Thursday, May 2, 2024

Eating with Purpose: How Your Blood Type Affects What You Eat

Our blood type exerts significant influence on what we eat. Not only that, it does affect our health and dietary needs. This is a fact that is firmly established by scientific research. As our blood type impact our immune system, it also plays a pivotal role in how our bodies digest and absorb nutrients from the foods we consume.

In addition to individual variations, our blood type determines the composition of our blood and how it interacts with various food elements. 

In this article, we'll delve into the foods that elicit different responses based on our blood type, identifying our dietary strengths and weaknesses.

Consuming foods aligned with our strengths contributes to our overall health and fitness. Conversely, indulging in foods that fall under our weaknesses category may lead to excessive calorie intake, complicating weight management efforts.

Let's explore these dietary patterns specific to each blood type:

Blood Type O: 

For individuals with blood type O, strengths lie in protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. Conversely, weaknesses include dairy products, corn, and certain grains. Those with this blood type boast robust metabolism for protein-heavy diets but may struggle with digesting fats and carbohydrates efficiently.

This blood type, aptly named O, harks back to earlier generations when meat constituted a primary dietary staple. Accordingly, their physiology adapted to thrive on high-protein diets.

Blood Type A: 

Blood type A individuals excel with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, fish, and minimal meat intake. Dairy products pose a challenge for digestion. This blood type emerged during agrarian times, reflecting a diet centered around plant-based foods and minimal animal products. Their digestive systems are attuned to processing carbohydrates, fibers, and essential nutrients from natural sources.

Blood Type B: 

Those with blood type B thrive on a balanced diet comprising eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and grains, while being less compatible with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chicken, and buckwheat. Blood type B individuals possess a versatile metabolism, effectively processing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The balanced nature of their dietary requirements reflects their ability to digest a diverse array of foods.

Blood Type AB: 

Blood type AB individuals exhibit a combination of dietary traits from types A and B, favoring vegetables, fruits, grains, seafood, and dairy products, while red meat, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, and beans are less suited to their digestive systems. 

Representing a modern blood type, AB individuals have evolved from the heavy meat consumption characteristic of blood type O to a preference for lighter, nutrient-rich foods.

Understanding the compatibility of foods with our body chemistry aids in maintaining balance, controlling weight, and promoting longevity. While our bodies possess the capability to digest various foods, recognizing our dietary strengths and weaknesses enhances our ability to make informed dietary choices.

I trust this information will contribute to your well-being and empower you to make healthier dietary decisions. Feel free to share these insights with your loved ones, and may you enjoy a life filled with vitality and good health. Cheers!

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1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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5 Proven Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Lowering your blood pressure can be daunting, especially when there are different causes for it. It is crucial to maintain a lowered blood pressure if you want your heart to be healthy and avoid the risk of any cardiovascular diseases. In this article, I will share with you 5 proven ways to lower your blood pressure and enjoy a happy heart. Here are they:

1. Adopt A Healthy Diet: 

There are no two ways about it – your diet is vital for your health, and in this case, your heart health. One of the most effective ways to lower your blood pressure is to adopt a diet that is rich in fiber and healthy fats while lowering the intake of processed foods and added sugars. 

The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, in particular, emphasizes fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts while limiting red meat, sweets, and sugary beverages. This balanced approach to eating allows for the reduction of blood pressure and the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Reduce Sodium Intake: 

Excessive sodium consumption is a major contributor to high blood pressure. By reducing sodium intake, you can significantly lower your blood pressure. This is because sodium intake increases blood volume by retaining water in the circulatory system, which consequently increases the risks of cardiovascular diseases. 

So, lowering sodium intake is good for the heart. The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, with an ideal limit of 1,500 milligrams per day for most adults, especially those with high blood pressure.

3. Engage in Regular Physical Activity: 

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy heart and lowering blood pressure. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week. 

Activities such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing are excellent choices for improving cardiovascular health and reducing blood pressure.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight: 

Excess body weight, particularly around the waistline, is closely linked to high blood pressure. By achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, you can significantly reduce your blood pressure levels. 

Losing even a small amount of weight can have a significant impact on blood pressure, so setting realistic goals and making sustainable lifestyle changes is key.

