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Friday, October 12, 2018

Food Health; Preventive Health 4

*Food is my business. My business is food.
*Norman Borlaug, the father of green revolution saved many lives from starvation because of his innovative ideas on mechanized farming which brought massive food production. We need that in Africa.
*Take food out of poverty, poverty is half-solved. The problem of poverty is lack of productivity. People become more productive when they eat good food.
*Ofada rice is indigenous to Africa from Southwest Nigeria. It's an unpolished rice high in fiber and essential fatty acids. It helps reduces risks for heart disease, stroke and hypertension. It also improves bowel movements, reduces blood cholesterol level and risks for type 2 diabetes. It helps with migraine treatment and body weight reduction. You sure wonna have a taste if you've never tasted it before. That's what we do @Graces FOODS, we bring you home taste that you can't resist. Here is Ofada rice with fresh stew and plantain. Enjoy!
*Food supplies us energy to drive life processes. But eating without working or exercising is an easy way to die. Nature doesn't allow you to pile up energy in your body as fats. It compels you to use it for working. If you're not working, you should not be eating or better still, reduce it.
*I have found food in medicine. And I have found medicine in food. This took me 10 years of my life to understand.
*The only medicine God gave man was food. And the only poison devil gave man was food. Life and death are in food.
*If someone is intelligent, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is beautiful, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is sound, ask the kind of food they eat. Food is the least thing we suspect for these features yet plays very important roles.
*Nutrient value of a food is the least thing we want to think about when we are hungry. Quantity satisfies hunger. Quality satisfies appetite.
*Food safety and food security are parts of the hallmarks of development of any developed nation. The first is about protection of food. The second is about provision of food.
*How many times should I eat in a day? And what quantity of food? It depends on individuals. But the bottom line is- eat only when you are hungry. That's only when your body needs food. Eating without hunger puts excess calories in your body.
*Eating good food is not a luxury. It's an investment on your health. It's better to eat little good food than to eat bulky bad food.
*Simple food hygiene; Wash your hands. Clean your food. Clean the utensils and cutleries. And eat in a good environment. Wrong food in the tummy can spoil the day.
*The food is ready; Vegetable soup with assorted meats and Wheat swallow. Highly nutritious with vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can't afford to miss yours @GracesFOODS. Enjoy!
*There are over 250,000 to 300,000 species of edible plants in the world. We only eat 150 to 200 of them. What happens to the rest? Don't stay with only one food, explore others too. Health is in those plants.
*Every time food is wasted, I think of people who have no food to eat. Why should someone die of hunger when you can give them food? Make someone happy today.
*Sugar can cause diabetes when it's too much. Salt can cause hypertension when it's too much. Fats can cause obesity when it's too much. Water can cause metabolic imbalance when it's too much. Air can cause lung hyperinflation when it's too much. Anything can cause problem when it's too much. Too much of anything is not good for health.
*What should I eat in the morning? Light, energy-giving food with more liquids. What about afternoon? Moderate, bodybuilding food with normal liquids. And evening? Very light, energy-giving food with less liquids. Fruits and Vegetables should be present in all.
*Even if my wife can cook, I will still cook for my family. Food shouldn't be a problem in our families.
*Today has been "foody"; preparing all kinds of foods. You know hunger cannot enter stomach and another thing enters. That's adage from elders. Let's enjoy life with good food. Try something new this weekend.
*Hi friends, Happy new week. Some said they are looking for money. Others said they are looking for jobs. I said I'm looking for the hungry. I'm not only running food business, I'm running life business. If you are hungry, you can contact me please.
*Guess what, today was 'food shopping day'. Yes, we eat. We grow. We multiply. We fill the earth. And we fulfill purpose. Thank God for the good food. Thank God for the good life. 

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