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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Write-Ups; Charge-Ups!

Hello everyone, I just got this to charge u up. I believe u can still remember all those things we went thru' before we came here, hope u can still remember d price we paid to win d prize of coming to Ukraine, pls note dat this is a special land for us, a place to make exploits, achieve unusual things and go back home with laurels. So much opportunities, so much freedom dat can be directed to achieving greatness. If all u could come to ukraine to achieve is diplom, then sorry, u've failed! Everyday money is burning, time is going, barely 2yrs to go, we can't afford to fail, we can't afford to be mediocres, we can't afford to disappoint our parents, our siblings, our govt, & our nation. we must accomplish a feat, we must go back home with tangible achievements beyond certificates. Now there's time, discover urself, get a multimillion idea, stop wasting ur time with nonsense things, add value to ur life,acquire skills, learn sth new, I see ur future is beautiful, U'll surely get there with diligence. Laziness is not allowed!!! Everyone of us must come up with something interesting, something valuable, something impacting.....see u all at d top! S.O PIENS*

Am giving but nobody is giving me back, I'll not stop but keep giving. Am helping but nobody is appreciating it, I'll not stop but keep helping. Am singing, but nobody is appreciating it, I'll not stop but keep singing. Am studying hard but it's not showing, I'll not stop but keep studying hard. Am praying, but no answer is showing forth, I'll not stop but keep praying. Am fasting, but nothing is happening, I'll not stop but keep fasting. Am trusting God but nothing has changed, I'll not stop but keep trusting God. Am tithing but blessings are yet to come, I'll not stop but keep tithing. I've been having faith, but no result for it, I'll not stop but keep having faith. I've stopped sinning, but d bad smell still remains in d air, I'll not relapse but keep my sanctity. I've been applying all d principles I know, that have been working for people but has not worked for me yet, I'll not stop, but I'll keep applying those principles. I've been good, showing love to people, cordial to people but nobody has ever shown me a genuine love, I'll not stop, but keep showing love to people. Lets not be weary of well doing, lets not be tired of sowing good seeds, lets not be frustrated of showing love. Just in a moment, d harvest is here, d result has started manifesting & those things have started working out. Congratulations. Thank You Jesus. ‪#‎TheResultsofSteadfastness‬.

I got a picture, a picture of somebody who is in a state of chronic hopelessness, a state of fear and a state of worry. At this my age, what have I achieved, what impact have I made, what is my reliance, do I have a future,,,,???? my friends have graduated long time ago, they've started working and earning some cash every month, infact they 've got married, and some with their kids, they are enjoying life. but, it seems d side of life am living is d most frustruating, most disguisting and the most tiresome. How I wish I could easily terminate this life & start another one afresh. Even things that I've done in d past are ringing bad bell in my ears, bad thoughts and bad happenings. Na wao....!!!! Of course, I go to church, I attend fellowships & I should say I am a Christian. Alright! There was a man who while he was still 29years old has not got any tangible thing as an achievement in life, he was diligent, he was holy and God's favour was on him, he was put inside prison because of his holiness. But u know what, this man got d assets of a nation within d twinkling of an eye, he became Prime Minister when he was 30years old. People that have gone ahead of him, married ahead of him, working ahead of him, he overtook all of them and immediately they became subjected to his authority. What an amazement. This man named Joseph, married d best wife, gave birth to blessed children and had all-round peace&prosperity till d rest of his life. Enjoyment till eternity. What an awesome God, what a miracle-working God, He has set great future before u, he has completed u before he started u, He wants u to trust Him, He wants u to believe on him, He wants u to walk in his ways. I see glorious future before u dat men all over d world will come to celebrate. Let d giant in u rise, let d gold in u come out and let d light in u shine!!! ‪#‎TheRisingofKingdomGiants‬

What could have been done to my vineyard, that i've not done, when i expected that it should bring forth good fruit why sour do u want to appreciate Him for what He has done, when do u want to tell people about His goodness, when do u want to start giving out what u've accumulated over time that has caused both mental&spiritual constipation, when will u stop giving excuses about all those things u've to do, those places u've to go, but u can waste ur time with chats&calls, u can waste ur energy with aimless walks&actions, u can waste ur resources on those useless things. Howbeit, watch it, many are looking for d opportunity u have, d gifts&talents u've got, d resources u're squandering away & d special Grace that is working in ur life, but u ignored. I know many want to get it, they so much desire it, but was not given to them. I challenge u to wake up,stand up,&rise up to d tasks ahead of u. U better start appropriating those good things u've got in God's direction or d devil flip them away from ur hands. May u not miss God's blessings, but multiply in it. ‪#‎AppropriatingGrace‬.

