Friday, January 17, 2025

How to Discover Your Purpose— No BS Approach (Part 4)

Now that you understand how to discover your purpose, how do you start walking in it? What should you begin doing? Where do you go from here? I’ll answer all of that.

It’s a good thing that you’ve discovered your purpose—at least now, you have a direction in life. Let me reiterate that purpose is something you continue to understand more deeply over time. It’s not a one-time revelation; rather, it’s a journey of gaining clearer insight and wisdom. 

So, don’t stop at merely discovering your purpose. It unfolds in layers, and you will keep learning more about it.

The first step is to start applying what you know so far. Now that you’ve discovered the first layer of your purpose, put it to work. Look at what you’re currently doing—does it align with your purpose? Do you feel happy doing it?

If you have a job that pays your bills, are you satisfied with it, or would you prefer something else? 

If you’re a student, does your course of study align with where you want to be in the future? If not, how can you start realigning yourself?

The key now is to recalibrate your life to fit your purpose. If you have a job but dream of working independently, how do you gain that freedom? What steps should you start taking now? 

If you’re satisfied with your job, how can you keep improving yourself and becoming a better version of yourself? These are crucial questions you must answer to align yourself with your purpose.

Most importantly, set a plan to realign yourself with your purpose—it could be a short-term or long-term plan. Once you know you’re on the right path, you won’t mind how long it takes to get there because you know you’ll arrive. 

It’s better to take one step in the right direction than a thousand steps in the wrong one.

So, focus now on moving in the direction of your purpose. Everything in your life—your relationships, activities, projects, and commitments—should align with it.

Here’s another important point: Make your purpose as definite and specific as possible. Don’t keep it vague or general. Define it clearly because, yes, it is unique to you. Keep refining and gaining clarity.

For example, if your purpose is in the field of health, how exactly do you want to contribute? What specific role do you see yourself playing? Health is a broad field, so define your path clearly and determine how to achieve it.

As I mentioned earlier, all your gifts, talents, abilities, potentials, and passions are interconnected with your purpose. You need to find the connection between them—how they all make sense within the bigger picture of your life. That’s the essence of having them; they are all tied to your purpose.

Don’t feel discouraged if you haven’t figured it all out yet. Keep discovering, keep learning. We live life forward and understand it backward—many things will make sense with time. And if you still have questions, you’re always welcome to reach out to me. I’d be glad to help.

I see you stepping into a greater level of your life as you fulfill your purpose. Cheers!

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P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 5 Powerful Ways to Discover Your Gifts and Awaken Your Hidden Potentials

2. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

3. Are You Clear About What You Want This Year?

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

Kindly drop your comments here.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

How to Discover Your Purpose—No BS Approach (Part 3)

Now, I know life can seem incredibly complicated. It can feel confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming, and sometimes you may feel like giving up and walking away from it all. 

But here’s the truth: all the experiences and situations you’ve gone through—and are still going through—are part of life. They are what make life what it is. So, there’s no need to be discouraged. The only issue might be that you haven’t yet figured out how to solve or handle those situations.

The good news is that the truth within you can offer greater clarity and direction. It can bring deeper meaning and understanding to everything you are experiencing. So, there’s no need to worry about those difficulties or challenges.

To succeed in life, you need to connect with the truth inside you. Let me show you a couple of steps to help you do that:

First, separate yourself from the noise and distractions of the world. The truth within you is always speaking, but it’s hard to hear when you’re surrounded by external noise. Take moments for silence and meditation.

Think of it this way: if you’re trying to listen to someone important but there’s too much noise around you, what do you do? You move away from the noise, right? 

The same principle applies here. Move away from the distractions, and you’ll hear the truth within you more clearly. This is the value of meditation and silence—it allows you to listen to the truth inside without interference from the conflicting voices outside or thoughts in your head.

But how do you distinguish between the thoughts in your head and the truth in your spirit? 

The answer is simple: practice. 

It’s like trying to identify someone’s voice in a crowd. What do you do? You spend more time listening to them, familiarizing yourself with their voice. 

The more you practice listening to the voice of truth in your spirit, the easier it becomes to separate it from the noise in your head. This is why having a regular practice of solitude and meditation is so important. 

