Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Africa We Deserve – #End Bad Government

I was glad to see our people rising against bad government in different parts of our continent. It started in Kenya, spread like wildfire to Uganda, and now, to Nigeria. There is a new wave of change sweeping across Africa, and I believe that it will yield lasting results. In fact, it is already yielding results.

Youths in Kenya succeeded in bringing their government to its knees by abolishing the demonic finance bill. In Uganda, citizens courageously raised their voices against the intimidation and corruption that plagued their parliament's leadership. Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the government is scrambling to do damage control, realizing too late that Nigerians are determined to stand firm against their oppressive and bad government.

As African people, it is high time we reclaimed our nations from the clutches of these wolves.

Most governments in Africa are the same. They are oppressive and dictatorial governments. The politicians enter positions by hook or by crook, and they start executing bad policies that plunge people into poverty. That, in itself, is supported by foreign powers who masterminded the act and gained from the arrangement.

But the tide is turning. The fact that our people are rising against these oppressive governments is not only impressive but also a sign of hope and a call to action. We must all support this movement, whether we are in the diaspora or within the continent. Now is not the time to keep silent.

"He who does not oppose evil commands it to be done." — Leonardo da Vinci

We must leverage every tool at our disposal—social media, contacts, connections, and resources—to amplify our voices and push back against the oppressors. We must let them know that we are not the same people they once thought they could subjugate. We have changed, and Africa is changing with us. The change we seek for Africa is the change we will achieve.

No longer will we be fooled by false hope and promises from those who do nothing to improve our lives. While they busy themselves looting public funds, buying luxurious homes abroad, and selling us empty dreams, we will stand resolute in our demand for real progress. We refuse to submit to their deceitful tactics.

The Africa we deserve is the new Africa that is rising. It is an Africa that will empower its people. It is an Africa that will raise great men and women. It is an Africa that will be a beacon of hope and peace to the world. It is an Africa where we will all take pride in living and working together toward our collective growth and development. 

In this Africa, our talents and gifts will be deployed, and people will achieve great things for themselves and their nations. It is an Africa where we will all be committed to the success of our land. An Africa where equality and justice will be our guiding principles.

This is our destiny. This will be our legacy. And we will rejoice in being alive in this age, knowing that our children and future generations will inherit a continent we can all be proud of. Cheers.

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1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. The Spiritual Authority of the African People

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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