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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Power Of Masculinity

Masculinity (also called manliness or manhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with boys and men. This include courage, independence, assertiveness, and expression of executive functions. While women have got so much to explore about their brain and its functions, allow me to start by saying women have got d natural ability to be brilliant, and men have got d natural ability to be logically intelligent, innovative, and creative. Intelligence bcos of many gray mater in their prefrontal cortex (thinking faculty of d brain) for processing information, solving difficult tasks, expressing good leadership skills(personality&judgment) and making inventions. The way men’s brain is wired is that there’s adequate communication within each cerebral hemisphere, allowing a man to be focused, concentrate, get things done one at a time bcos there is effective communication within one cerebral hemisphere. This as different from women that there is communication between the two cerebral hemispheres allowing them to multi-task. When it comes to hormonal influence on a man’s brain, testosterone could make a man to be so aggressive, assertive and have the ability of protecting his territory from enemies and imminent danger. More so, the testosterone is important for stimulation of sexual drive. The cerebral hemisphere back pole is essentially for vision, while d front pole is essentially for carrying out actions. A man is highly sensitive to what he sees and could think of getting things done as fast as it can be. He could easily create pictures, imagine things, see visions and generate long-term ideas, all bcos of the way his occipital lobe is well developed and connected with d frontal lobe. Little bit more, allow me to explore into a man’s cerebellum. D two cerebellar hemispheres easily communicate, making a man to be very smart with driving and spatial navigation, have accurate timing, and execute complex motor functions. Pls note that all these features are not totally monopolized by men, women too can express them and vice-varsa in d case of some special women’s abilities. Nice moments!

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