The more time you spend with the truth within, the more understanding you’ll have of your life and purpose, and the more sense you’ll make of your experiences.

The world has conditioned many of us to stay endlessly busy—busy for nothing. We’re caught up in chasing money and accomplishments, often neglecting the most important aspects of our lives. 

But you must find a way to break free. Don’t let your time slip away while your life is wasted serving systems that don’t value you.

Here’s something else to understand about your life’s purpose: living it makes you the happiest and most fulfilled person on earth. 

True fulfillment comes from fulfilling your purpose, not from chasing distractions or living for others’ ambitions.

Everything we truly desire—happiness, greatness, contentment—has already been built into our purpose. It’s a complete package. Our lives were perfected and carefully designed before we were even born. So, there’s no need to worry.

The future we create and enjoy stems directly from living out our purpose. Happiness and fulfillment are byproducts of fulfilling that purpose—not from doing anything else, but from aligning with what we were designed to do.

So, connect with the truth inside of you. Write down everything you discover about yourself—your gifts, passions, and desires—and start making sense of it all.

Let me know if this article resonates with you, or if you need any clarifications or specifications. I’d be more than happy to help. Cheers!

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You can Watch this program on YouTube: 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. Are You Clear About What You Want This Year?

3. It's the End of the Year and Thing Are Still Not Working, Read This!

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How to Discover Your Purpose—No BS Approach (Part 2)

Your purpose is engraved in your being—it’s far easier to discover than you might believe. 

Take a moment to reflect on the events of your past. Do you notice any patterns? Are there things you love, hate, admire, desire, or feel deeply passionate about?

Your purpose is intertwined with the things you love, the experiences you’ve had, and the qualities others often notice in you. 

How many comments can you recall from people about what they see in you? Pause for a moment and think about these things. When you do, you’ll gain a clearer sense of what you’re meant to be doing here.

Your purpose is connected to your gifts, your passions, and the things that bring you happiness—or even anger. It’s tied to the changes you wish to see in the world, whether improvements or eliminations.

If you find yourself repeatedly doing certain things without knowing why, take a closer look—they may be linked to your purpose. 

Your purpose is deeply rooted in who you are. It isn’t distant or hard to uncover. In fact, it’s closer than you realize.

Consider the devices you use every day. Their functions—their purposes—are closely linked to their design. An iron is shaped to smooth clothes. A computer is constructed to perform its tasks. A phone is designed to fulfill its purpose. Each device has a distinct design because it serves a specific purpose.

Similarly, you are uniquely designed to fulfill your purpose. Your attributes, talents, and gifts—whether they’re in how you think, speak, move, or create—are signposts guiding you toward your purpose.

When you search for your purpose, look inward rather than outward. If you’ve sought answers outside yourself but still feel lost, turn your attention inward. The answer lies within you. That’s where the truth resides.

This truth, deeply embedded within you, knows everything about who you are and holds the answers to life’s questions. Your task is to connect with it, to engage in deeper communication and reflection. 

Think of it as a GPS for your life—it provides direction and purpose. It finds you no matter where you are in life and shows you where to go, how to move, and what to do.

This doesn’t mean you’ll never feel confused or make mistakes. It simply means you’ll always find solutions, receive guidance, and regain your sense of direction. 

Think of the Google Map when you are going on a journey; even if you miss the way, it redirects you from wherever you are and puts you back on track.

In the same way, the truth within you is your internal Google Map. It always knows the way forward, no matter where you are in life.

You don’t need to feel weary or worried. Simply connect with the truth inside, and you’ll find joy and happiness.

Probably, you are asking: how do you connect with the truth inside? I will share that in the next article.

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You can Watch this program on YouTube: 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. Are You Clear About What You Want This Year?

3. It's the End of the Year and Thing Are Still Not Working, Read This!

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How to Discover Your Purpose—No BS Approach (Part 1)

Let’s begin with a simple question: what is your purpose? Your purpose is the very reason why you are here. It is that thing that makes your life meaningful. 

The concept of purpose often feels complex because many people have wrapped it in layers of religion and theology. 

However, purpose is not confined to a specific religion or reserved for a particular group of people. It is something everyone should understand, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, belief, or faith.

Purpose is an existential question that touches all lives.

