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Friday, December 20, 2019

What Every Man Is Looking For

Let’s talk about what every man is looking for. The most important thing every man is looking for in life is Value. And we can see that in how they talk, think and act. Value is the most important thing every man is looking for. Now what is value? Value is anything that has a worth or is precious or important to us as human beings. The worth of anything is measured by the price placed on it. For instance, if you go to the market, and you want to buy a watch. When you checked the price, it was $500. Now, knowing the price will automatically register in your mind the value of that wrist watch. Maybe before you saw the price, you thought it would be around $100. But the moment you saw the price, it just changed your mindset about it and know how valuable it is. Now, imagine if you saw another wrist watch, not far from it, almost looking the same, but it has another price, $50. Now looking at this second one, you know the value is not as high as the first. How did you know that? because of the prices placed on them. So you know the value of anything by the price placed on it. There are different things of value in life and human beings and nature placed price on them. Because everything in life is all about value, men are always in pursuit of it. And this doesn't mean women don't appreciate value. It only means they have a different perspective to it. For instance, do you know men and women value time differently? That's why you see men count the cost of everything they do with time and life. They are in pursuit of value, always. When you see a man, who wants to marry a wife, he’s not just looking for any kind of woman, there are a lot of women in the world, but he wants someone, who has got value, he wants a woman who has got character value, who has got emotional value, who has got some level of may be financial value and all that. Just any nice value that’s attracted to him, that’s appealing to him, that’s the kind of woman he wants in his life. A woman who has got mental value, a woman who has got some good qualities. So that’s what a man is looking for and say ok, I want her to be my wife. And of course, physical value, looking appealing and attractive are all part of it. So that is what a man is looking for. So a man is looking for a value in a woman before he can say I want this woman to be my wife. Now, when it comes to younger men, who want girlfriend, a lady who is so cute, nice looking and all that. She may not have so much good qualities like character, but just being a girlfriend, just looking nice, beautiful, and smart, so that he can flaunt her in the presence of his friends. That's physical value he's found in his girlfriend, and he's satisfied a lot. Every man is looking for value in life. When you see a man, who’s got project, he’s got something he’s doing, he’s got this, he’s got that, he’s got different ideas, different plans and so on, that he's working on. They are all channelled towards one thing, value. He wants to create more financial value, he wants to create more social value, he wants to create more marital value, he wants to create more spiritual value. That's men for you. Now, this is important for us to know, because then, it’s going to help us to channel our strength and resources into things that are more productive and impactful. It will also help us to know how to go about life, because when we understand what men are looking for, and we understand what women are looking for, then we will know how to relate well and do better. Check up the article on What Every Woman Is Looking For. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Why I Ended Up With Cooking After 10 Years Of Medicine

       “Samuel, why are you cooking food after spending many years of studying medicine? Your friends are preparing to practice, why are you doing this? Are you sure of what you are doing?” My school agent grizzled at me after she heard I'm going into food business. Yes, I could understand her. She asked me because of her curiosity and concern. But as for me, my case is settled. I know what I’m in for and why I've decided to cook after studying medicine for 10 years.
        The first thing you want to know is that "why". Of course, I'll tell you. When I was growing up, I had passion for medicine. I was dreaming everyday of becoming a medical doctor. Then, I was inspired by a young doctor when I was admitted to a hospital for one serious illness. The young doctor inspired me and helped me to discover that seed of caring for human in me.
       All along, I went through the hurdles and rigors of becoming a medical doctor. Eventually, I became a medical doctor after 10 years in medical school. Perhaps, you want to ask- "why did it end up to be 10 years when normal years of study is 6 years?" I guess that would be a story for another day, but in a nutshell, I went to two medical schools, spent 5 years in each and finally graduated. 
        Now, why did I end up with cooking food, and what’s the goal? Many people don’t know how food is related to medicine or rather, how food is medicine. They might have read or heard it before, but don’t know how it works. Cooking food is a way of practicing medicine. Food is medicine. Therefore, doing anything with food, especially processing it for human consumption is really an art of medicine.
         First, we want to understand why food is medicine. Everybody knows food is good for the body. It provides us nutrients and energy. But, how is it a medicine? Medicine focuses on one thing- health. Food has so much influence on health. The top three deadliest diseases in the world today are related to food. Any abuse of food will always end up in dis-EASE. In other words, when we take food in appropriate amounts, we maintain good health, which is the hub of medicine. But when we do otherwise, we end up with food problems. This cannot be overemphasized.
         Now, why am I cooking food? I love it. I love to do all the combinations myself and see how it turns out, l love to directly contribute to people’s health by cooking what they eat. I want to treat diseases and illness with food. There’s more to food than what we have known and I love to dig deep into this and bring out the treasures of food for the sake of humanity. I want to solve food problems. I want to solve health problems.
        You wouldn’t know how happy I am when people tell me how much they enjoy my food. For me, that’s practicing medicine and giving health. When people eat and stay healthy, they will be more productive and useful in the society. And that’s the best medicine I can give, even without side effects or contraindications. And that’s the way I have decided to practice my own medicine after 10 years of studying medicine.
        My regards.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

