Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Color of Your Skin Has A Purpose

On a late Friday evening, around 11 pm, I was out having my evening bike ride when I stumbled upon a mob, 99% white people. I saw them streaming out of a big hall – seems like something was going on. And you know I’m always curious about things. 

So, I parked my bike and went to ask someone about what was going on. I approached a gentleman, and he was reserved at first to respond, then he told me – “Oh, it’s a music concert.” As he was talking, he was pulling back, sort of like he didn’t want to talk much. 

I quickly understood and allowed him to go. The people that were with him were also not comfortable. Perhaps, I sensed because they saw an African person asking them about a music concert.

I hardly saw any black person around. So, it was obvious that the concert entertained mostly white people. And I understand. This is their country. They have every right to do their own thing and attend programs that are exclusive for them, even though they won’t write it on their website.

Now, here’s the idea I want to bring out. I felt bad seeing their response and how also one of the security agents was rude to me. I wanted to ask more about the event, but his response was cold. 

Then, I began to think, is it even a curse to have black skin? Why must people always be judging me because of my skin color when I didn’t decide or choose that for myself? Why would people just assume who I am based on my skin color without even having to hear anything from me? I felt this is unfair and very bad.

Though I know a lot of these white people pretend they protect human rights and they are for everyone’s good. But in their head, they always think black people are subhumans. They are below them. They’ve got nothing really to offer the world.

If you see many subtle racist behaviors many of them engage in, you will be shocked to your bones. In their closet, they always say nasty and derogatory things about black people. 

I keep asking myself, why should my skin color, something natural that I didn’t create by myself be a yardstick for measuring my intelligence or ability? Why should my skin color be my limitation in life and the lens through which people will be looking at me?

I felt so embarrassed and angry.

But at a point, I began to understand something differently. I realized that it can’t be that the Creator has made a mistake. It can’t be that just skin color will give someone privilege over me or make them better or more successful than I am. There must be something more about this.

There is a purpose for my skin color. And that purpose must be known. I must understand that the Creator has made us all equally and fearfully. And nobody is bigger or smaller than the other. 

We all have the same right and privilege before Him. And we all have the same value and worth. Yes, He made us different. He gave us different capacities and abilities. We have different gifts and talents. But that doesn’t make one better than the other. It doesn’t make one more human than the other. 

Even the one he gave 5 talents, he gave him 100% of his reward. Likewise the one he gave 2 talents, he also gave him 100% of his reward. All of us are equal and valuable before Him. It is human beings that bring the idea of racism and discrimination, and we must not allow them to thrive. We must not allow them to dominate our minds.

Now, the point is there is a purpose for your skin color. There is a reason why you have black skin and someone else has white skin. There is a reason why you felt racism while the other person doesn’t even know how it feels.

As an African, you'll often experience that racism when you are in a foreign land. But that is not the end of the world. Your life is precious to the Creator, and He wants you to value it. He wants you to cherish it. He doesn’t just want you to trivialize it because of the pressure in the world. 

He doesn’t want you to succumb to the antics of the world. He wants you to value your skin color. He wants you to stand in the gap for those who are going through discrimination and humiliation. He wants you to feel their pain, experience the challenges and be able to offer effective help to them. 

The fact that the color of your skin is black is not a shame but an opportunity – it is the fact that all things are working together for your good. 

A time will come, and very soon, when African skin will become gold all over the world. It will be celebrated, and everybody will want to have black skin because of how much value and glory it will carry.

I see you rising beyond your challenges and turning every difficulty into your stepping stones. 

Stick around to check out my new updates. Thanks for reading and bye for now. 

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Government that Works For Us (L2)

I try to do some research and find out the type of government Africa was practicing before democracy came. I found out Africa was practicing monarchy – and that by itself is still what many European countries are practicing. They just used democracy to cover up, but the government is mainly monarchy. 

If you are not sure, check the government of the UK, the Netherlands, and Sweden, and many of these European countries. The so-called head of government takes direction from the monarchy. Now, if they are practicing monarchy and encouraging us to practice democracy, that means there is something wrong somewhere and that is the highest level of hypocrisy. 

Europeans preserve for themselves what they have come to destroy in Africa. They remained united as a continent and allowed free trade and passage of goods and people, but partitioned Africa and turned us into cats and rats. 

We hardly allow movement of people, let alone goods. And this is a system that we have inherited from the colonial era. Now, the question is – what is still delaying us from stopping this evil when it’s not working for us?