5. Manage Stress and Practice Relaxation Techniques: 

Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, it's essential to find healthy ways to manage your stress and promote relaxation. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, tai chi, and progressive muscle relaxation can help you lower your blood pressure by promoting relaxation and reducing stress hormone levels in your body. 

Incorporating these practices into your daily life can contribute to better heart health and overall well-being.

In essence, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, reduced sodium intake, regular physical activity, weight management, and stress management techniques can effectively lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

I hope you will live well and enjoy a happy life. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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7 Foods that Prevent Heart Disease

Ensuring a healthy heart is paramount for our overall well-being. The reason is simple: our heart is one of the vital organs in our body. And we know that heart disease tops the list among the diseases causing death worldwide. So, taking care of our heart is of utmost importance.

One of the most effective ways of doing that is to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. Here are seven foods, among others, that are good for your heart and cardiovascular system.

1. Oily Fish

This is a good one to start with. Oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Examples include salmon, mackerel, and sardines. They are celebrated for their cardiovascular benefits. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation and lower triglyceride levels, ultimately reducing the risk of heart disease.

2. Berries 

Next is berries. Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, berries are a delicious addition to any heart-healthy diet. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are packed with compounds like anthocyanins and flavonoids, which help lower blood pressure, reduce oxidative stress, and improve your overall heart function. 

Whether enjoyed fresh, frozen, or blended into smoothies, berries offer a flavorful and nutritious way to support your heart health.

3. Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are nutritional powerhouses brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These greens are particularly rich in vitamin K, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy blood clotting and preventing calcium buildup in the arteries. 

Incorporating these leafy greens into your salads, soups, stir-fries, or smoothies is an excellent way to promote your heart health.

4. Whole Grains

Unlike refined grains, which have been stripped of their nutrient-rich bran and germ layers, whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat retain their fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

The fiber content of whole grains helps lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, and promote satiety, all of which contribute to a healthy heart. 

Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal, swap refined grains for whole grain alternatives, and enjoy the heart-healthy benefits of these nutrient-dense foods.

5. Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are excellent sources of heart-healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Regular consumption of nuts and seeds has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, thanks to their ability to lower cholesterol, decrease inflammation, and improve blood vessel function. 

Enjoy a handful of nuts or seeds as a snack. Sprinkle them over your salads or yogurt. And incorporate them into your baked goods for a healthy heart boost.

6. Avocados

Creamy and delicious, avocados are not only a versatile culinary ingredient but also a heart-healthy superfood. Packed with monounsaturated fats, avocados help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels, thereby supporting heart health. 

Additionally, avocados are a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. Whether sliced on toast, mashed into guacamole, or blended into smoothies, avocados are a heart-healthy addition to any diet.

7. Legumes

The last but not the least are the legumes. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are all members of the legume family, known for their heart-healthy properties. 

These plant-based proteins are rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them an excellent choice for heart health. 

Consuming legumes regularly has been associated with lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol levels, and improved blood sugar control, all of which contribute to a healthy heart. 

You can add these legumes to your soups, salads, stews, and chili or enjoy them as a protein-rich side dish to reap the cardiovascular benefits of these nutritious foods.

I believe incorporating these seven heart-healthy foods into your diet can help support your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

I wish you a happy and healthy heart. Cheers! 

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1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

I was recently talking to a friend who told me she has been working on her diet and doing lots of fasting, but it has been a bit challenging for her, given that fasting is not something she’s used to. However, because it’s a sacrifice for weight loss, she has to do it.

I could imagine that happening to a lot of people. And I admired her courage because I know it might be hard for many to embark on.

In this article, I will share with you how to really enjoy fasting for weight loss. 

It is no doubt that fasting is essential for weight loss. And no matter how much you exercise, if you don’t also cut down on how much calories you put in your body, you might end up gaining more. I guess that’s not what you want. So, let’s look at how you can enjoy fasting for weight loss.

The most important thing when it comes to fasting is your mind. You want to condition your mind properly for the fasting. And how do you do that? – By simply telling your mind a story.

Look for one captivating story to tell your mind. For example – you could tell your mind – “Now, we have more than enough food (calories) in the house (your body), so let’s enjoy it while it lasts (fasting). 