15 Ways To Save Your Money On Food

Literally, food is what we cannot do without. It keeps us living. But overspending on it can be a burden and affects other important things we need money for. This article will help you economize your spendings on food while you still enjoy good food.
1. Buy in Bulk: Foods are cheaper when bought in bulk. There are some food items you know that you can't do without, buy them in bulk instead of piece by piece that will suck your money fast.
2. Plan what you want to eat ahead: Planning is always good for feeding as it will help you shape your spending and cut unnecessary buyings.
3. Don’t eat fast foods always: Yes, sometimes it's good to go to McDonalds or have nice meetings at KFC, But that's not gonna be all the time. Fast foods are easy ways to finish up your money without you knowing it.
4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are quite cheap compared to fast foods, and they make you lots healthier and younger than all those junks at restaurants.
5. Get good storage for your foods to prevent spoilage and wastage: Good storage is important for food preservation. Refrigerator, store room, deep freezer, and bottles for fermentation and liquid storage are all important for good storage. 
6. Go to supermarkets, not mini-markets or small shops: Otherwise, it's necessary, don't go to mini-markets or small shops for bulk-buyings. They will suck-up your money fast.
7. If you like nuts, eat them, they control your appetite and regulate your body weight: Nuts make you feel less hungry, and makes you eat less healthy food. They also help control your body weight.
8. Find alternative for expensive foods: There are some food items that are ridiculously expensive, like local foods abroad. Find alternative for them and only buy those that are not available around so that you can cut your expenses on your feeding budget.
9. Learn how to manage wastes and preserve leftovers: This is very important as most times you will always have some leftovers or foods that are about to spoil because they've stayed for a long time or not well-preserved. For those foods, find a way of renewing them if not totally spoilt or package the leftovers well so they can be used for good purpose later in future.
10. Learn how to convert your cooking mistakes to useful products. There are several times when I’ve made mistakes with my cooking. Sometimes food was overcooked or burnt or I put too much salt or seasonings in the food. I have learnt how to convert some of those mistakes to useful products. For instance, if I overcooked food, I can turn it to something else that can still be eaten and enjoyed. I’ve done that couple of times. If it is problem with too much salt, I have few methods I use to solve that problem, you can check it up on my blog.
11. If you don’t know how to cook or have time to cook, hire somebody who can cook and let them cook for you in bulk. There are people who can offer their time to help you cook good food, you can hire them to cook for you. You save your time and money. Perhaps you are a worker or student who doesn’t have much time for shopping or cooking, there are people who are already good with that, engage them and let them use what they have to help you.
12. Minimize lavish spendings and giving away food to people unnecessarily. There are some people who come to us as friends, but are indeed, parasites. They only come when you want to eat. They don’t come when you want to go to market and help you with shopping. Those are people you should avoid. They can also help you to spend your money on unnecessary things until you are broke, then they can stop coming to you. Nobody is responsible for how you spend your money except you, don’t spend money lavishly on food or be doing father xmas to people who are just there to squander your resources.
13. Buy products in season. Different products come at different seasons. There are some fruits that are cheaper during summer, there are some that are cheaper during winter. Vegetables are expensive during winter. Foods are generally cheap during summer because of increase in agricultural yield. Moreso, animals are not cold, so they can produce more. So, one can take advantage of seasons and get those items in bulk before they are out of season and become more expensive.
14. Plant a garden/ Practice agriculture. Agriculture is the future. You can get everything fresh right from the garden at your backyard. Fresh tomatoes, peppers and vegetables. You can also invest in livestocks, fishery and poultry farms where you can get fresh meat and fish, eggs and dairy products from those animals. Also, agriculture helps you to recycle your wastes. For instance, some wasted food and inedible products from your kitchen can be given to your poultry birds, fish or livestocks or better still put in the soil where they can add nutrients back into the soil.
15. Do shoppings when markets are on sales. This is a good time to save your money. Sometimes you spend half of the amount you supposed to spend when markets are on sales. Some supermarkets have regular time they do sales, some do it out of compulsion when they need to get rid of some items or attract customers to that product. Moreso, new products are also given at lower prices so that customers can be attracted and increase their demand.