Here’s a simple analogy: suppose you decide to go somewhere. I’m sure you’d have a reason in mind—perhaps to meet a friend, buy something, or just go relax. 

Even if you think you have no reason, there’s often a deeper, unspoken motive in your mind. As human beings, we are naturally driven by purpose. There’s nothing we do without a reason, even when it comes to seemingly trivial or nonsensical actions. That’s how intrinsic purpose is to our lives.

Now, imagine a being as significant as you are, created without a purpose—do you think that’s possible? 

Even if we set aside beliefs in a supernatural being or higher power, we can all acknowledge that certain forces exist beyond human capacity. Despite our intelligence and technological advancements, there are still limits to what we can achieve. Something sustains this earth, orchestrates its balance, and occasionally disrupts it.

Science has already established the principle of cause and effect. Nothing happens without a cause. So, it’s implausible to think we just found ourselves here by chance. 

Yes, we understand the biological process of reproduction and our ability to multiply. This is a natural capacity we’ve been endowed with. But even with all that knowledge, we cannot create life itself. Life is energy, and energy cannot be created by us. 

So, when we step back and take a broader view, it becomes evident that there is a reason for our existence. That reason is what we call purpose.

Your purpose answers two fundamental questions:

  1. Why are you here? and
  2. What are you meant to do here?

These two answers make your existence both meaningful and valuable—meaningful to you and valuable to the world. 

You were not placed here to be a money-making machine or to fulfill someone else’s ambitious goals. You are here to fulfill the unique reason for which you were created.

Unfortunately, the world often seeks to keep you unaware of this truth, encouraging you to remain entangled in endless labor for systems that serve others’ interests. But your life is worth more than that.

In the next article, I’ll delve deeper into the subject of purpose and how to discover it.

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You can Watch this program on YouTube: 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

Will you like to write a book – share your story, ideas or knowledge in a book, now it’s easier than ever. In 3 weeks, your book will be written and published. Send a message to:

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If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @

You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. Are You Clear About What You Want This Year?

3. It's the End of the Year and Thing Are Still Not Working, Read This!

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Solving Our Food Problem—The Role of the Media (Part 9)

Many of us don’t know how much role the media can play in solving our food problem. The media is the mouthpiece of both the government and the people. It is the agency that amplifies the voices of individuals and influencers.

In solving our food problem, we need massive awareness. A lot of our people have long forgotten the value of agriculture. Many think it’s a job for illiterates and unemployed people. They don’t know it’s a life skill and a noble vocation.

Every citizen should be equipped with basic farming knowledge. If you eat, you should understand how to contribute to food production. This is not rocket science. 

You don’t have to work directly on the farm to play a role in agriculture. By applying your skills, knowledge, time, and effort, you can promote and support food production in meaningful ways.

The media has a crucial role in spreading this message and inspiring change.

We need to hear and talk more about farming. Many developed nations leverage the media to instill a national agenda and vision among their citizens. 

Repetition and consistency are powerful tools for transformation. If we want to see change, we must persistently advocate for it—both in words and in actions.

Africa has reached a critical juncture. We must unite, working together with a singular focus. We cannot continue to ignore the problems that cause us pain while pretending everything is fine.

If we have the land and resources, what exactly is holding us back? What is preventing us from achieving our food security goals? The media must investigate these issues, expose the truth, and hold leaders accountable.

Citizens should also use the media as a platform to express their struggles and challenges. While efforts are being made, we need greater results. We cannot rely on imported food when we have abundant farmlands. I say it is absolutely unheard of. 

We cannot continue seeking foreign aid while billions are embezzled within our borders.

The media needs to take a proactive stance in addressing our societal challenges. We must confront the food crisis head-on and resolve it once and for all.

Media organizations should host more programs on agriculture. They should invite experts and farmers to share their insights and successes. Let’s hear from the government about its initiatives. 

Let’s spread information about available farmland, seed distribution programs, and upcoming agricultural seminars and workshops. Incentives for agricultural projects should be widely publicized.

News outlets must share updates on the state of food security, highlight necessary actions, and guide us on where to begin.

Finally, everyone of us should use our social media platforms to create awareness about farming and how to solve our food problems.

The media has the potential to achieve far more than we often expect, and I believe it will, given that we are all grappling with these challenges together. It’s time for our nations to experience true freedom and prosperity.