Let your mind understand that the fasting is not a stress. It is not compulsory. You don’t have to do it. You just want to do it. And for some other benefits, it’s good to do it. Benefits such as feeling lighter, improved concentration, increased energy levels, and enhanced body repair.

Next point is, engage in productive activities. If you are someone who is busy with work or whatever project you are working on, give yourself additional time when you will eat. If you usually eat breakfast before you start work, skip it until lunch. Extend your waiting period.

Also, having an eating window is good. This is when you tell yourself you can only eat from this time to this time. 

For example – you can only eat from 12pm to 9pm. That is 9 hours eating window and 15 hours fasting window. You could do something less or more depending on your strength. 

It’s better you start small and go higher. For example, you can start with 6 hours fasting window to 12, 24, 36, and so on.

Pay attention to your daily activities and routines. Eat before you do any major physical activity, and fast after then.

Next, focus on hydration during fasting periods. Drink a lot of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and reduce hunger cravings. You can incorporate nutrient-dense foods into your meals during eating windows to ensure that your body receives essential vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, stay flexible and gentle with yourself during the fasting journey. Recognize that there may be days when you feel not so good with fasting. That’s okay. Be kind to yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection.

I hope these tips will help you enjoy your fasting and make you lose weight even when you don’t know it. Keep well and keep safe. Have a nice one. Cheers!

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Someone Can Disappoint You, But Humanity will Not Disappoint You

Yes! Someone can disappoint you, but humanity will not disappoint you. This is because humanity is nature. Nature cannot disappoint you, no matter what any person does to you.

For a long time, I’ve been confused about trusting people and allowing them to enter my inner circle, only to have them do bad things to me. I decided not to allow anyone to even come into my space, let alone do anything negative to me. 

I was frustrated with people's behavior and wanted to close my heart against them. 

But recently, I gained a better understanding – there is a difference between a person and humanity. Whatever someone or people have done to you cannot demean or reduce the value of humanity. 

God still places so much value on humanity. He created us in His image and likeness. Therefore, humanity is the selfie and handmade of God. 

If humanity is the handmade of God, then there is no problem with humanity. I can have a problem with a person because I can’t decide for them or predict what they will do. But for humanity, everything is on course. God is in charge. Humanity is predictable. Humanity is reliable. 

As far as this earth is concerned, people will always be here. Humanity will be preserved on earth. And God will always use people for us. He will always come to our rescue when we need people.

The most important thing is to rely on our greatest source, which is God. If we rely on God, there won’t be a problem with humans. God is in charge of all humans. And if one person decides not to be useful for God, He can use another one. 

One person can disappoint God, but humanity will not disappoint Him. There will always be one person that will be useful for God. There will always be one person that God will count on to execute His assignment on earth. I want that person to be me. I wonder if that person can be you.

I know people always complain about how they experience disappointments and frustrations with others. I hear how they’ve decided not to allow anyone again into their life. 

But here is the thing, you don’t want to be disappointed in humanity. You don’t want to be callous to people. The day you shut the door of your heart against humanity is the day you shut the door of your heart against God. And that would mean ending your source. That would be catastrophic. You don’t want to do that. 

So, it’s better to have faith in humanity. Trust God in people. Never depend on one person. Because God always has people to use and He can use anyone He chooses. He’s never short of people. He would always have one person remaining that will do His course. 

So, I encourage you to relax and keep being good and kind to people. Never pay anyone back with evil, but overcome evil with good. God bless you and have a great time. Cheers!

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Mind-Body Connection: How to Harness the Power Within For Healing and Good Health

"The body achieves what the mind believes." - Napoleon Hill

Have you ever wondered what the connection is between your mind and body? Perhaps you're thinking about something, and suddenly your blood pressure begins to shoot up, or you're panicking about something, and you start to feel pain in your stomach. These are common scenarios. If you've ever experienced any of these situations, then you can relate to the concept of the mind-body connection.

The idea of the mind-body connection is to understand that the mind and body are not separate entities but rather integral aspects of our whole being. Every thought we think, every emotion we feel, and every belief we hold exerts a profound influence on the functioning of our bodies, shaping everything from our immune response to our cardiovascular health.

