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Saturday, September 15, 2018

You Are A Genius - This Is Why (9 Types Of Intelligence You Didn't Know)

Have you ever thought of yourself being intelligent? This article will show you how. Everyone of us is intelligent in our own right. Let’s define what intelligence is. Intelligence is the ability to use knowledge, learning, and reasonings to solve problems. It is the ability to use imagination, thoughts, ideas and strategies to solve problems or create new concepts. Perhaps you might have reproved yourself of not knowing as much as your friends do. But this article will put an end to your unhealthy struggle. Your friend might be good with Math, but you with Language. Another might be good with expressions, but you with impressions. It’s all depends on perspectives. We live from different angles of life best-fit for us. Here are 9 types of intelligence you might not know about. Check which one or more of them you have.

1. Naturalist Intelligence; You are nature-smart. You have the ability to discretely discriminate living things, both plants and animals, as well as sensitivity to other features of nature.

2. Musical Intelligence; You are sound-smart. You have the capacity to discern different pitches, rhythm, tones, and timbre. You are aware of notes and sounds others may miss.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence; You are number/reasoning-smart. You can effectively calculate, analyze, and quantify data. You can easily carry out mathematical operations. You can also use abstract, inductive and deductive reasonings, and symbolic thoughts to function in relationships, strategy games and experiments.

4. Existential Intelligence; You are life-smart. You are sensitive to important things of life. You are capable of tackling deep questions about human existence, and life after death.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence; You are people-smart. You have the ability to understand and interact effectively with people. You have good verbal and non-verbal communications. You are sensitive to people’s moods, feelings, temperaments, motives and behaviours.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence; You are body-smart. You have the capacity to handle objects and use variety of physical skills with your body. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through the mind-body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craft people exhibit this intelligence well.

7. Linguistic Intelligence; You are word-smart. You have the ability to think and use words. You can use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. People with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

8. Intra-personal Intelligence; You are self-smart. You have the capacity to understand yourself, thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and execution. This intelligence is not only for self, but also for human conditions in general. Some people may be shy, but they are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

9. Spatial Intelligence; You are picture/image smart. You have the ability to think in three dimensions. The core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and creative imagination.

Hopefully, you’ve got the idea and discovered which of the intelligence you possess. However, you can always acquire as more as you wish, if you can put yourself through the training and practice. Happy Moments.

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