It’s making us more regressive and underdeveloped. We can’t easily share goods and services and running business is increasingly difficult for us. What exactly do we do? That is part of what we are discussing. 

Now, to the issue of what government works best in Africa, let’s take a look again at the old government we had before democracy, it's our monarchy system. 

Now, the idea behind this monarchy system is selecting leaders who are divinely assigned or chosen

For every king that is enthroned, there is a traditional rite that must be followed. And that includes consulting the gods to know who should be the next king. That is pretty much connecting African leadership to spirituality. Exactly the point. That is what we must go back to. 

Africa must be led by a spiritual leader not a political leader. Why? Because Africans are spiritual. Africans are more spiritually conscious and sensitive than any other race in the world. 

Leading Africans by politicians is signing in for tragedy and catastrophe which we have witnessed over the years. Africans need spiritual leaders as government officials, not politicians. 

You will see this in many religious groups and institutions where spiritual people are the leaders. They thrive. They succeed, even in the midst of chaos in Africa. 

We can't continue to practice what doesn’t work for us in Africa. We must break these shackles and manacles of colonialism. We must invite our spiritual leaders into the frontline of our various African leadership. 

Any spiritual leader who has been tested and trusted must be considered for government leadership. We can continue to serve mediocre as our leaders. 

We must take the bull by the horn and take the necessary steps needed to bring this into place. 

Now, what exactly do we need to start doing now? I will discuss that in the next article. Stick around to get the new updates. Thanks for reading and bye for now! 

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Democracy Is A Scam In Africa – Here Is What Works! (L1)

I know many would be surprised to read this, but stay with me, I will explain what I mean. Democracy, first of all, is the so-called "government of the people, by the people, for the people." But this is a scam. There is nothing farther from the truth. 

Democracy is not the government of the people. It is the government of the majority, the government of numbers – which any person who knows how to manipulate people can run.

Smart politicians know how to win the hearts of the majority, and by so doing, become political leaders. They know how to play the manipulative game that the masses want. The sweet words and promises that will achieve no goal. It is what they want. By so doing, they practice the so-called democracy.

There is nothing about people in democracy. It is not as if everybody counts in it. It is only for the majority. So what happens to the minority? They either support the majority or get ridden off. Their voices are never heard or considered. If they form opposition, it won’t make any impact until it becomes another majority.

So, democracy is always a game of numbers. A game that only the majority wins, and it’s never about the people. So, the manipulative politicians use the opportunity to perpetuate their hidden agendas and execute their heinous courses.

Consider the idea of democracy again; you will realize it’s a scam. Why? Because most people are not deep thinkers. 

An average person doesn’t have time to think because thinking is hard work. A normal person doesn’t want to stress himself. He’s already dealing with a lot to survive. He doesn’t want to add to his woes. 

So, most people do things by reflex – it’s more of using their subconscious mind than the conscious mind. 

Life every day is pretty much like routine and the regulars – nothing special or extraordinary. A lot of people go to work every day, come back home tired, eat and sleep. They don’t have time to think deeply or do anything extra with life. 

Meanwhile, this is all that the politicians want. This is all that they need to win the masses. It is the kind of herd mentality that they need to win the votes. As the majority are not really thinking that much, it gives them a good ground to manipulate them and win their votes.

Now, to Africa, democracy is a big scam. First of all, because most of our people are in survival mode. So, it’s a good opportunity for any politician to manipulate them. 

Second, it’s a monetized venture. Anyone who wants to go into it must have millions in his bank account. And that’s why politicians embezzle when they get to those positions because they have to make their money back. It's pretty much a cashout business. So, democracy actually supports corruption and money laundering in Africa.

Also, democracy increases inequality in our system. It makes the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Only those who have connections with the politicians make it; others don’t survive. So, that means there is more infringement on human rights, inequality, injustice, and social discrimination. 

Democracy also increases crime and criminality in our societies. We have now produced more criminals than we did before democracy came. Politicians hire kidnappers and assassins to take off their rivals. They also engage thugs and hooligans to steal votes during elections. Needless to say when the leadership is bad, everything will be bad. 

Democracy has wreaked so much havoc in Africa than we could ever imagine, including the destruction of our African cultures and traditions, subjugation of our monarchy, and too much bureaucracy (which have destroyed our talents and great minds), among others. 

I know for a long time, many of us Africans have felt there is something fishy about many of these foreign ideologies which have bastardized our systems and values, but we have kept mute. We have remained silent. 

