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Monday, October 3, 2022

Activities, Achievements & Fulfillment

Activities without achievement is a waste of time. Achievements without fulfillment is a waste of life.

Every activity you perform must be focused on achieving something. From brushing your teeth every morning to going to work every day, there’s an achievement associated with every activity. 

Your activity can be about your relationship, your family, your work, your business, your health, your studies, or your life. 

You must gear it towards achieving something if you want to give value to your time. And really, there are many things that we do that are already giving value to our time. But we are not focusing on achievement. 

For example, things that you’ve gone through in life over the years have fetched you some wisdom and ideas that could bless a life if and only if you share them, maybe in a book (which is an achievement) or in a documented talk. 

You can make achievement out of everything you’ve gone through in life, even the bad ones. No regrets. The only regret would be not knowing how to turn your mess into a message.

No matter what you have done in your past, you can make it valuable. What you’ve experienced is hard to come by. Money cannot buy it. But time has handed it over to you free of charge. 

Make move to change someone’s life today and you’re already blessed for doing so. Achievement can make you happy. But fulfillment can make you happier and keeps you in it. You are ever and ever grateful for life.

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