When u're tempted to get that thing, remember ur multi-billion company, when u're tempted to steal, remember ur multi-billion bank acct, when u're tempted to have a boy/girlfriend, remember ur miracle wife/husband who will make ur destiny worthwhile, when u're tempted to eat that unlawful food, remember u're feeding nations, when u're tempted to buy those unnecessary expensive clothes&jeweries, remember ur multi-million wardrobe. Looking unto Jesus, the Originator&Accomplisher of ur destiny, who bcos of d Joy that was placed ahead of Him endured d cross, despising d shame& right now He is at full enjoyment, set down at d right hand of d throne of God. ‪#‎GospelofGrace‬.

I can vividly remember how trees during winter were so dry&looked dead that one could think of cutting them down for firewood. Then, spring came, d way fresh leaves&flowers sprouted out was so amazing. Wonders of nature created by God. Can I inform u dat life is in phases. Times&seasons will never cease. That situation that u're passing through now that looks so frustrating&hopeless will soon be d reason why u have to testify. I mean a Glory is coming out of that ugly situation. Can u see it....Can u believe it. It will all amount to celebrations. Thank u Jesus! ‪#‎Antidotefortirednessindspirit‬.

...and what is all these mess among young women of dis generation(fast-forwarded). So many tins eyes have seen, few tins mouth has spoken, precipitate in d heart of men dat could cause imminent heart attack. So many challenges a woman is facing, from d external environment to her internal environment of imbalance hormonal systems. Anyway, it's not about u, it's about something else. Devil has not changed his strategy, he's still foolish catching d young ones with d old tricks. He attacks A to accomplish B, while people focus on A, he has gone ahead to get his job done on B. It's not about women, it's about God's agenda, it's about his vision in d heart of men which cannot be incubated &executed without women. Issues of low self worth&esteem, depression, falling for mundane things, sexual promiscuity&immorality, half-nakedness on d street, pride&overblown fashion dat has turned some to half-humans. I could sense HolySpirit crying over ladies dat will be so great in future falling for a morsel of bread. Oh daughter of God, arise from that mire of sin, and shine into world's darkness to d Glory of ur Father in heaven. Drop all those anti-destiny activities &begin to live a new life in Christ. Come on, u've got d Grace to do so if &only if u'll accept &believe it. Grace has given u power over sin. Accept Him. Today is d day dat d Lord has made for unfolding ur destiny&bringing it into light. Get ready to be celebrated. Congratulations!!!

I got inspired in my spirit, and I break every shackle of low self esteem that is killing your spirit, killing your passion & strength in the mighty name of JESUS. You have been raised high in heavenly places with Christ. Disconnect from those demoralizing feelings, disconnect from humans' reactions to you that are unstable like weather, disconnect from your detestable past. Look unto Jesus. He placed so much value on you that money cannot buy. You're special. Your Greatness is unnegotiable. Get ready for exploits! ‪#‎HigherlifeinChrist‬.

Hi Dad, thanks for being there for me always, it's amazing how things are working for me now. testimonies everywhere, visible & invisible, told& untold, known& unknown. My head is too small to save all ur blessings, phantom ur love, or describe ur personality. Oh Dad, imagine if U've not been with me, imagine if Ur love has not kept me, i would have been crushed longtime ago. my life is a definition of Ur goodness, testimonies are d building blocks of my life. Dad, U remembered some years ago how U delivered me from a terrible demonic attack &exchanged life for my sake, only Ur Grace could have done dat for me, & as I grow to adulthood, testimonies keep abounding for me as if there are no other place. To be where I am today simply means am living out divine script u wrote for my life. Looking at d picture of my future, I cannot help it than to go on a perpetual celebration of ur goodness. I see d generation of men coming to d brightness of my Glory. Oh my Dad, it's really being a nice time with Ur Spirit,& Ur Word. am not in a hurry to go to heaven cos am already living heaven here on earth. Thank you Dad for this great priviledge, for who u're to me, am forever indebted to U. ‪#‎NewcreationPrayer‬ References: HolySpirit, God's Word, School of Signs&Wonders2014#MummyRacheal.

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