But now is the time for us to act. Now is the time to reset our brains and take away those wrong ideologies from our minds. 

There is a better system that works in Africa. We will discuss that in the next article. 

Stick around to get the updates. Thanks for reading, and bye for now!

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How Love Turns to Hate In Relationships

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can bring us immense joy and fulfillment, but it also has the potential to turn sour and transform into feelings of hate or resentment within our relationships. 

Understanding the negative aspects of love and how it can devolve into hate is crucial in how we navigate the complexities of our human connections and interactions.

One significant factor in the transition from love to hate is unmet expectations. At the start of a relationship, there's often an idealized perception of the other person. When these expectations are not met, we feel disappointed. 

As we begin to notice flaws, differences, or behaviors that don't align with our expectations, it breeds resentment and erode our initial feelings of love.

Communication breakdown is another contributing factor. Ineffective communication or the lack of it can lead to misunderstandings, pent-up frustrations, and unresolved conflicts. 

When our grievances or concerns aren't addressed, they fester and create a rift between us and our partner. Over time, these unresolved issues can escalate, fueling negative emotions and eventually turning love into resentment or even hate.

Changes in circumstances or personal growth can also impact the dynamics of our love within a relationship. 

As human beings, we evolve over time, and our needs, aspirations, and values may shift. When these changes are not acknowledged or respected by our partner, it can create a sense of disconnection. This dissonance might lead to feelings of resentment or bitterness toward our partner because they don't align with our new direction or values.

Moreover, external stressors can strain relationships and contribute to the erosion of love. Financial difficulties, career pressures, family issues, or health concerns can place immense strain on a relationship. Under such stress, we might project our frustrations on our partner, blaming them for the challenges we face. This can breed resentment and negativity within the relationship.

Another significant factor in the transformation from love to hate is betrayal or breaches of trust. Infidelity, dishonesty, or broken promises can shatter the foundation of trust that underpins a relationship. Once trust is compromised, it becomes challenging to rebuild, leading to feelings of hurt, anger, and ultimately, hatred towards the person who caused the betrayal.

Additionally, continuous arguments, lack of resolution, or a pattern of hurtful behavior can create a cycle of negativity. When these negative interactions become the norm, it's easy for love to turn into resentment and even hatred.

It's important to note that the transition from love to hate isn't always sudden or immediate. It often occurs gradually, as accumulated negative experiences outweigh the positive aspects of the relationship. The initial love might still linger, but it gets overshadowed by the negative emotions that have taken root.

Now, while understanding these negative aspects is crucial, it's equally important to recognize that relationships are complex and multifaceted. Not all relationships that encounter difficulties end up in hate or resentment. Many couples navigate these challenges and find better ways to reconnect and rebuild their relationships, reaffirming their love and commitment to each other.

So, I encourage you not to give up on your relationship. Try and see if it can work, putting all your best into it. Unless the other person is no longer interested, nothing is impossible.

I wish you more happiness and joy in your relationship. Hearty cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Why We Must Redefine What Prosperity Means

I know, as Africans, especially those of us in the diaspora, we face a lot of challenges. For those at home, the challenges are even more enormous. We battle with so many things – one of them is the problem with our identity and our values. We have lost many things – our culture, our heritage, our language, our history, and lots of things.

Many things have been wrongly defined for us. We learn that being rich is having money and all the material things. And when you don’t have them, you are poor. They tell us prosperity is having fine houses and cars, luxury brands, and all the expensive things in the world.

But how have those things contributed to us? How have they added any value to our continent and our generation? We must detach ourselves from those toys and mundane things. We must take our minds off those things. It’s a death trap. And I’ll tell you why? Because they make us addictive and consumers while we lose our value and life in the process.

Whatever is not produced by us should not be a yardstick for prosperity. Our satisfaction must come from things that we have. Not things that we don’t have. We don’t have a yacht. We don’t have companies that produce airplanes. We shouldn’t attach to those things. We shouldn’t make them our gods.

Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t use what we don’t produce, but we shouldn’t attach to them. We should make them our god. We shouldn’t value them more than anything that belongs to another person (even if we bought them with our money).

We should value more things that we produce all by ourselves. Anything foreign should be counted as such. No attachment. No yardstick for measurement of success or achievement.

This is where we can create a balance. And make things work for us. Prosperity must be defined in our own terms. It must be defined based on what we have and what we can produce. Prosperity is first of all – being able to tap into our inner treasures. Being able to tap into the abundance within us. The abundance of joy, peace, satisfaction, happiness, health, success, (you get the point…!) that are within us.