Consider, for a moment, the simple act of smiling. Research has shown that the physical act of smiling – even when we don't feel particularly happy – can trigger the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and well-being. In this way, the simple act of smiling can actually alter our brain chemistry and shift our mood and mental state.

Likewise, the experience of stress – whether it stems from work, relationships, or other sources – can have a profound impact on our physical health.

When we experience stress, our bodies release a cascade of hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline, which trigger the body's "fight or flight" response. While this response can be lifesaving in the short term, chronic stress has been linked to a host of health problems, including hypertension, digestive disorders, and immune dysfunction.

But the mind-body connection is not just about how our mental and emotional states influence our physical health; it is also about how our physical health influences our mental and emotional well-being.

Fortunately, the mind-body connection also offers us a pathway to healing and wholeness. By cultivating a greater awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, we can begin to consciously influence our physical health and well-being in positive ways. 

This is not about denying or suppressing difficult emotions, but rather about learning to work with them in a constructive and empowering manner.

One powerful tool for harnessing the mind-body connection is… ***

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy - A NEW BOOK RELEASE!

In our journey of life, we often find ourselves seeking answers to questions of our health and well-being. We tend to find a lasting solution to most challenges that we face with our diet and weight problems. In this book, I embark on a transformative journey of showing you the natural healing modalities and herbal therapy that can empower you to reclaim your health, restore balance, and unleash the full potential of your body, mind, and spirit.

In this book, I explore seven powerful pathways to natural healing and herbal therapy, each offering its own unique perspective and approach to health and well-being. From the healing power of nutrition and herbal medicine to the transformative potential of mindfulness and energy healing, you will journey through the rich tapestry of natural healing modalities, uncovering the profound wisdom and healing potential that lies within each one.

Whether you are seeking relief from chronic health conditions, looking to optimize your well-being, or simply curious about the potential of natural healing modalities, this book offers a comprehensive guide to reclaiming your health and vitality.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

When I Saw Negative Pictures of Africa on the Internet

When I saw negative pictures of Africa on the internet, I saw more than just images. I saw numbers. I saw good spirits. I saw able men and women. I saw youthfulness. I saw agile and vibrant minds. I saw opportunities. I saw problems to solve. I saw things to do. I saw jobs. I saw the future.

There's no need to complain again about what the West does. There's no need to worry again about their custom of always showing pictures of a poor and hungry Africa. I know many of them will say – "if this is not in Africa, where is it? Is it in Europe?" 

But there's no need to argue about that. We know what their intentions are. They want to keep people away so they can keep extorting Africa. They want to keep it as a zoo so they can keep running their business. We understand. 

But one thing will shock them. It is the fact that they cannot read the mind of the Creator. They cannot understand the direction the world is going. They cannot control anything the nature is in charge of.

I mean, who can control a human mind? Or who can control how many people live on earth? Or who can even control the direction of human development? There's no need to start debating that. 

Whatever is happening is all for our good. It is all for us. The Africa we see is fresh and novel. The Africa that has a brighter future. The Africa that is full of energy and strength, good spirit and hospitality, happiness and joy, and purpose and determination.

The Africa I saw is full of opportunities. The Africa that is about to bud into greatness. The Africa that no one or nothing can stop. It is the Africa that I saw. 

The Africa that I saw is rising in power. The Africa that is full of health and a sound mind. The Africa that is moving at the pace of light and sound. 

The Africa I saw is full of vibrant spirits. The Africa that is full of hope and faith. 

The Africa I saw is bubbling in joy and basking in the glamour of nature and an exciting future.

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Hey there! I’m S.O PIENS. I’m a passionate African who loves knowledge and education. I’ve been in the knowledge industry for the past 7 years. I’m a health specialist, but I also love everything knowledge, food, science, research, and so on. Hope to see you around and enjoy some of my posts and articles. You're welcome!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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What NEXT?

I know as an African, you might be asking yourself, "What NEXT? What exactly do we need to start doing NOW?" 

Considering all the things we have to do, I know the task might be daunting and it might look impossible to accomplish – but you know what, it is not impossible!

I know one thing for sure – nothing is insurmountable and for every problem there is always a solution. Though we might not have all the resources we need, but we surely have what we need to start.

