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Monday, February 22, 2021

Just Sharing My Thoughts

Sometimes you prepare a nice meal and you don’t even know how nice it is until people taste it and give you comments about it. That’s the way writing a book is. People who write very well would tell you that writing a book is like preparing a meal. You must make it delicious if you want people to enjoy it. And that would include all the ingredients and recipe that would make the food (which is now a book) taste great. I count myself worthy and humble to share my ideas, knowledge and understanding of critical issues in the world which many people are unclear about. I put my time into understanding any subject matter and distil the right knowledge into people’s minds, knowing fully well that information into your mind is like food into your body. 

If you eat wrong food, it can cause problem in your body. Also, if you digest wrong information, it can cause problem in your life. So, I make sure I take out all the bullshit and leave alone what is relevant and would be beneficial to people’s lives in my write ups. Truthfully, we grow in knowledge and there’s no time in history that anyone has become an island of knowledge. We all learn and grow everyday. And things keep changing from time to time and moment to moment. That being said, it doesn’t affect the fundamental truths. Truths don’t change, even though every other thing does. There’s no update that can outdate the truth. The reason being that truth exists outside time. 

As a matter of fact, the only factor that tests the validity of truth is time. So, the more the time passes, the more the truth is unveiled, not changed. Time cannot change the truth, it would rather unveil it more. Perhaps, you might have experienced that for yourself. Some things that you didn’t know when you’re younger, you know them now. Probably, not because somebody told you, but because you’ve grown enough with the help of time to understand that. Time has revealed the truth to you. And the same thing happens with what we do. You may not be clear about some things going on now. Give it some time. The truth would come out. No one can hide the truth and no one can defend the truth. By that I mean, you can’t fight for the truth. You can only fight for yourself, thinking you are fighting for the truth. Because truth is already justified. No one fights for it. 

One important thing you also want to know about the truth is that time will reveal the truth about yourself. If there are some things that you don’t know about yourself now, give it time, you’ll know them. What about some people who are pretending to you now? give it time, you’ll know them better. That’s why you don’t want to rush into any relationship. If and only if we would allow time to unveil the truth, we would struggle less and not be bothered by anything. If you are doing the right or wrong thing now, the truth would tell with time. Truth works with time. And time reveals the truth. I encourage you to leverage on this power of nature; this omnipotent force of truth that would always manifest itself and reveal things to the world. It would unveil you to the world. You don’t need to struggle to make yourself known. You don’t need to shout and make noise to get things done. The truth with time would do all that for you and you’ll surely have a good story to share. Do check my other articles on this blog. I salute you!

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