmed me that brought tears out of my eyes. I was wondering what could make a talking human being few seconds ago become permanently silent dead body, not to even respond to the hardest stimulus. I could touch the same body, feel the same texture, but hear no breath. A once living has become dead. All the titles, all the positions, all the accomplishments, all the certificates, all the glory, all the power and authorities, all the wisdom and smartness, all the gifts and talents, all the material possessions, and all the money in the bank, have all gone, just like that. All because the spirit has departed off the body. So, it's the spirit that runs life, flesh only does the casing. Let your spirit impact lives while still inside the body.#SpiritfromHeaven #BodyfromEarth #HeavenonEarth #ImpactonEarth#MyLifeEpisodes #LiveLiver

v You start living when you know why you should live. You stop living when you know why you should die. A life of no purpose is as good as dead.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v There is a life, though exist but is restricted to a place till it dies(plant life). There is another life, though can move everywhere but is restricted by its nature(animal life). There is another life, though can do everything but could be restricted by his mind(human life). Humm, there is another life, higher kind of life, though everything has been done on his behalf but could be restricted by one thing- Ignorance. Ignorance is the greatest enemy of living. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v How I wish I have another life. Which other variant is available that I could choose from? What if I terminate this life, can I get another one? A simple answer- your life is not optional, it is personal. You don't live it twice. Everything you encounter in life are raw materials that could be converted to anything you want. Make testimonies out of your life tests.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v To run life requires energy, either negative or positive. Negative energy drives life to destruction. Positive energy drives life to production. Energy from His Presence will make your life productive. #SupernaturalEnergy#SupernaturalLife #SupernaturalProductivity #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Your thinking affects your living, and your living affects your winning. Think to live and live to win. #Think #Live #Win #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v It's a slavery mentality to think somebody is responsible for your life. Your success in life is not determined by anybody, but you. You are solely responsible for how your life turn out to be. Take responsibility, take action!#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Don't look for better life, make your life better. Don't look for easy life, make your life easy. Stress and worries wear you out into troubles. Peace and joy work you out into blessings. Don't endure life, enjoy it. #MyLifeEpisodes#LifeLiver

v Whatever or whoever wants to dominate your thoughts without giving respect to your will is a slave master. Your life is not to be dominated. It's to be lived by choice and not by force. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Great lives are lived inside out. Small lives are lived outside in. The former feeds on the wisdom inside. The latter feeds on the news outside. Too much noise and distractions outside make small lives small. So much value and peace inside make great lives great. Harness the treasures inside that will make you live your best life on earth. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Some lives are full of complaints. Some lives are full of ingratitude. They blame everybody around. To them everything seems not just to be working, while they are busy doing nothing. While you are expecting God to do something, can you appreciate him for what he has done. He gave you strength to work, he gave you mind to generate ideas, he gave you breath of life to live well and lots of beautiful things in your life. Lives of thanksgiving always appreciate. Lives of complaints always depreciate. Without thanksgiving in your mouth, there won't be testimony in your hand.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Though started from an humble beginning, He lived a life of impact. He was despised. He was chastised and rejected, ridiculed by men. All wasn't because of Him. He needed to save the entire humanity. He was bruised. He was crucified. His blood was shed for atonement. Atonement of sins. What was left? Nothing. He died. Human life was terminated. On the third day, He rose from dead. God's life was activated. He won the battle. He overcame sin and death. Now, for as many that want Him, He gave them power and authority. He gave them life, God's life. What's next? Living! Glorious living, Abundant living, Purposeful living in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Achievements in life is not about knowing so many things, it's about applying so many things. People that run life are not those that know-how, it is those that do-how. Life is not about theories, it is about having results.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Those that rush through life rush out of life. Those that run through life run out of life. Those that work through life have a worth of life that lives celebrate. Only people that work have a worth. Work is not a curse. It is a course that successful people take in life. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Who are you running with? Who is your competitor? And who are you measuring your life with? You don't need to run rat race with anybody. Your life is not a contest, neither is it a league. Your life is God's investment on earth. Make sure it's productive. #MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v God will not give you more lives if you don't value the one He has put in your care. He will not make you known if you don't know the ones he has put around you. Celebrate lives and lives will celebrate you.#MyLifeEpisodes #LifeLiver

v Food provides nutrients. Nutrients provide energy. Energy makes things work. Food to your stomach makes your body work. Food to your mind makes your life work. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v If eating wrong food could cause the fall of man, eating right food can cause the rise of man. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Your mouth is not only for eating food, it's also for making food. Word can become flesh through the agency of your mouth. Make good food with your mouth. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Give food to the wise, it will nourish him. Give food to the fool, it will poison him. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Oftentimes we get carried away by the taste and aroma of food that we forget the value, the nutrient value. After the food has passed your mouth, there's nothing like taste or aroma in your gastrointestinal tract, you are left with the content, the nutrient value. Eat food for its good, not its look.#ProtbeansFoods #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v There is no benefit, eating to the point of being obese. You don't need it. It's detrimental to your health. Don't eat too much, or take too much sugary things that can become fat in your body. Prevention is better than cure. Eat smart. Look smart. Live good. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v One of the major functions of food is support to the body immune system. Nutrients from food energize the immune cells to fight against diseases and infections. Good food to your mind fight against attacks from worries and fears. Get good food to your body and mind that will resist every attack. Eat well. Live well. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v We don't eat food all the time but we need food all the time. If you doubt me, ask the brain how many minutes it can hold without food, or how many days you can live (not exist) without a functioning mind. Food runs life.#BreadofLife #FoodofLife #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Whoever does not work, let him not eat. Food is not for the lazy. Meanwhile, whosoever has eaten, let him work, let him convert the energy he has got to the benefit of humanity, not to the obesity of nonentity.#PutFoodtoWork #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v I dedicate today to the Great Vessels God has been using to feed me with food of wisdom, stature, abilities, and ideas. Thanks a million. #Blessings.#MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v The difference between the rich and the poor is in what they eat. The rich feeds his stomach and mind with good food, the poor feeds his tummy and head with crazy junks. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Foods, essentially are from plant or animal origin. Edible plant products are seeds(cereals, legumes, nuts), fruits(botanic and culinary fruits), and vegetables(root vegetables, bulbs, leaf vegetables, stem vegetables, and inflorescence vegetables). Edible animal products are Animal flesh(meat), blood, milk, oil, eggs, honey, et cetera. Some of these products are eaten raw, some are processed/cooked. They have different tastes, smell/scent, look, nutrients and means of cultivation/multiplication. Food diversity allows us to make choices and favorites. With good food, life is not boring. With good food, life is not dulling. Enjoy food blessings. #MyFoodEpisodes#FoodFather

v Who cook food nicer, men or women? Who eat food more, women or men? Food has got nothing to do with gender. It's just our mindset that determines the way the food is set. #MyFoodEpisodes #FoodFather

v Only the diligent eats good food. The lazy eats whatever he finds. Diligent makes eating productive. Lazy man makes eating insultive.

You don’t need to go crazy because you had erection while looking at a lady. It’s natural. A sign that you are fulfilling the law of nature- multiplication. Passion for reproduction and mulitiplication. Passion for pleasure

A lady that is not yours will make you lazy. Be aware of parasites and energy drainers.

If you don’t know what is doing you, you should know what you are doing.

If you don’t know where you are going, you should know where you are coming from.

If you don’t like what you have done, you should like what you are doing.

If you don’t like the number of hours you sleep, then change the number of hours you are awake.

Going everywhere, walking everywhere, all these will not do anything, except you walk in to the right place

Having result in life is not about working hard, it’s about working smart. Work smart.