First of all is belief. It must start from our minds. It must start from the inside. We must believe that we can do it.

Someone said "You can’t receive until you believe."

It is belief that makes us do anything we want to do. The action doesn’t just happen without the mind taking part in it. It must first start in the mind. Just as we know nothing happens in real life without first happening in the mind.

All the things we see in our world today happen because someone first conceived them in their mind. It’s absolutely impossible to get anything done without accepting it in your mind – whether conscious or subconscious. So, solving the problem of our continent must first start from our mind – our belief.

Next is action. What exactly do we need to start doing to get result in the direction of what we want? 

It is what I can summarize as empowerment. 

We must go all out for this one thing – empowerment. What does this mean? It means– getting the resources needed to achieve our goals – getting the capacity to get the job done. 

Empowerment equips us with the competence needed to effect the change that we need to make on our continent. It instills in us the confidence, courage, and faith required to take decisive action. 

Empowerment manifests in various forms. We have mental empowerment, financial empowerment, social empowerment, spiritual empowerment, physical empowerment, emotional empowerment, marital empowerment, and so on. 

These forms of empowerment are not solely about obtaining the resources or capacity but also deploying them effectively for optimal results. 

It is imperative that we support one another. We must assist each other in acquiring knowledge, providing the right information and education, offering financial support, praying for one another, and providing encouragement. 

We must see ourselves as brothers and sisters, recognizing that our collective growth is essential for the development of the African continent. 

Whatever resources or abilities you possess, utilize them to support your fellow brothers and sisters. Do not withhold valuable resources when they are needed to assist someone in need. You never know the profound impact your generosity may have on someone's life. 

Seize the opportunity to be a blessing to others and contribute to the rising of a new Africa, where we all partake in its beauty and glory. 

In the subsequent articles, I will discuss more about these forms of empowerment and how we can deploy them for optimal results in our lives. 

Cheers to a new Africa! Cheers to a brighter future!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. The Rising of A New Africa

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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The Rising of A New Africa

I see a new Africa – not the one we’ve been told, but the one we will all create. 

I see a new Africa– the Africa that will lead the world and change the narrative of our generation. The Africa that will take back our lands from the hands of wolves. 

The new Africa I see is the Africa that will develop its people. It is the Africa that will love and embrace unity. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will allow entrepreneurship and businesses to thrive. It is the Africa that will have value for human life. 

The Africa I see is the Africa where leaders will be committed to serving the nation, and the citizens will be committed to making their nations a better place. 

The Africa I see is the Africa where there will be no tribalism or discrimination of any sort, because we will see ourselves as one family and brothers and sisters with each person’s unique differences. 

The Africa I see is the Africa where our differences will be celebrated, and we will leverage those differences to make our continent a better place. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will feed the world because we will have more than enough food to give – not the ones that have been borrowed but the ones we have cultivated on our own arable lands. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will embrace the world with love and kindness. It is the Africa that will celebrate equity and justice. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will develop talents of the youths and teach children the way they should go. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will create strong institutions and judiciary systems that will uphold the law and order in the continent. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will allow human rights to thrive and let people enjoy their freedom. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will let people value and appreciate one another. 

The Africa I see is the Africa where people will be satisfied and content with what they have and there will be no greed or selfishness. 

The Africa I see is the Africa that will start from each and every one of us. It is the Africa that will start from you!

Happy new month, friends. Happy Workers’ Day.

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Hey there! I’m S.O PIENS. I’m a passionate African who loves knowledge and education. I’ve been in the knowledge industry for the past 7 years. I’m a health specialist, but I also love everything knowledge, food, science, research, and so on. Hope to see you around and enjoy some of my posts and articles. You're welcome!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

There are 7 simple, surprising ways to lose weight. We will discuss them in this article. You will find common but practical strategies to get rid of those body fats that are giving you a tough time. Here are they:

1. Get More Quality Sleep

It's good to start with sleep. Quality sleep plays a crucial role in weight management. I know this might sound counterproductive for those who think sleep increases the accumulation of body fat. But the opposite is true. 

When you sleep, you burn calories. Your body's muscles and organs are still working when you are asleep. In fact, the body burns more calories during Rapid-Eye Movement Sleep than when you are at rest awake. So, sleep is very important for maintaining body weight. 