Also, prosperity is our ability to fulfill purpose. It is our ability to tap into the supernatural – to tap into the power that creates the universe.

As Africans, we are so connected to the supernatural. We are spiritual, and deeply spiritual. Our understanding and opinion about God are deep and intuitive. So, when we are talking about prosperity and riches, the major aspect we are looking at is the spiritual, which is more important than anything physical or material.

We must first of all tap into the abundance that is within us. We’ve got to understand that we don’t use the yardstick and criteria that the world uses to rate and judge prosperity. We use our own yardstick. We follow our own understanding of God and spiritual things. 

We are not ignorant of the deceit and lies of the West – Africans are poor. But they kept looting our resources. They kept coming to our lands. They are using the idea of poverty to discourage us and make us feel like we have nothing and lack everything. But we’ll not succumb to that antic. We have a better understanding now.

Let’s think about it, as individuals how much material things do we need? How much things do we need to survive? Is it not just to eat, have something to wear and a place to sleep. What is more important than these basic necessities of life? All the problems we have in the world today have been because of greediness and selfishness.

As Africans, we must have our own definition of things. We can't take what others have given to us. We must redefine what prosperity means. We're leading the world, and we are no longer subjected to anybody’s antics or devices. We are now wise and knowledgeable. We are now doing things for ourselves and making our world a better place.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Solving Our #1 Problem

I overheard a white lady saying,

"Why can’t these foreigners just go back to their country? What are they doing here? Why must they stay in our country and be taking away all our things? We can’t eat well. We can’t have access to all we want because of them. They are taking our resources. They are taking our food. They are taking our clothes, our shoes, our houses, our cars, our everything! For real, I’m tired and sick of these people. Let them just start going back to their country. They are too lousy, too pompous, and many of them are stupid. They are just not the kind of people I would love to see in this environment. I wonder if there could be something that can be done by our government to take them away. But I’m not sure that could happen any time soon. It’s just so annoying, seeing foreigners taking over your land."

When I see a white lady or any white person for that matter thinking like this or showing this kind of attitude, I ask myself, “Do they really think we want to live in their country? Do they think they have something valuable that we don’t have? What are they thinking of themselves? Who do they think they are? If not that our governments have decided to be their stooges and agents of darkness, what are we doing here?" 

For many of us who have been living in these western countries for many years, I’ve asked one question – "will you like to go back home?" And the prompt response I always get is – "Yes! What am I doing here?" And I wonder if they are telling the truth or not. Then, I ask further, "So why are you not going home?", then they say – "because of bad leadership in our country".

I asked people from different African countries, and the response was the same. I was shocked to hear that. Africa has the same problem – leadership. And how do we actually solve this problem? What exactly do we do? 

We know it’s not an easy task, but it’s not impossible. We can’t keep being refugees for years in a foreign land. When are we going to develop our own nations? When are we going to liberate our own people? 

The poverty and suffering are increasing every day, putting so much burden on us to work hard so that we can send something home for our people. We are in a state of constant pressure and stress – overworking ourselves and feeling exhausted – that even affecting our families here, increasing the rate of divorce and marital problems. When are we going to rest? When are we going to have true freedom? 

We know this is an era of modern-day slavery – a form of slavery in which you voluntarily choose to put yourself under the control of a slave master. Nobody forces you. But you know the bad economic situation in your country has forced you. It has put pressure on you to stay away from your homeland while you keep struggling abroad to live a better life.

It’s so sad to see many of our leaders being nincompoops and stooges to these foreign agents who dictate what they should do and how they should run their government. This happens through the aids and loans they receive. It also happens through the meaningless conferences and summits they attend in those Western countries. 

It’s so bad and shameful to see many of our graduates and best brains washing toilets and cleaning houses in these foreign countries. We spend most of our time doing menial dirty jobs, while they sit in their offices directing how things should go and giving us peanuts at the end of the day as salary.

It’s high time we take our nations from the hands of these wolves. Their corruption, their mediocrity, their irresponsibility, and their visionlessness have gone over the roof. It’s high time we stood and take back our land. We must start connecting ourselves and igniting ourselves for the battle ahead.

Until we solve this problem, no other problem will be solved. It will just be like we are treating the symptoms while the main causative organism is still there, breathing. We must make proper diagnosis, so that we can destroy the main cause once and for all.

