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Monday, October 3, 2022

Activities, Achievements & Fulfillment

Activities without achievement is a waste of time. Achievements without fulfillment is a waste of life.

Every activity you perform must be focused on achieving something. From brushing your teeth every morning to going to work every day, there’s an achievement associated with every activity. 

Your activity can be about your relationship, your family, your work, your business, your health, your studies, or your life. 

You must gear it towards achieving something if you want to give value to your time. And really, there are many things that we do that are already giving value to our time. But we are not focusing on achievement. 

For example, things that you’ve gone through in life over the years have fetched you some wisdom and ideas that could bless a life if and only if you share them, maybe in a book (which is an achievement) or in a documented talk. 

You can make achievement out of everything you’ve gone through in life, even the bad ones. No regrets. The only regret would be not knowing how to turn your mess into a message.

No matter what you have done in your past, you can make it valuable. What you’ve experienced is hard to come by. Money cannot buy it. But time has handed it over to you free of charge. 

Make move to change someone’s life today and you’re already blessed for doing so. Achievement can make you happy. But fulfillment can make you happier and keeps you in it. You are ever and ever grateful for life.

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There Is Happiness In Giving

There is happiness in giving. I can say that a million times. Every time you give, someone is happy and you are also happy. 

Giving should be done freely and with understanding. 

There are people who take advantage of people’s generosity and milk them of their resources. 

Use discernment! 

By gut, you can know those who genuinely need your help and those who don’t. Even if you give to those who don’t, but deceived you they do, you will still get rewards because of the genuineness of your heart. 

I hear some people say if you give someone something, they will charm you or cast a spell on you. That’s not true. It’s a strategy from the greedy folks who want to be rich from your resources and keep others poor. 

When you give, no evil will happen to you. You are at the upper hand. You are guided and protected. Nature is in agreement with your action and God himself supports what you are doing. So, how can evil happen to you? Or how can you be poor? 

It’s absolutely impossible!

There is satisfaction in giving. There is unspeakable joy in giving. If you have opportunity to give, why won’t you give. 

You’ve been given all that you have. The life in you is an evidence that you’ve been given everything. 

When you have life, you have everything. And having everything means you can give anything. 

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Challenges With Mental Health & the Solutions

Challenge with mental health is often common among us than we would ever imagine. Many of us tend to keep a lot of things to ourselves. We don’t want to bother other people. Or they will not understand! So, no need to tell them.

What we are going through could be so painful and heart-aching, that we could swing into depression or mental disorder. Life can be so hard and dealing with issues can be so overwhelming. 

Any saving grace? 

Yes, depending on the peculiarity of your situation. If you’re someone comfortable with talking to people, find someone reliable to share your burden with. If no one, talk to yourself. Your best bet in any situation is yourself. 

Find the right confessions and start making them into your life. Move your body. Change your position. When you move your body, you move your mind. When you move your mind, you change your mental state. So, go for a walk. Go to the gym. Get to meet some people. Go to events. You’ll be happy you did.

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A Man!

A man —an embodiment of God’s foundation on earth. God’s authority on earth, that manages the activities and events of life. He has a drive that does not only make things happen but also changes what happens. He has a testis that does not only produce testosterone but also produces testament that testifies the earth. He has a mind that does not only see the future (what will happen), but also creates the picture (what will happen).

He has a mission that does not only achieve the vision but also promote/propagate/propel the passion

He has a body that cannot only withstand pressure, but can also project pleasure. He has a hand that is not only skillful in labor but also dignified in favor, mighty in battle, cheerful in giving, generous in giving

He has an energy which is not only for carrying weight but also for handling responsibilities.

He has a willpower which is not only for getting things done but also for making headway in life.

A man! How well do you know him and how much can you value him. He’s a boldness. He’s a pride. And he’s all that gives life and supports/protects it.

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A Woman!

Embodiment of grace and power— that’s what a woman is.

Look at her. And examine her and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

She has a womb that is not only for conceiving a baby but also for conceiving ideas. She has senses which are not only smart for physical sensations but also great for emotional intelligence.

She has a mind which does not only remember what has happened, but also prepares for what will happen.

She has a strength which does not only withstand pains and adversities, but also carries will and progress.

She has a body which does not only emanate beauty, but also epitomizes love.

A woman! How much can you value her and how much can you pay for her worth?

She can move on. She can endure. She can conserve and preserve and reserve and for sure deserve all of what she had been made and created for.

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The Moment You Cross that Borderline

The moment you cross that borderline, we are not going to know whether you are black or white.

The moment you cross that borderline, we are not going to know whether you are rich or poor.

The moment you cross that borderline, we are not going to know which country you are from.

I say, the moment you cross that borderline, we are not going to know whether you had everything or you had nothing.

The only thing we’re going to know, is whether you are truly fulfilled on earth or not.

Remember this!

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10 New Realities About Religion

A good number of young people around the world have understood certain things about religion.

First, religiosity is not spirituality.

Second, religion is more of control than worship.

Third, religious people are the most difficult and judgmental people in the world.

Fourth, religion is more of politics than service.

Fifth, religion is an instrument of colonization and building individual’s empires.

Sixth, religion is for polarizing and bringing divisions among people than of uniting them.

Seventh, religion was created by man and not by God.

Eighth, religion is more of performance and show off than anything personal or private.

Ninth, religion has killed more people than it has saved them.

Tenth, religion is a tool in the hand of the oppressor.

Understanding all of these will help in decolonizing your mind from all the shackles and mackles of religion. 

Religion, for hundreds of years has been a major instrument in the hands of oppressors and colonizers for controlling and manipulating people.

Understanding God has nothing to do with religion. It is a personal thing and not a religious thing.


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My Father!

My father (Isaac Olugbenga Owoeye) —What can I say? You were the only father I knew. A man of grace and strength, down to earth, loving people and so endearing. 

Your humility, gentleness, generosity and lovingkindness are testament to your big heart. You were indeed a father. The one who took the education of his children seriously and cared a lot about other children, even when you have to make sacrifice for it. 

You taught us how to trust God, even in difficult situations, and how to love people, even when it’s difficult to. You taught us how to be strong and stand against injustice. You loved peace but you hated wickedness. 

Your life and values are what we celebrate today. Thank God for the life you lived and the legacy you left behind. We’ll continue to celebrate you and thank God for the life you lived on earth. 

Continue to rest in the bosom of Christ where we will meet to part no more. Love you Dad!

Isaac Olugbenga Owoeye (Sept.28,1958-Jan.13,2011)

Allow Love to Grow!

So, when we talk about love, people always put their minds on big things. When someone says, for instance – "I love you" . You could be like - "how do you mean you love me when you’ve not even shown half percent of love." But it's not about the action first, but the heart. 

Now, the idea is this- when someone says they love you, accept it, until they do otherwise. Don’t place love on too much pedestal that you reject people’s love. The idea about love is - it always starts as a seed. It always start as a small thing, usually things that people don’t count. But it means a lot.

So, when someone is trying to express that small thing, don’t ridicule it. Don't say it's nothing, because that is what will become a big tree. 

Don’t despise the days of small beginnings. The small love you despise today could be what will become a big happiness for you tomorrow. When love starts growing as a seed, don’t kill it. Don’t ridicule it. Allow it to grow!

The seed of love that is in people’s heart and they are expressing to you, let it grow, let it do well. 

Allow people to express their love to you. Don’t close your heart. 

You know it actually takes time for love to grow, just as it takes time for seed to grow. While that love is growing, give it time, it will become a huge tree that will manifest many fruits that you’ve been looking for.

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