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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Because You Didn't Know God

You asked what else could you do if not to do what others are doing? You wondered where else you could go if not to go where others have gone. Because you didn’t know God. What other option is available for me? In a strange land where there’s no job, nothing to do apart from doing what is not convenient for you to do, but what can somebody do now? There’s so much financial pressure and responsibilities on things to use money for? 

So, what do I do? How do I go about it? Because you didn’t know God. God has more than one thousand and one ways to bale you out of any situation and provide a solution for you, but because of our limited minds and the way we ignore God in most things we do, we often forgot God is not a man that has options that become exhausted or left with one choice, but at everytime, he’s always got many options and availabilities. God relates with us according to the level of our understanding and development of our minds. If our minds are not developed, we will not be able to relate with him. That’s why he always want us to grow and develop so we’ll be able to comprehend whatever he’s communicating to us.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Social Health; Preventive Health 5

*Do you have friends? Do you have a family? Do you know anyone? Does anyone knows you? This episode will be devoted to Social health. It is one of the vitals of health.
*What is Social Health? Social health is the state of being comfortable with yourself in relation to others. As far as your life is concerned, you are the priority.
*While we can easily control other forms of health because they are internal. Social health seems to be more difficult because it is external. We relate more with people than we relate with things on earth.
*We are happy when people we love are happy. We are sad when people we love are sad. We do things, not just because of ourselves but because of people around us.
*Socioeconomic factors such as where we live, where we work, our education and income level, and our relationships with people, all affect our health more than the microbial agents around us that cause infections.
*Have you found out that it's not only drugs that treat infections? It's not only surgery that heals wounds? And it's not only labour that brings out babies? It's the connections, the emotions, and the expressions between Doctors and the patients that did. Social health brings mental and physical health.
*You will think you own people until the One that owns them make you understand that you are just like them. Detach yourself from owning people. They are not your property. Be healthy with relating with people. That's the way to go.
*God created us as social beings, not to depend on one another but to relate with one another. The relationship is for fulfilling our purpose not for misusing our purpose.
*How do we solve major problems in our world? By going back to our families. Every individual came from a family. The basic structural and functional unit of any society is family.
*I'm an African, so I don't relate with an Asian. I'm a Nigerian, so I don't relate with a Ghanian. I'm a Yoruba, so I don't relate with an Ibo. I'm a Christian, so I don't relate with a Muslim. I'm a Pentecostal, so I don't relate with a Catholic. I'm this, so I don't relate with that. So, our differences have separated us from people. We've lost opportunities, values and respect because of these wrong mindsets. But part of social health is our ability to relate well with people despite our differences. Our differences should not separate us but elevate us.
*Money is always affecting human relationships, because we understand it in different ways. But here is a simple solution- Know what you are living for.
*Here is beautiful! We can make it heaven. Different people. Different nations. Over 7.6 billion of us. I'm not sure only one person can enjoy everything here alone. Life is beautiful, thank God good people are here.
*How lovely to be with your family. That's where you belong. You share your thoughts, ideas, feelings, fears, joys, and different things of life with them. Have good time with your family. They are people who destiny has brought you together and they contribute to your health.
*Our experience with people tends to affect our relationship with other people. People are not the same. But people can be related the same, from a good heart.
*Sometimes we live with people who are not our best friends. They come as roommates, housemates or neighbours. We have conflicts. We have issues. We think they are not healthy to us. And we want to find way out. But here's a fact, they will always make us better if we learn to love.
*It's people that build roads. It's people that build economies. It's people that build securities. It's people that build infrastructures. It's people that build good healthcare. It's people that build systems and structures, not God, not angels, but people.
*Things that we do to people most times are things that we cannot take by ourselves. What puts us in check is discipline. We must discipline our thoughts and actions toward people if we will not keep regretting on our actions.
*How much can we say about how people around us have contributed to our health. Many have suffered health breakdown after divorce, disappointments, death of loved ones, excommunications, public defamation, dehumanization, intimidation, bullying, and all sorts of innuendos. Life here is shorter than being lived in pains and agony. Decide to enjoy it.
*Some people have told me why they've become so callous and wicked. They said people misbehaved to them. And I asked "will you go to hell because people misbehaved to you?
*Politics is part of social health. Playing bad politics on citizens can affect their health. But good politics can improve their health. France is an example.
*Yes, as humans we like public approval. We want people to celebrate us. But I hope your life is not dependent on it. So that when people will no longer see you, you can be yourself. Most people don't know who you are. They only see what you have.
*Research has shown us that people who are more socially healthy have less stress hormones in their body than people who are not. Good relations with people affects good health.
*While many people are still struggling with type I civilization, the world is getting to type II civilization where more than half of people in the world will be useless. The idea is simple- If you are not adding a unique value to the world, you will not be needed here.

