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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Power Of Femininity

I like to discuss this to let our ladies and women in general know what they have and to maximize their strength and abilities. Femininity (also called womanliness or womanhood) is a set of attributes, behaviours, and roles generally associated with girls & women. Characteristics of femininity are empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance, deference, and succorance. All these are products of how female brain functions. Women are emotional beings with high emotional intelligence because of their well-developed limbic system and could have strong level of influence. When it comes to learning, they're good learners, having long-term & short-term memories because of their hippocampus. They can multi-function their brain because of sound communication between their right and left cerebral hemispheres through the corpus callosum. They can smell danger faster and have a well-developed broca area for eloquence in speech and communication. Women think-talk because of their well-developed frontal lobe and respond faster to situations. While their brain represents about 2% of their body weight, it represents more than 98% of their personality and behaviours. Femininity is displayed more in action than look. Two lobes; frontal and temporal in the female brain have more organized white matter (structure for sending messages and quick communication) which can make them to manipulate words when communicating, pick information faster when listening, speak faster, learn many languages (multi-lingual ability), more sensitive and recollect faster what they hear than what they see. Women could be so devoted & committed when impressed by words. Bcos of their monthly hormonal imbalance in their reproductive years(15-50years), some women experience mood swings, feel excited sometimes, & feel depressed sometimes. Women are susceptible to stress & could easily feel discouraged. Whereas, all these shortly mentioned hormonal imbalances are feelings that could be expressed (as emotions) or not, I challenge u as a lady, a young woman to let your good personality (bcos of d good features ur brain has) overrule your feelings. Make use of ur brain to ur advantage & not to ur destruction. I see great women in dis generation making irrecoverable impacts in our world, making heaven on earth.
Nice Moments!

The Power Of Masculinity

Masculinity (also called manliness or manhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with boys and men. This include courage, independence, assertiveness, and expression of executive functions. While women have got so much to explore about their brain and its functions, allow me to start by saying women have got d natural ability to be brilliant, and men have got d natural ability to be logically intelligent, innovative, and creative. Intelligence bcos of many gray mater in their prefrontal cortex (thinking faculty of d brain) for processing information, solving difficult tasks, expressing good leadership skills(personality&judgment) and making inventions. The way men’s brain is wired is that there’s adequate communication within each cerebral hemisphere, allowing a man to be focused, concentrate, get things done one at a time bcos there is effective communication within one cerebral hemisphere. This as different from women that there is communication between the two cerebral hemispheres allowing them to multi-task. When it comes to hormonal influence on a man’s brain, testosterone could make a man to be so aggressive, assertive and have the ability of protecting his territory from enemies and imminent danger. More so, the testosterone is important for stimulation of sexual drive. The cerebral hemisphere back pole is essentially for vision, while d front pole is essentially for carrying out actions. A man is highly sensitive to what he sees and could think of getting things done as fast as it can be. He could easily create pictures, imagine things, see visions and generate long-term ideas, all bcos of the way his occipital lobe is well developed and connected with d frontal lobe. Little bit more, allow me to explore into a man’s cerebellum. D two cerebellar hemispheres easily communicate, making a man to be very smart with driving and spatial navigation, have accurate timing, and execute complex motor functions. Pls note that all these features are not totally monopolized by men, women too can express them and vice-varsa in d case of some special women’s abilities. Nice moments!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Why are u always asking urself, will i ever get someone to marry me....? and it seems as if nobody is answering you. wait my dear, all u need doing is to add value to urself, add spiritual value, add mental value, add character value. Values added turn u to a magnet that attracts men. No man has ever hated value, neither has anyone rejected help. u're an helpmeet to somebody. Don't allow ur past to destroy ur future. U're still good, u're a treasure, u're a wife material. Be ready for ur greatness. Congratulations!

The Invincibility of Patience.
Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. It's a strong word many people don't want to hear. But I tell you, it solves all problems of life. Patience is not passive, but an instrument you engage to have the results you desire in life. People always want things to happen within one millisecond, forgetting that there's always a period of gestation between your expectation(what you worked for) and manifestation(what works for you). Oftentimes, we make regrets of being in a hurry to do things, being in a hurry to speak and being in a hurry to take actions, but at the end, we wished we had exercised some patience. Patience will always favour you, no matter what.
Almost here, almost ready, almost done, you'll soon have what you're earnestly waiting for if and only if you don't abort your patience. Have a fulfilling week.
Nice Moments!

