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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Agriculture?

Why Agriculture? What is the idea behind it? Does everyone need to practice it? First, let’s define what agriculture is. Agriculture is the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals for human or animal use. So, agriculture allows us to leverage on the law of nature. It allows us to multiply whatever we’ve farmed. 

Every one of us must cultivate the habit of practicing agriculture. Why? Because everyone of us eats. If you eat, you should know how what you eat is made. Agriculture gives you that opportunity. It was the first work that man started doing on earth after he was created. It was done by Cain and Abel. They practiced the two forms of agriculture- planting of crops and rearing of animals, respectively. 

Here are some benefits of practicing agriculture. First, there’s access to fresh, organic food. Second, there’s access to cheap food, because food is available and in abundance. Farming is not expensive, and it’s almost free because you leverage on the law of nature. You have the ability to control what you eat, when you eat and how you eat. That would also reduce the cost of buying food from the market, so the price would come down and more food would be available for few people who would want to buy from the market. 

Farming could be a good source of income if you have enough to sell. It would also allow you to stay healthy and live longer because you would bypass the process of transport and post-harvest storage that could have spoilt or contaminated the food. It would also encourage you to be more hard working and utilize the natural resources available such as sunlight and rainfall for your benefits. 

Next, farming offers you a good way to recycle all your food wastes and conserve your resources. For instance, food remnants and spoilt food can be taken by your poultry birds or other animals that you rear. Animals like cattle, sheep and goats can help you take care of the plants and weeds in your surroundings. Fish in your fish ponds can help you take care of fish gills and intestines that you remove from the fish that you grow or bought. Also, bio-fuel can be generated from woods and plants. Farming has a way of helping you to exercise and move your body. 

Plants and trees in your surroundings are good source of fresh air and healthy environment. They also prevent hazards caused by whirlwinds and tornadoes. There’s also less greenhouse effect and maintenance of good temperature within our earth. Juices, leaves, spices and herbs from plants and different parts of animals are a good source of medicine. You have access to health-promoting substances because of agriculture. There’s also less corruption and social menace in the society because more people would have access to food and feel less hungry and angry. That could also stabilize people’s emotions and foster more love among individuals. 

As the world population increases, we know one thing is certain- demand for food would also increase. And what would that mean? It would mean that we have to increase our food production. And that would be through farming. Right now, there’s increase in hunger level in some countries around the world and a lagging gap between what is produced and what is consumed. So, we must all rise to this challenge and fill-in the gap. Since we know food is what we will always need, we must find a way to continuously make it available without making it a burden for anyone. Everyone must be responsible for their own food. 

There are many things you are responsible for; not only your life, but also what keeps you alive -such as your health, what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you know, where you belong, where you live, how you live and so on. The moment you take your responsibility from what the government should do for you, to what you should do for yourself, that’s when you begin to set yourself free from being disappointed, dependent and despondent. 

It’s not enough to find a white-collar job; you must also get a good farming to do. If you can’t do it where you live, you can find somewhere to do it. You can also hire people if distance is a barrier. And for those who don’t have land, they can lease it from individuals or government. Lands are available everywhere. And once your good intentions are known, you should be able to have access to good land to practice your agriculture. My regards

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