Food Health; Preventive Health 4

*Food is my business. My business is food.
*Norman Borlaug, the father of green revolution saved many lives from starvation because of his innovative ideas on mechanized farming which brought massive food production. We need that in Africa.
*Take food out of poverty, poverty is half-solved. The problem of poverty is lack of productivity. People become more productive when they eat good food.
*Ofada rice is indigenous to Africa from Southwest Nigeria. It's an unpolished rice high in fiber and essential fatty acids. It helps reduces risks for heart disease, stroke and hypertension. It also improves bowel movements, reduces blood cholesterol level and risks for type 2 diabetes. It helps with migraine treatment and body weight reduction. You sure wonna have a taste if you've never tasted it before. That's what we do @Graces FOODS, we bring you home taste that you can't resist. Here is Ofada rice with fresh stew and plantain. Enjoy!
*Food supplies us energy to drive life processes. But eating without working or exercising is an easy way to die. Nature doesn't allow you to pile up energy in your body as fats. It compels you to use it for working. If you're not working, you should not be eating or better still, reduce it.
*I have found food in medicine. And I have found medicine in food. This took me 10 years of my life to understand.
*The only medicine God gave man was food. And the only poison devil gave man was food. Life and death are in food.
*If someone is intelligent, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is beautiful, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is sound, ask the kind of food they eat. Food is the least thing we suspect for these features yet plays very important roles.
*Nutrient value of a food is the least thing we want to think about when we are hungry. Quantity satisfies hunger. Quality satisfies appetite.
*Food safety and food security are parts of the hallmarks of development of any developed nation. The first is about protection of food. The second is about provision of food.
*How many times should I eat in a day? And what quantity of food? It depends on individuals. But the bottom line is- eat only when you are hungry. That's only when your body needs food. Eating without hunger puts excess calories in your body.
*Eating good food is not a luxury. It's an investment on your health. It's better to eat little good food than to eat bulky bad food.
*Simple food hygiene; Wash your hands. Clean your food. Clean the utensils and cutleries. And eat in a good environment. Wrong food in the tummy can spoil the day.
*The food is ready; Vegetable soup with assorted meats and Wheat swallow. Highly nutritious with vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can't afford to miss yours @GracesFOODS. Enjoy!
*There are over 250,000 to 300,000 species of edible plants in the world. We only eat 150 to 200 of them. What happens to the rest? Don't stay with only one food, explore others too. Health is in those plants.
*Every time food is wasted, I think of people who have no food to eat. Why should someone die of hunger when you can give them food? Make someone happy today.
*Sugar can cause diabetes when it's too much. Salt can cause hypertension when it's too much. Fats can cause obesity when it's too much. Water can cause metabolic imbalance when it's too much. Air can cause lung hyperinflation when it's too much. Anything can cause problem when it's too much. Too much of anything is not good for health.
*What should I eat in the morning? Light, energy-giving food with more liquids. What about afternoon? Moderate, bodybuilding food with normal liquids. And evening? Very light, energy-giving food with less liquids. Fruits and Vegetables should be present in all.
*Even if my wife can cook, I will still cook for my family. Food shouldn't be a problem in our families.
*Today has been "foody"; preparing all kinds of foods. You know hunger cannot enter stomach and another thing enters. That's adage from elders. Let's enjoy life with good food. Try something new this weekend.
*Hi friends, Happy new week. Some said they are looking for money. Others said they are looking for jobs. I said I'm looking for the hungry. I'm not only running food business, I'm running life business. If you are hungry, you can contact me please.
*Guess what, today was 'food shopping day'. Yes, we eat. We grow. We multiply. We fill the earth. And we fulfill purpose. Thank God for the good food. Thank God for the good life. 

30 Things You Didn't Know About Cooking Food

Everybody likes eating food, but not everybody likes cooking food. If you love cooking food like I am, here are 30 things you may want to know about cooking food, Enjoy!
1. If you want to cook good food, you need good time.
2. One ingredient can make your food better or worse.
3. Cooking brings out the aroma in your food.
4. Cooking teaches you patience and time-keeping.
5. You may not always like the way your food will turn out. Winks*
6. There is always room for improvement with every cooking.
7. One extra minute of cooking can make the difference on your food.
8. Experience teaches you how to cook food better.
9. When you cook food for people, expect different comments; Too much salt, too little salt. Too much pepper, too little pepper. All because of individuals taste buds.
10. Experience teaches you how to better use cutleries and kitchen equipment.
11. When you cook for both men and women, expect more comments from women. Women have more sensitive taste buds.
12. If you have not tried an ingredient or cooking item before, don’t use it for the first time when you are doing an important cooking. The outcome may shock you positively or negatively.
13. The best cooking recipe is to cook by yourself. You will always know it better than anybody can teach you.
14. You will always have part of your cooking utensils in a place where you regularly cook.
15. If you cook regularly, you will always find easier and better ways of cooking.
16. If you always cook one particular food, you will keep getting better at it.
17. If you are not a good observer of time, time can easily pass you by when you are cooking.
18. The more the attention you give to what you are cooking, the better the result.
19. When cooking, it’s better to put on dress that will make you comfortable.
20. When people are hungry, their judgment about food is impaired. Better judgment comes from people who are not totally hungry and totally full.
21. True taste of food is known when it's just prepared.
22. Your nose and taste buds are parts of your cooking equipment, so take care of them.
23. For every cooking, there’s always the main ingredients and the supplementary ingredients. The main ingredients form the major part of the food, you can’t do without them. The supplementary ingredients form the minor part of the food, you can do without them.
24. The main ingredient of a particular food can be a supplementary ingredient of another food.
25. The health of the person that cooks food is very important for the food.
26. Washing and cleaning are parts of cooking.
27. Hot food doesn’t know professional cook, so take care when handling food at high temperatures.
28. Wearing perfume to cook is a waste of time. The aroma of the food will overwhelm the fragrance of the perf.
29. Sometimes you spend longer or shorter time on cooking than you expect.
30. If you are a good cook, you can be selective with the kind of food you eat from outside.