We know our primary problem is leadership, and we must all rise and take away this menace that is eating up our lives and destinies.

Let’s start forming coalition groups and organizations that will harness our efforts together and keep raising the awareness among our people. Let’s raise support and be ready to give it all it takes to take back our lands from the hands of these wolves. 

I see us rising to a new height of progress and development in Africa and beyond. God bless Africa!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Embracing African Identity: Recognizing Our Strengths and Value (Part 4)

Here, in this article, I'll continue further about the idea of mental empowerment. One form of mental empowerment that we need as Africans is understanding our true value and identity. (Check out the last episode here Part 3). This is something that we need to keep echoing and reinforcing into our minds because of how important it is. Our true value and identity are what make us who we are. We are Africans!

At times when we look at what the white guys have done, the inventions they’ve made, the airplanes and warships, and the gadgets, and the heavy constructions, and the phones, and the computers, and all the technologies and AIs, we can only wonder where these guys get their brains from.

And this is nothing special, even though it is valuable and appreciated. It doesn’t make them special. It doesn’t make them more valuable than us or put them above us. And very importantly, it doesn’t reduce our value as humans. Even though that is what many of them think – they think Africans don’t have brains. They think we can’t build anything for ourselves. But that’s just one part of it. 

The whites are one part of humanity, there are other parts of humanity in which we are included. And that is to recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They have their strengths. And we also have our strengths. They have their weaknesses. And we also have our weaknesses. None of these make anyone better or worse. They just make us complement each other.

Part of my goals with these writings is to share with my fellow Africans our values and strengths. Do we actually know we’ve got some strengths or do we think we’re just part of biomass on this planet? No, we are not!

First of all, what you want to understand about this idea of everybody’s uniqueness is to use the analogy of different parts of our body. Imagine the brain cells (called neurons) and the skin cells. Even though they are both important cells in the body, they have different strengths and weaknesses. 

Neurons are designed for transmitting impulses and interpreting signals in the brain. Skin cells are designed for protection on the surface of the body. Skin cells can withstand physical pressure, neurons cannot. Neurons can transmit electrical impulses, skin cells cannot.

We can, therefore, say their strengths and weaknesses are different. And as much as we value each of them, we cannot replace one by the other or say one is better than the other because they both perform different functions at different locations in the body, and they all contribute their own vital functions to the body.

Now, bring this illustration to us as humans. We are all one body as human beings. But according to location and racial origins, we are different in strengths and abilities. Know this today, that the white guys are not better than you. That they make computers and create some nice software doesn’t make you dumb. That is their own strengths and let’s celebrate them. Meanwhile, you have your own strengths as well. Let me mention some of your strengths as a black man or a person of African origin.

First is physical strength: an average black person has a strength that any other race in the world cannot withstand. And this is not bragging. It is the truth. Why is this? Because Africans were known to be the first set of human beings that manifested on the surface of the earth. So, they got this physical strength to be able to withstand an attack from predators and rivals. 

Africans also got this physical strength to be able to run towards and away from forest animals. The physical strength is also important for the ability to reproduce – the sexual strength and the ability to give birth multiple times and nurture their offspring. A mandate that was given to humanity was received by the Africans because they were the ones God first created.

Our physical strength also shows in how our body ages. Our skin has a good rejuvenating system. It doesn’t age soon. And the wrinkles don’t show earlier. The skin is resilient and strong, and has a high tensile strength.

Our physical strength has given us the following unique qualities:
  • We have a unique voice. Our vocal cords are unique which allow us to have a different style of making sound and producing groundbreaking music. We have a unique intonation.
  • We have a unique style of walking and gait system.
  • We have a unique style of dancing.
  • Our physical strength allows our muscles to exert force against resistance. It allows us to function best in the physical.
Finally, our physical strength is not only important for physical activities but also for maintaining our overall health and functionality. We are ever strong and agile.

We’ve got mental strength as well. We will discuss that in the next article. And very importantly, we’ve got the highest form of strength by far – spiritual strength. We will discuss that as well. Stick around to get the article updates and share these posts with your family and friends.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused 

Thoughts and Impressions- From the Mind of A 35-Year Old Lady

"I married late, and now I’m in a wrong relationship. What else do I do? Who else can I talk to? Won’t people shame me when they see that I married late and still married the wrong person? Won’t there be too much embarrassment and insult from people? I don’t think this marriage thing is for me. I don’t think God has blessed me with the right people in life. I’m always a victim of people’s wickedness and cruelty. Someone will come into my life, pretend they love me, but later injure me. They are only after their selfish gains.

