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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Are You Ready To Work?

Read this only if you are ready to work. Work is not a job, but you can make a job your work. Work is not what you do to keep yourself busy, but you can be busy with your work. Let me tell you what work does- Work adds value. Everything that you can see around you right now is a product of work. Let’s start from the clothes that you wear. Some people worked to produce those clothes. What about your gadgets, furniture, plastics, kitchen utensils, house, cars, and all of the things that you use? They are all products of work. If work wasn’t done, none of those things would have been produced. And those things add value to you. You use them, you work with them and they make your life better and easier. Imagine if there’s no work, then there won’t be anything that worths value. So, work allows us to add and create value. 

Whatever you do today that can add value to the environment- either people or things, can be termed as work. If you are good at talking and you can express yourself, turn it to work. If you can sing, dance, play instruments, write, cook, draw (do artistic works), care, act and all of the things that you can do, you can turn them to work by making them add value to humanity. And what do you get in return when you do these things? Value! You get value back in return when you add value. Most times, it comes in pecuniary form. 

If you go to the market to get any of those products I mentioned before, do you get them for free? No! You pay for them. Why? Because those things are value and you must give value (money) back in return. That's the law of exchange and that’s the whole concept about how to make money. You simply exchange value. So, when you turn whatever you do to work, it adds value. When it adds value, you make money. It can be immediate or later. But it’s certain that you’ll get your returns. It’s a law. When you give out something, you must take something back in return. Many times we don’t pay attention to it, but that’s the way life works. 

For you to work, you need two things; time and energy. Every work that you see came from those two things. Let’s talk about time. Time is what you have when you are alive. You do nothing without time, because everything works under the jurisdiction of time. This piece you read now, you use your time. So, time is what you have. How about energy? Energy is what gives you the ability to do work. Energy is what makes you appreciate time. Time creates the platform, energy creates the ability. The two must be present to do work. 

For instance, you may have time to do something, but so tired to do it. At that moment, you have time, but no energy. In another occasion, you may have so much energy to do something, but realize that you are short of time. So, to produce work, there must be investment of both time and energy. If you are ready to work, begin to invest your time and energy into things that you love and add value. If you want to change anything or have some desires or goals, there must be some works that have to be done. Find out those works and begin to implement them. You can start small. You can start now. And make sure you keep going. Greatness is yours.

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