I see positive change in our nations. Thanks for reading, and bye for now! 

Watch out for the next article.

Kindly share this post if you find value in it. Thanks for your support. 

You can Watch this program on YouTube: 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

Will you like to write a book – share your story, ideas or knowledge in a book, now it’s easier than ever. In 3 weeks, your book will be written and published. Send a message to:

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If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @

You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. It's the End of the Year and Thing Are Still Not Working, Read This!

3. The Perfect Gift for Christmas

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Friday, January 10, 2025

What Are You Pursuing—Money or Purpose?

Many of us are distracted by the idea of money. We are all running after it day and night. This pursuit has made many people greedier, more wicked, meaner, more callous, and more selfish. The world's system has prioritized the chase for money above everything else. I hope we haven’t lost our conscience. I hope our brains are still functioning.

Why should money dominate our lives? Why should a man-made object be more important than a God-given purpose? Many of us have abandoned our purpose to chase money instead. Money has become our number one priority—all because of the things we want to buy, the places we want to visit, and the luxurious life we desire to live. Nothing else. Frivolities upon frivolities. Vanity upon vanity.

What is the purpose of these things? What will they mean 100 years from now? Who will remember you for indulging in or acquiring those trivial things? What is the value of the money you hoard if it doesn’t serve a societal purpose beyond fulfilling your selfish interests? Think about these questions and let them guide your thoughts and actions.

You can’t be here and make money your sole pursuit. Is that really what you were created for? Is that the only purpose of your existence? Don’t misunderstand me—I’m not saying you shouldn’t have money or be wealthy. But the alarming rate at which people are chasing after money and the lengths they’ll go to get it—just because of the modern-day worship of the god of mammon—is deeply concerning.

You can have as much money as you want, provided you earn it legitimately. However, obsessively chasing money is not healthy, and it can jeopardize your future. I understand the pressure to earn money—there are bills to pay, responsibilities to manage, and endless financial demands. I get that. But the point is, there are many ways to earn money legitimately without becoming desperate.

It’s like needing air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat—these are basic necessities. But problems arise when you become desperate to obtain them. That level of desperation indicates that something has spiraled out of control. And that’s where I feel the world is today.

There’s too much abnormality in the world. You might think people are normal until you interact with them. That’s when you realize they are no longer thinking rationally. Their sole focus is on chasing money and frivolities. Politicians loot public funds, amassing wealth they can’t possibly spend in a hundred years.

For whom are they accumulating this money? Who do they think will inherit it after they die? Their children? Those children will likely curse them in their graves. They will see no value in stolen wealth and squander it all. Worse still, the bad reputation left behind will serve as a terrible legacy for the family.

This is not a good path. Human beings need to wise up. We must awaken from our slumber and stop this foolishness. Purpose is the most important pursuit in life. It guarantees freedom, happiness, and fulfillment. So, that should be your main focus and the #1 thing you strive to achieve in life.


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P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

Will you like to write a book – share your story, ideas or knowledge in a book, now it’s easier than ever. In 3 weeks, your book will be written and published. Send a message to:

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If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @

You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. Move Africa!

3. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

4.  The Role of Africa in the Ongoing Wars

5. Africa's Nuclear Weapon

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Solving Our Food Problem —The Role of the Youth (Part 8)

Now, I turn my attention to the youths. The youths are the engine of any nation. They are the driving force of any economy. And one advantage that Africa has is the fact that it has the youngest and largest population of young people in the world.

Africa has more than 900 million youths under the age of 25 (that is over 60% of its entire population). That's a profound strength unmatched anywhere else in the world.

To solve our food problem, we need the youth. We need to deploy both our physical and mental energy to solving this problem. 

Youths are known to be vibrant, active, and energetic people. They have the strength. They have the time. Now, we need the will—the will to solve our food problem. This is important because so many youths are now distracted. They are chasing many get-rich-quick schemes that could jeopardize their future.

But we need to solve our primary issues first. We don’t put the cart before the horse. We need to solve our food problem. This is not just about money. We know money is important, but how can you get food when you don’t produce it and when what you depend on are foreign-processed foods that will drain your economy and harm your health?

We need to solve our food problem. Everyone is hungry and angry. We must commit to bringing the change we need in our society. 

