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Monday, February 11, 2019

Why I Ended Up With Cooking After 10 Years Of Medicine

       “Samuel, why are you cooking food after spending many years of studying medicine? Your friends are preparing to practice, why are you doing this? Are you sure of what you are doing?” My school agent grizzled at me after she heard I'm going into food business. Yes, I could understand her. She asked me because of her curiosity and concern. But as for me, my case is settled. I know what I’m in for and why I've decided to cook after studying medicine for 10 years.
        The first thing you want to know is that "why". Of course, I'll tell you. When I was growing up, I had passion for medicine. I was dreaming everyday of becoming a medical doctor. Then, I was inspired by a young doctor when I was admitted to a hospital for one serious illness. The young doctor inspired me and helped me to discover that seed of caring for human in me.
       All along, I went through the hurdles and rigors of becoming a medical doctor. Eventually, I became a medical doctor after 10 years in medical school. Perhaps, you want to ask- "why did it end up to be 10 years when normal years of study is 6 years?" I guess that would be a story for another day, but in a nutshell, I went to two medical schools, spent 5 years in each and finally graduated. 
        Now, why did I end up with cooking food, and what’s the goal? Many people don’t know how food is related to medicine or rather, how food is medicine. They might have read or heard it before, but don’t know how it works. Cooking food is a way of practicing medicine. Food is medicine. Therefore, doing anything with food, especially processing it for human consumption is really an art of medicine.
         First, we want to understand why food is medicine. Everybody knows food is good for the body. It provides us nutrients and energy. But, how is it a medicine? Medicine focuses on one thing- health. Food has so much influence on health. The top three deadliest diseases in the world today are related to food. Any abuse of food will always end up in dis-EASE. In other words, when we take food in appropriate amounts, we maintain good health, which is the hub of medicine. But when we do otherwise, we end up with food problems. This cannot be overemphasized.
         Now, why am I cooking food? I love it. I love to do all the combinations myself and see how it turns out, l love to directly contribute to people’s health by cooking what they eat. I want to treat diseases and illness with food. There’s more to food than what we have known and I love to dig deep into this and bring out the treasures of food for the sake of humanity. I want to solve food problems. I want to solve health problems.
        You wouldn’t know how happy I am when people tell me how much they enjoy my food. For me, that’s practicing medicine and giving health. When people eat and stay healthy, they will be more productive and useful in the society. And that’s the best medicine I can give, even without side effects or contraindications. And that’s the way I have decided to practice my own medicine after 10 years of studying medicine.
        My regards.