...and what have u decided!(Part 2)
I remembered a day I was discussing with a friend, he said "anything is possible in the world, you can do anything". then, I told him, yes, but only in your mind and not in d physical world. I said if anything is possible in d world, one man would have just woken up one day and scrape off everybody on earth, or turn d earth upside down. Everything is possible, essentially in your mind, then everything is realistic essentially in your world. Being possible comes from your thoughts, being realistic comes from your decision that you followed with action. Better to make it a reality than mere possibility. A lot of people had decided good things, but along d way got frustrated and quitted. Your decision only yield result if it's being followed up with appropriate action. Start printing the softcopy of your decision(possibility) to hardcopy of your action(reality). Have a fulfilling week.
Nice Moments!

...and what have u decided!(Part 1)
Right from onset, man had always got the power that differentiate him from animals, it's the power of volition(ability to decide or choose). All the time, we take actions, do somethings, go some places and so on, you won't be surprised that you decided to do those things whether consciously or subconsciously. We're the product of our decisions. Meanwhile, some decisions give you good result while some give bad result. You feel like reversing some decision and take a different one. While some decisions are trivial, some decisions are extremely important that they form part of your life. You sow seeds with your decision. Your future lies in the decision/s you make today. Check the things you're doing now, are they going to yield you good result or bad result. Look into the future and imagine the consequences of the things you're doing now. And after you take action from your decision, it's always difficult to go back. Better to sit down and think deep before you take actions that will cost you in the future. Never should you express all your mind, but mind all your expressions. Happy Women's day holiday. Women(girls, ladies, mothers, sisters) make our world beautiful and easy to live because they're strong catalysts in the reactions of life.
Enjoy your week.
Nice Moments!

Add some value to ur life.
A value is a quality that renders something or somebody desirable or highly important. When it's acquired, it turns u into a magnet that naturally attract people. Nobody wants to associate with parasites. Enough of running after people for whatever benefit, they'll mess u up, take ur time to add some value to ur life. Add some value to ur body, don't publicize what is private, there's a value in privacy. Clean ur bod...y regularly, brush ur teeth regularly, put on decent dresses. Add some value to ur brain, get some knowledge, be sound in ur career, acquire some skills, develop ur mind, learn how to communicate wisdom, don't always express ur mind but always mind ur expressions, learn how to relate with people, learn good characters, learn how to cook nice, learn manual skills, learn how to control ur emotions & very importantly learn how to love people irrespective of their actions. Finally, grow inside, there's a real inner u, add some value to ur spirit, it'll make all d difference. have a fulfilling week & a beautiful day.
Nice Moments.

Penny Wise
Oftentimes, invaluable things look valuable, trivial things look important, and unbeneficial things look necessary. When it comes to checking d price difference, even to d last digit after decimal point, some people are experts, not to even mind wasting their time. When it comes to giving, they are highly calculative and frugal, not allowing a single kapiek to drop on another man's hand. They only remember themselves and not other person. Come to school, they fight for marks (at all costs including losing their core values) and ignore d knowledge as if it's d marks that'll make them great in life. More left, but not to mention all, d issue is that don't capitalize on minor things, while u have major things in life to attend to. there's no point wasting ur time, busy checking d price difference, engaging in unprofitable discussion, chatting on social networks, calling, & engaging in unreasonable relationships for pecuniary& trivial benefits. There's no need for fighting over what is ur right if u follow d right procedure and don't look for shortcuts. Avoid being penny wise over pound wastage. Enjoy ur week.
Nice Moments!

