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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Power Of Femininity

I like to discuss this to let our ladies and women in general know what they have and to maximize their strength and abilities. Femininity (also called womanliness or womanhood) is a set of attributes, behaviours, and roles generally associated with girls & women. Characteristics of femininity are empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance, deference, and succorance. All these are products of how female brain functions. Women are emotional beings with high emotional intelligence because of their well-developed limbic system and could have strong level of influence. When it comes to learning, they're good learners, having long-term & short-term memories because of their hippocampus. They can multi-function their brain because of sound communication between their right and left cerebral hemispheres through the corpus callosum. They can smell danger faster and have a well-developed broca area for eloquence in speech and communication. Women think-talk because of their well-developed frontal lobe and respond faster to situations. While their brain represents about 2% of their body weight, it represents more than 98% of their personality and behaviours. Femininity is displayed more in action than look. Two lobes; frontal and temporal in the female brain have more organized white matter (structure for sending messages and quick communication) which can make them to manipulate words when communicating, pick information faster when listening, speak faster, learn many languages (multi-lingual ability), more sensitive and recollect faster what they hear than what they see. Women could be so devoted & committed when impressed by words. Bcos of their monthly hormonal imbalance in their reproductive years(15-50years), some women experience mood swings, feel excited sometimes, & feel depressed sometimes. Women are susceptible to stress & could easily feel discouraged. Whereas, all these shortly mentioned hormonal imbalances are feelings that could be expressed (as emotions) or not, I challenge u as a lady, a young woman to let your good personality (bcos of d good features ur brain has) overrule your feelings. Make use of ur brain to ur advantage & not to ur destruction. I see great women in dis generation making irrecoverable impacts in our world, making heaven on earth.
Nice Moments!

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