We know our adults have done their part, but we must take responsibility because the future depends on us, not on those before us.

If we don’t do anything, no future will be prepared for us. We must engage all the power and resources we have at our disposal to effect this change.

We need knowledge, first of all, as young people to navigate life. Instead of just looking for money and thinking that all our problems are tied to money, we should focus on solving our major problems.

Every young person must understand that money is like a gun; you need skill to use it. Otherwise, it will destroy you. But many youths will not understand that. And with all the social media hype and madness going on in the world, things have become so complicated.

As youths in Africa, we have to solve our food problem. Imagine our numbers—if only half of us would put seeds in the ground, how much harvest are we looking at?

We must prioritize farming and reorient ourselves to see it as a noble and essential profession. Farming is not for the poor or the jobless. In Europe and Asia, many young people are millionaire farmers. It is a path to food security and economic growth.

In Africa, we must recognize farming as a life skill. Without addressing food security, other problems cannot be solved.

There is a saying in my language: “Hunger cannot enter the stomach and words enter too." No! The two cannot enter at the same time. That means hunger makes it impossible to focus on anything else. And that’s absolutely true. See what a lot of our young people are doing today because of hunger.

I wonder—why are we not taking this seriously? Why are we still wandering the streets, seeking jobs, when food production offers immense opportunities for us?

Solving our food problem, I believe, will address most of our problems. It will provide sustenance, create jobs, and enable us to plan for a better future. Hunger undermines our ability to think about tomorrow and drives many of us into criminal activities, including cybercrimes, political manipulation, and human trafficking.

Our youthful strength and population must become assets, not liabilities. It’s time for change. Let’s refuse to be used as tools for negative purposes. Instead, let’s focus on securing our future and addressing our food challenges.

I know many of us have been frustrated and fed up with bad governance and a struggling economy that we have in most of our African nations, but we cannot give up now. Let’s do our part to effect change. The actions we take today will shape our future.

Finally, I would just love for every youth to do one thing: put seeds in the ground. Just put seeds in the ground. That’s all we need to do now!

I see a future with healthy and wealthy individuals who will overcome every limitation and create prosperity for their nations. God bless you. Cheers!

Kindly share this post if you find value in it. Thanks for your support. 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

Will you like to write a book – share your story, ideas or knowledge in a book, now it’s easier than ever. In 3 weeks, your book will be written and published. Send a message to:

Get books on Amazon: Amazon Books

If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @

You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. It's the End of the Year and Thing Are Still Not Working, Read This!

3. The Perfect Gift for Christmas

4. 9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A Wakeup Call to All Africans and People of African Descent

We live in a diverse and interconnected world. Yet, the lingering effects of colonialism remain. While the dichotomy may not always be obvious, the mindset of supremacy and oppression persists among some colonialists. 

Many non-Africans still harbor the belief that they are superior and entitled to control everything, whether others agree or not. They believe Africans must serve them while they remain in charge. But this mindset is unjust and reflects a flawed, condescending way of thinking.

No human is inherently better than another. I’ve emphasized this repeatedly on my blog: this truth must be acknowledged and firmly ingrained in everyone’s mind. The color of one’s skin or their actions do not make them superior. Read this.

Differences will always exist—that’s an undeniable reality. And possessing certain strengths doesn’t make one person better or render another useless. Everyone has their unique abilities; they simply need to discover and harness them. Read Making Sense of Our Strengths.

As Africans, we often encounter demeaning stereotypes from non-Africans who view us as inferior, incapable, or subhuman. 

They claim Africans cannot organize or govern themselves and must be "helped" to avoid chaos. But where were they during Africa’s golden ages—when the richest man in history was African? Where were they when Africa excelled in mining, agriculture, architecture, and medicine? Who do they think they are to dismiss our history and achievements?

Humility and mutual respect should govern human interactions. However, this will not be achieved until we, as Africans, assert that we are no less capable than anyone else. Progress and meaningful achievements do not require the intervention of outsiders.

The so-called "civilization" brought to Africa has, in many ways, done more harm than good. It has left many of us unproductive, purposeless, and distracted by trivialities. Our values and moral compass have eroded.

We’ve become more reactive, impulsive, and aggressive. We’ve become consumed by the noise of social media and technology. These distractions have caused widespread depression and fostered fake lives. 