D Gains of Sacrifice
Sacrifice is an act of giving up (something highly valued) for the sake of better considerations. Virtually every good result in life is a product of sacrifice. Two pains exist, d pain of sacrifice and d pain of regret, d former yields good result, while d latter yields bad result. Sacrifice could be tangible(material resources) or intangible(abstract resouces). D prize from a sacrifice is always more than d price of a sacr...ifice. Sacrifice is not expensive, but it's scarce. It's people who have serious business in life that trade with it. Can u give up some enjoyment now to have a lasting better enjoyment in future, can u make some investments (with ur time, money, talents, intelligence, skills etc) now to reap bountiful harvests in d nearest future. It's always good to know something(information), but it's always better to do something(action), & it's always best to have something(result). Convert ur information to action & ur action to result. This is what I called d Central Dogma of life.
Have a fulfilling week, & Hpp Resumption.
Nice Moments!

The power of femininity (Part 2)
While d female brain represents about 2% of their body weight, it represents more than 98% of their personality. Femininity is displayed more in action than look. Two lobes; frontal & temporal in d female brain have more organized white matter(structure for sending messages & quick communication) which can make them to manipulate words when communicating, pick information fast when listening, speak faster, learn... many languages(multi-lingual ability), more sensitive & recollect faster what they hear than what they see. Women could be so devoted & committed when impressed by words. Bcos of their monthly hormonal imbalance in their reproductive years(15-50years), some women experience mood swings, feel excited sometimes, & feel depressed sometimes. Women are susceptible to stress & could easily feel discouraged. Whereas, all these shortly mentioned hormonal imbalances are feelings that could be expressed (as emotions) or not, I challenge u as a lady, a young woman to let your good personality (bcos of d good features ur brain has) overrule your feelings. Make use of ur brain to ur advantage & not to ur destruction. I see great women in dis generation making irrecoverable impacts in our world, making heaven on earth.
Hpp new week,
Nice Moments!

The power of femininity (part 1)
Femininity (also called womanliness or womanhood) is a set of attributes, behaviours, and roles generally associated with girls & women. Characteristics of femininity are empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance, deference, and succorance. All these are products of how female brain functions. Women are emotional beings with high emotional intelligence bcos of their well-develope...d limbic system & could have a strong level of influence. When it comes to learning, they're good learners, having long-term & short-term memories bcos of their hippocampus. They can multi-function their brain bcos of sound communication btw their right&left cerebral hemispheres thru' d corpus callosum. They can smell danger faster and have a well-developed broca area for eloquence in speech & communication. Women think-talk bcos of their well-developed frontal lobe and respond faster to situations. Many more features that will later be discussed should give any woman or lady leverage to positively impact their lives and d environment. Men or guys should not be in a hurry, urs too is coming. Have a fulfilling week & hpp new month in advance.
Nice Moments!

The Cruciality of Setting Goals.
Goals are targets or desired result u planned to achieve. Goals could be long-term or short-term. U can't have any success without goals bcos success is achievement of ur goals. I had never seen a football team winning without kicking d ball inside goalpost to achieve goal/s. In a time like this, u've got to set goals for urself to make u excellent in ur studies. Setting and meeting goals leads to feelings of sa...tisfaction and accomplishment. Make ur goals SMART to be achievable;
Start setting ur goals now!!!
Happy Vacation
Nice Moments.

Consistence is d secret of any meaningful success in life. It's not enough to start doing something, but u must keep doing it to achieve d desired result. Have u started doing some good things but stopped halfway because of challenges here&there? For ur efforts to produce results, u must be consistent, persistent and insistent. Many have aborted good results because of inconsistence &lack of focus. Be consistent with studying, make sure a value is added to u everyday. Don't leave a day d same way u have entered it. I challenge u today to be consistent about everything u do & ur rewards will never pass u by.
Happy new week,
Nice Moments!

Wisdom nugget for this week:
I start with some questions that must be answered!
Have u had time to assess urself?
Do u have passion to make unusual achievements?
Do u know where u're going?...
Are u just spending ur days or investing them?
I challenge u dis week to rise to ur responsibilities before they become burden on u. As a student, u've got no shortcut, u must study to excel. Acquire new stuffs, break d confinements, set tangible long-term or short-term goals, be internally motivated& don't wait for praises from men, u'll soon be appreciated. Start d move & make d change now.....!
Hpp Resumption week.
Nice Moments!