I lost value for people. I lost trust in them. I don’t believe people anymore, and I don’t trust them anymore. I know it’s hard to close my mind against people, but I think I will find my peace. I think I need my space. I need to move away from people and just focus on myself. I need to focus on my life and just do my own thing. I need to quiet all the distractions around me.

Yes, people have been good to me, and people have been bad to me. I know there are still good people on earth. Maybe they are not meant for me. Maybe God just wants to punish me by bringing bad people my way. I don’t know. I’m just saying, and I don’t want to offend God. I don’t want it to seem like I’m putting blame on Him, so that He won’t get angry at me.

Many times life can be difficult. We can go through trials and temptations. Situations will happen that are so overwhelming and sometimes discouraging. But in all, I’ve learned not to give up on myself. I’ve learned to still hold on to faith and hope. I’ve read the Bible many times, and I’ve picked some words that resonated with my spirit from it.

I know God said He will not leave us alone, even when we go through trials and temptations. He will be with us when we go through waters and fire. And indeed, He never disappoints. Even though at the beginning, it might seem disappointing, but God will never disappoint. His Spirit will still comfort and counsel us. His love will still cover us. We will still be under His guidance. He will never fail us.

These are some of the encouraging words I use myself. They are some of the beliefs I hold dear in my heart. I know even if I fail in my marriage, I will not fail in life. I will still fulfill life and purpose. I will still stand and hold myself. I will still live that good life I want to live. I will be healed, and the Lord will continue to comfort me. His Spirit will continue to guide me, and I will continue to dwell in His presence.

When people come to me in the form of brethren, when they come to me in the form of a family, I become more skeptical and cynical. I read meanings into their actions and everything they do. Don’t blame me. It’s because of my experience. I’ve experienced a lot more than to overlook now those things that people do. Any little thing now is a red flag for me to either close up or refrain from people.

Life has seemed more complicated than the way it was before, and things have become way more difficult. I guess it’s we human beings that have complicated life and have made things difficult for ourselves.

I think we don’t need much in this life to really be successful. We don’t need to buy too many houses or cars or luxuries that are too exorbitant all in the name of enjoying life. I think there is more in less. I think we can value and appreciate the little things we have in our life.

And even come to think of it, there is nothing we have here that we’ll take along when we leave here. In other words, whatever we acquire here stays here. Nothing is going to leave with us – which doesn’t make sense for us to acquire too many, only to realize that we only have a few years to enjoy them. How ridiculous is that?

Nobody holds the right to anything in life. Nobody knows for how long they’re going to live on earth. So, that means we really have to live lean, not in an opulent, prodigious way. I’m not saying we should not enjoy abundance or live a life of prosperity, I’m only saying we should not attach too much value to all these mundane things. We should value life more than the things we enjoy in it.

If I have tried to enjoy my family, and it’s difficult to, or I’ve tried to enjoy my work and it’s difficult to, then I rather focus on my life. I rather find time to look for what I really enjoy in my life and do it. I shouldn’t live at the mercy of people. I should live my own life and enjoy it.

Though at first it might be challenging to do some things. It might be challenging to take some decisions. But at the end of the day, you will be the one who will benefit from those decisions. You will be the one who will have your peace.

And it is when you are good for yourself that you will be good for others. Being good to others comes from being good to yourself. We always hear you can’t give what you don’t have. You only give when you have. So, have first, before you think of giving. Be a blessing to yourself first before you be a blessing to others.

I know there are people who think it’s selfish to think of yourself first. They think it’s greed and being inconsiderate to think of what you will gain or benefit from something, but that’s how life is. Something must benefit you before you benefit something. And if you don’t receive, you can’t give.

And in this, I’m not saying you should be overly selfish or greedy. Too much of anything is not good. But I know that for everyone of us, there is an amount of selfishness that is in us. We are all selfish in our own way. Whether we make it obvious or not. Everyone is selfish. And this is not a bad thing. It’s a way for us to survive and thrive. 

It is when we are good that we can be good to others. So, we must take care of ourselves first. 

So, go ahead and take care of yourself. Be good to yourself and take care of things that matter most in your life.

I believe as you keep moving and growing, you will keep getting better, and success will be your portion. I will drop the pen for now. Thanks for reading, and bye for now!"

Mirroring the mind of a 35-year-old lady who was ruminating early in the morning.