Families are breaking apart, children are growing up without strong values, and marriages are strained—all fueled by the superficialities of social media.

Even our health has suffered. We are glued to our phones 24/7, neglecting physical activity and other healthy habits. We consume unhealthy, trendy foods promoted online and follow the latest fads without considering their impact on our well-being.

Technology and social media have also derailed us from fulfilling our purpose. We spend less time on meaningful pursuits and more time watching endless videos and comedies online. Deep down, we know we could be doing something better, but we feel trapped—addicted to these distractions.

In essence, we’ve become slaves to the products of white-dominated industries. What we once saw as a blessing has, for many, turned into a curse.

It’s time to wake up and break free from this cycle of dependency. The issue isn’t the technology itself but how we’ve allowed it to dominate our lives. We’ve turned gadgets, social media, and frivolities into idols, losing sight of what truly matters.

The issue is—we must refocus on our primary goals. It’s time to rediscover our strengths, work on them, and unite as a race. Capitalizing On Our Strengths As African People

Empowerment in every aspect of life is key to overcoming our limitations and thriving together. I have shared many articles on my blog that explore these topics. Kindly check them out.

I see a future where we rise above the limitations of the world and environment. Together, we shall achieve greatness and make Africa great again. Cheers!

If you find value in this post, kindly share with someone. Thanks for your support! 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

Will you like to write a book – share your story, ideas or knowledge in a book, now it’s easier than ever. In 3 weeks, your book will be written and published. Send a message to:

Get books on Amazon: Amazon Books

If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @

You can also check out these posts: 

1. Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2. Move Africa!

3. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

4.  The Role of Africa in the Ongoing Wars

5. Africa's Nuclear Weapon

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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Preparing for the Evil Day

I know this might not sound comfortable, but it’s necessary: Are you prepared for the evil day? 

Preparation determines performance. And you don’t want to be caught off guard. You want to prepare for the evil day before it arrives because the truth is—it will come. 

An evil day is one that seeks to overwhelm you. It's a day when everything feels hopeless and helpless, and assistance seems far away. 

An evil day might not just be a day; it could be a moment, a season, or a time in your life when despair sets in. It’s a day that makes you feel as if God has forgotten you, and all hell is broken loose.

It’s a day when your faith, hope, trust, and assurance in God will be tested to the core. It's a day when the devil and his agents will attempt to bring you down. 

But remember this: “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19).

Perhaps, you’ve experienced an evil day in the past or seen someone close to you go through it. Even though it's not easy at the beginning, it's a great testimony in the end if you stand on your faith.

There are ways to prepare yourself for it.

The first step is to seek knowledge. Be aware and informed that the evil day will come if it hasn’t already. But understand this: it’s not necessarily a tragedy. Instead, it’s an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.

Think of it like a student preparing for a challenging exam. No student enjoys exams, but everyone desires promotion—and promotion doesn’t come without tests.

Preparing for the evil day is not about negativity but about understanding life. Those who are unprepared often face life’s tragedies more intensely, making it harder to survive or recover from difficult situations.

Next, learn from others. Listen to the testimonies of people who have endured their own evil days. Ask questions about how they overcame. What strategies did they use? What lessons did they learn? There’s wisdom in their experiences.

Don’t be naïve, assuming life will always stay the same. Life changes—people change, situations change. But what must remain unchanged is your resolution: your faith and your determination to succeed and win in the battles of life.

You must be steadfast in your will to overcome challenges. Do not give up or grow weary, for in due time, you will reap a good harvest if you persist in doing good.

Build your faith and resilience. Anchor your life in your beliefs and your understanding of spirituality. Life is spiritual, and you must understand it. You must also learn to win life’s battles spiritually.

Practice solitude and meditation. Meditate on the Word of God. Pray. Immerse yourself in the truth that brings faith and victory to your spirit. When you are calm within, you can withstand the storms without. 

Winners are calm and focused, undistracted by the noise around them. Solitude and meditation build your inner strength and resilience.

Finally, trust in God. Trust in His grace. Believe that, in all situations, everything will work out for your good. Never give up or stop doing good. The Lord is with you and will always be with you. 

I see your life turning around for good. God bless you!

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P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

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