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Friday, October 12, 2018

30 Things You Didn't Know About Cooking Food

Everybody likes eating food, but not everybody likes cooking food. If you love cooking food like I am, here are 30 things you may want to know about cooking food, Enjoy!
1. If you want to cook good food, you need good time.
2. One ingredient can make your food better or worse.
3. Cooking brings out the aroma in your food.
4. Cooking teaches you patience and time-keeping.
5. You may not always like the way your food will turn out. Winks*
6. There is always room for improvement with every cooking.
7. One extra minute of cooking can make the difference on your food.
8. Experience teaches you how to cook food better.
9. When you cook food for people, expect different comments; Too much salt, too little salt. Too much pepper, too little pepper. All because of individuals taste buds.
10. Experience teaches you how to better use cutleries and kitchen equipment.
11. When you cook for both men and women, expect more comments from women. Women have more sensitive taste buds.
12. If you have not tried an ingredient or cooking item before, don’t use it for the first time when you are doing an important cooking. The outcome may shock you positively or negatively.
13. The best cooking recipe is to cook by yourself. You will always know it better than anybody can teach you.
14. You will always have part of your cooking utensils in a place where you regularly cook.
15. If you cook regularly, you will always find easier and better ways of cooking.
16. If you always cook one particular food, you will keep getting better at it.
17. If you are not a good observer of time, time can easily pass you by when you are cooking.
18. The more the attention you give to what you are cooking, the better the result.
19. When cooking, it’s better to put on dress that will make you comfortable.
20. When people are hungry, their judgment about food is impaired. Better judgment comes from people who are not totally hungry and totally full.
21. True taste of food is known when it's just prepared.
22. Your nose and taste buds are parts of your cooking equipment, so take care of them.
23. For every cooking, there’s always the main ingredients and the supplementary ingredients. The main ingredients form the major part of the food, you can’t do without them. The supplementary ingredients form the minor part of the food, you can do without them.
24. The main ingredient of a particular food can be a supplementary ingredient of another food.
25. The health of the person that cooks food is very important for the food.
26. Washing and cleaning are parts of cooking.
27. Hot food doesn’t know professional cook, so take care when handling food at high temperatures.
28. Wearing perfume to cook is a waste of time. The aroma of the food will overwhelm the fragrance of the perf.
29. Sometimes you spend longer or shorter time on cooking than you expect.
30. If you are a good cook, you can be selective with the kind of food you eat from outside. 

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