Crafted by
May, 2024

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1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused 

RoadMap to Weight Loss: 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight (Book Review)

In a world saturated with conflicting dietary advice, junk solutions, and miracle cures, achieving sustainable weight loss and optimal health can feel like an elusive goal. 

From fad diets promising rapid results to trendy workout programs offering overnight transformations, the landscape of weight loss can be overwhelming, confusing, and often disappointing.

But what if there was a simpler, more effective approach to achieving your health and wellness goals—one rooted in science, supported by evidence, and tailored to your own need and preference? What if you could transform your body and your life without deprivation or extreme measures?

In this book, I share with you a comprehensive roadmap for achieving sustainable weight loss quickly and optimize your health. 

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

Friday, May 10, 2024

Mental Empowerment –Lighting the Path to African Prosperity (Part 3)

Let’s talk about something important – mental empowerment. It is one of the forms of empowerment we need to move ourselves forward and propel our continent towards prosperity. (You can read the last episode to get the picture clearer What NEXT? Part 2 ).

Educating our minds is crucial for everything we want to achieve, ensuring that we possess the necessary knowledge to attain the freedom and success we desire.

We know for many years, we’ve been told lies. But now, we’ve found the truth. And more truths are coming out. Notwithstanding, we must keep striving for more truths and disseminate this knowledge among ourselves. We cannot afford to lack the vital information needed for our emancipation and the advancement of our land.

We must strive to grasp the intricacies of our history, culture, language, spirituality, and governance. Learning from the mistakes of our forefathers, we refuse to repeat the errors of the past, where their generosity was exploited and their resources were looted away. We stand firm against the colonization of our minds by ignorance and mediocrity.

While our daily lives may be filled with numerous responsibilities and distractions, we must discern our priorities. It is essential to stay informed about global events and the power dynamics at play in the world. We cannot afford to be oblivious to the political machinations that often exploit African leaders and nations.

Building mental fortitude and determination becomes imperative. We must chart a course for meaningful action, casting aside fear and insecurity in favor of confidence and certainty. With focused determination, we strive towards our goals, envisioning a future of lasting prosperity for generations to come.

In our journey towards mental empowerment, collaboration and knowledge sharing are key. We must support one another in building our mental capacity, sharing valuable insights and ideologies that will contribute to our collective growth.

We must actively seek opportunities to enhance our mental prowess through skill acquisition, critical thinking, and problem-solving. By bolstering our mental fitness and resilience, we pave the way for transformative change we want on our continent.

So, I believe mental empowerment is a catalyst for the change we seek on our continent. It is the foundation upon which we will build a brighter future—a future defined by prosperity and unwavering determination.

Let's keep getting knowledge, for knowledge is light. And knowledge is power!

In the next article, I’ll discuss more other forms of empowerment.

Stay well, and stay blessed! 

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

8 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress

In our daily hustle and bustle, we find stress to be unavoidable. We go to work, come back home tired, eat, and sleep, only to wake up the following morning for another routine. 

Stress could accumulate over time and ensue into a bigger health crisis. It’s important to keep stress at bay, whether physiological or pathological, to avoid further health complications.

Here are ways to do that:

1. Rest

This is the first and most important thing. You’ve got to rest. And when I say rest, I mean rest—a state when your whole body and mind are at rest. After work, you have to rest so that you can feel refreshed and be able to work the following day. 

Adequate rest in the form of sleep is essential for stress management and overall well-being. Prioritizing sleep hygiene practices, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing sleep environment, can improve sleep quality and duration.

2. Regular and Deep Breathing Exercises

Physical activity is not only beneficial for maintaining physical fitness but also plays a crucial role in stress management. 

Exercise causes the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural mood elevators, promoting a sense of well-being and reducing stress levels. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga class, or a gym workout, finding an activity you enjoy can be a powerful stress reliever. 

Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing, promote relaxation by activating the body's parasympathetic nervous system. By taking slow, deep breaths, you can lower your heart rate and cortisol levels, which will help you lower the physiological effects of stress.

3. Engaging in Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Participating in hobbies and leisure activities that bring joy and fulfillment can serve as a welcome distraction from stressors. 

Whether it's painting, gardening, playing music, or practicing a sport, engaging in activities that promote relaxation and creativity helps restore mental balance and perspective. 

Making time for leisure pursuits is essential for maintaining a sense of enjoyment and happiness in life.

