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Sunday, June 13, 2021


1. Selling is not just an act, it is a way of life. It affects everything you do in life. For you to succeed in anything, you must be able to sell. You must learn how to do it, and put your creativity to work.

2. If you can’t sell yourself, you can’t sell anything. Selling starts from selling yourself. You must be able to sell your words, your ideas, your abilities, your confidence, and your potentials.

3. People don’t have problem with price. They have problem with value for their money. If people see the value in what you are offering them, they would gladly buy it. In fact, people like when you put good price on something, it shows that it has more value. There’s no shortage of money.

4. Stop selling products, and start getting into people business. People know when you genuinely care for them and want to meet their need rather than just take their money. They would gladly give you their money than when you are just about your product. It is people who buy products and not products that buy people. Enter people business. And your business would prosper.

5. Always agree with your customer, even if what they are saying is not true. Agreement is not by force. It is choice, which when you make, it makes your customer to know that you appreciate their opinion and they would gladly buy from you. People don’t buy from someone who doesn’t agree with them, even though, what they are saying might not be right or true. Agree with your customer.

6. Don’t tell, show! People believe more what they see than what they hear. When you show people what you are selling, it boosts their trust and confidence in you. But if you don’t show, doubt could easily set in. People hardly doubt what they see, but often doubt what they hear without evidence.

7. You must always give to your customer, if you want them to give their money to you. You must be able to give your attention, your energy, your time, your gesture, the information they need, and the right attitude.

8. You must always take massive actions to get massive results. There’s no gimmick about results; the more action you put in, the more the results you get. If you put little action, you will get little result. If you put bigger action, you will get bigger results.

9. Maximize your power base. Your power base is the collection of all the people that you know and know you. They include your family, friends, colleagues, mates and so on. Sell to them and let them sell your product to the people that they know. It’s a good and easy way to network and grow your business.

10. Confidence and persistence are key in selling. You must be confident in your product and persist till you close your sale. People know when you are confident in what you are selling, and if you are persuasive long enough with the right timing, you will always get what you want.

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