Lack of sleep can actually disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods. 

So, on average, you should sleep for at least 6 hours per night to support your weight loss efforts. 

Another important thing—sleep helps you manage stress. Chronic stress can lead to weight gain by increasing levels of cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage, and trigger emotional eating. So, lowering stress will help you lower your body weight. 

2. Plan Your Meals

I discovered that as simple as this sounds, many of us are guilty of it. Most times, it’s when we are hungry that we think of what to eat. And if we are somewhere that we can’t find what we want, we will eat whatever is available. 

Planning our meals ahead could be a good way to regulate our body weight because we will eat exactly what we want, and not too much. We will not be rushing or feeling uncomfortable. We will also be able to put the right nutrients into our diet, while we watch what we eat. 

All these are necessary for maintaining a healthy weight and ultimately cutting those excess fats from our diet.

3. Stay Hydrated

Water is vital to our body. It helps every system in our body function well and aids metabolic processes. For weight management, drinking water before meals can help reduce calorie intake by promoting feelings of fullness. 

Moreover, water supports proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Make sure you drink water before you eat or 20-30 minutes after you eat. This is because drinking water during eating could speed up the digestion process and make you hungry faster. We don’t want that. What we want is to delay the digestion a bit. 

So, drink water much later. That would delay the digestion process and make you feel full while the digestion will still take place properly at the right time.

4. Increase Protein Intake

Including protein-rich foods in your diet can help boost metabolism and reduce your appetite. This will lead to greater calorie burn and weight loss. 

Aim to include protein-rich foods in your diet. Foods such as chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes are good protein sources. Excess proteins are not stored in the body no matter the quantity you eat. So, you don't get excess calories in your body from protein diet. 

However, the quantity of protein you eat can affect your appetite, which will ultimately affect your body weight. So, when you increase your protein intake, you will reduce your body's appetite, which will lower your calorie intake and subsequently your body weight. So, a good quantity of protein is good for your body weight management.

5. Practice Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, which can promote weight loss by reducing calorie intake and improving metabolic health. 

Popular fasting methods include the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window, and the 5:2 method, where you eat normally for five days and restrict calories on two non-consecutive days. 

Also, you can eat in bits. Eating in bits helps you feel satisfied easily without loading your intestines with too much food. Heavy eating per meal is a sure way to increase body weight. Because the body will still feel hungry anyway, so it’s better to eat in bits. 

And when you eat a lot, you keep expanding your stomach, which eventually increases the quantity of food that you eat per meal. You don’t feel satisfied easily. So, eating in bits is a good way to keep the stomach size moderate while you feel full early, and digestion also takes place easily. 

6. Increase Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

NEAT refers to the calories (heat) burned through activities other than exercise. This includes walking, standing, jumping, dancing, and so on. Increasing these activities throughout the day can significantly impact calorie expenditure and aid in weight loss. 

Look for opportunities to incorporate more movement into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or pacing while on the phone. It could also be standing while cooking or doing some house chores such as cleaning, washing, ironing, or mopping the floor. 

7. Limit the amount of processed and junk foods

We all know that eating processed and junk foods is not healthy for our diet. But we still eat them. This is because the contents of these foods are designed to make us feel addicted and trigger our brains for more. 

So, when we keep eating them, we binge-eat and become increased in size. To lose weight, we’ve got to cut down on these foods. 

Instead of processed foods, we should eat fresh foods. And instead of junk foods, we should eat natural, organic foods. 

Also, limit liquid calories. Foods such as sugary beverages like soda, fruit juice, and energy drinks are high in calories and can contribute to weight gain. So, it’s better to opt for water, herbal tea, or sparkling water instead to reduce calorie intake and support weight loss.

I hope these ways will help you manage your weight and still enjoy good food. I wish you more happiness and joy in your everyday life. Have a good one. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. 7 Foods that Are Good For Your Heart

3. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What to Do When You Are Confused

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're confused – absolutely unsure of what to do? Perhaps you're grappling with doubt, not knowing of whether the outcome will be in your favor. It's possible that you're in such a predicament right now, feeling lost and uncertain.