4. Healthy Eating Habits

We can’t take food out of the picture. A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides the body with essential nutrients and energy that will allow it to manage stress. 

Avoiding excessive consumption of caffeine, sugar, and processed foods can help stabilize mood and energy levels, reducing susceptibility to stress. 

Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function and overall health.

5. Laughter Therapy

Laughter is truly one of the best medicines when it comes to stress relief. Whether it's watching a funny movie, attending a comedy show, or sharing jokes with friends, laughter triggers the release of endorphins and promotes a sense of joy and well-being. 

Cultivating a sense of humor and finding opportunities for laughter amidst challenges can provide much-needed relief and lightness.

6. Nature Therapy

Spending time in nature has been shown to have profound effects on stress reduction and mental health. 

Whether it's taking a walk in the park, hiking in the mountains, or simply sitting in a garden, immersing oneself in natural surroundings promotes relaxation, rejuvenation, and connection with the present moment. 

Nature therapy offers a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing individuals to recharge and replenish their energy.

7. Gratitude Practice

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude involves consciously focusing on the positive aspects of life and expressing appreciation for the blessings one has. Practicing gratitude through journaling, meditation, or daily reflections promotes emotional well-being and resilience in the face of stress. 

By shifting your focus from what is lacking to what is present, you can foster a sense of abundance and contentment.

8. Volunteering

The last but not the least is volunteering. Helping others through acts of kindness and service can provide a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and connection that buffers against stress. 

Volunteering allows you to shift focus from your own worries to the needs of others, fostering empathy and compassion. Whether it's volunteering at a local charity, church, community events, or lending a helping hand to a friend in need, acts of kindness promote well-being and resilience in the face of adversity.

So, those are the 8 ways to deal with stress. I hope they are helpful and give you ideas on how to cope with different stressful situations you might encounter. 

I wish you good health, wellness, and peace. Have a great time. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Eating with Purpose: How Your Blood Type Affects What You Eat

Our blood type exerts significant influence on what we eat. Not only that, it does affect our health and dietary needs. This is a fact that is firmly established by scientific research. As our blood type impact our immune system, it also plays a pivotal role in how our bodies digest and absorb nutrients from the foods we consume.

In addition to individual variations, our blood type determines the composition of our blood and how it interacts with various food elements. 

In this article, I will discuss foods that elicit different responses based on our blood type, identifying our dietary strengths and weaknesses.

Consuming foods aligned with our strengths contributes to our overall health and wellbeing. Conversely, indulging in foods that fall under our weaknesses category may lead to excessive calorie intake, complicating weight management efforts.

Here are the dietary patterns specific to our blood type:

Blood Type O: 

For individuals with blood type O, strengths lie in protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. 

Conversely, weaknesses include dairy products, corn, and certain grains. Those with this blood type boast robust metabolism for protein-heavy diets but may struggle with digesting fats and carbohydrates efficiently.

This blood type, aptly named O, harks back to earlier generations when meat constituted a primary dietary staple. Accordingly, their physiology adapted to thrive on high-protein diets.

Blood Type A: 

Blood type A individuals excel with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, fish, and minimal meat intake. 

Dairy products pose a challenge for digestion. This blood type emerged during agrarian times, reflecting a diet centered around plant-based foods and minimal animal products. Their digestive systems are attuned to processing carbohydrates, fibers, and essential nutrients from natural sources.

Blood Type B: 

Those with blood type B thrive on a balanced diet comprising eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and grains, while being less compatible with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chicken, and buckwheat. 

Blood type B individuals possess a versatile metabolism, effectively processing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The balanced nature of their dietary requirements reflects their ability to digest a diverse array of foods.

Blood Type AB: 

Blood type AB individuals exhibit a combination of dietary traits from types A and B, favoring vegetables, fruits, grains, seafood, and dairy products, while red meat, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, and beans are less suited to their digestive systems. 

Representing a modern blood type, AB individuals have evolved from the heavy meat consumption characteristic of blood type O to a preference for lighter, nutrient-rich foods.

Understanding the compatibility of foods with our body chemistry aids in maintaining balance, controlling weight, and promoting longevity. While our bodies possess the capability to digest various foods, recognizing our dietary strengths and weaknesses enhances our ability to make informed dietary choices.

I trust this information will contribute to your well-being and empower you to make healthier dietary decisions. Feel free to share these insights with your loved ones, and may you enjoy a life filled with vitality and good health. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 7 Ways to Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy

2. How to Enjoy Fasting For Weight Loss

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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