Let me assure you that this is entirely normal, and it's part of life. It's a transient phase that will eventually pass, just as we know no situation is permanent.

Depending on the source of your confusion—whether it’s in your marriage, or about your finances, business, project, workplace, or it’s emotional, spiritual, social or anything—you can begin by identifying it and understanding why it's causing you distress. For instance, if you're perplexed about your finances, feeling at a loss for job opportunities or assistance, and everything seems dooming, it could be hard to deal with but it’s not impossible.

Firstly, allocate some time to relax and calm your mind. Confusion thrives on uncertainty and indecision, so easing the mental burden by temporarily setting aside your concerns is paramount.

Next, engage in activities that foster inner connection, such as meditation, prayer, or simply immersing yourself in a serene environment to unwind.

Often, the solutions we seek externally are already within us; we just need to quiet our minds and listen.

In times of confusion, focus inward. Don't dwell on external chaos; instead, center your attention on your inner being.

Also, seeking counsel from like-minded people can be invaluable. There's strength in unity, and sharing your thoughts with someone who understands can provide clarity and perspective. As the saying goes, "Two heads are better than one."

Another thing —consider your end goal. What do you hope to achieve amidst the confusion? If it's financial stability, explore various avenues, brainstorming alternative income streams, seeking assistance, or even starting your own venture.

Document your thoughts and options. Clarify your objectives and brainstorm potential solutions. The more you focus on your end goal, the clearer your path forward will become.

More so, invest in self-improvement. Acquire knowledge, develop new skills, or attend events that will broaden your horizons. Empower yourself with the tools needed to navigate through uncertainty.

I hope these strategies will help you in finding clarity amidst confusion, and enable you to progress towards your goals with confidence and determination. Hearty cheers!

If this post makes sense to you, please share with someone. Thanks for your support. 

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Friday, April 26, 2024

Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

Everything you need is in the hands of people. I can’t overemphasize this. The earlier you understand this, the better for you—because this will help you in achieving success in life. Everything you need is in the hands of people—whatever you are looking for, whatever you desire in your life, someone already has it.

The life you are dreaming to live, someone is already living that life. That dream job that you wish to have, someone already has it. I say that dream car and all those beautiful things you want in your life, someone already has them.

You may know or you may not know it, but for everything you want to do, someone is already doing it. That is why they say there is nothing new under the sun. It is because everything we are doing now or about to do, someone has already done them. And does that mean we are not creative or innovative in our own way?

Definitely not! Every one of us is unique and different, and we can’t be compared to any other person. But the truth of the matter is everything we do is fundamentally the same as human beings. 

Now, you don’t have to invent the wheel if someone has already invented it. It’s only left for you to discover it and use it to your advantage. One of the most important leverages you can use in life is people

People have the things you are looking for. They have the knowledge, experience, expertise, time, resources, and many other things that you are looking for. It is now left for you to find people that have those things.

That is where discernment comes in. As people have what you need, you also want to know that not everybody has that thing. So, you have to be selective and discerning in connecting with the right people. Because not all people are valuable to you. Not everyone you see should be your friend or people you should connect with.

There are people who don’t have anything to contribute to your life. Rather, it could be something negative. So, you have to be highly discerning when it comes to choosing the right people to relate to and bring into your inner circle.

I know individuals who have been exalted by people. And I also know individuals who have been demoted by people. When you connect with the right people, your life gets better. When you connect with the wrong people, your life gets worse. So, people can make or break you.

Discerning and understanding people start with knowing different human personalities and uniqueness. You can read this article to learn about different human personalities: 16 Types of Human Personality

Any and every subject that has to do with humans is relevant to your success in life. Getting to know human behaviors, attitudes, habits, characters, qualities, nature, and so on, is essential in forging ahead in your life and career.

You might not know how to relate with people if you don’t study people or learn from those who have the experience. Learning the lessons of life all by yourself might not be easy. If you make too many mistakes, you might feel frustrated and disappointed in life. That is why you want to learn from other people, and understand how to interact and handle different situations with people.

For sure, people have what you need. And people need what you have. In the next article, I will discuss what you have that people need. You don’t only need what people have. People also need what you have. And that is the connecting point. We will discuss that in the next article. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend.

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