Monday, June 24, 2024

Africa’s Nuclear Weapon

There is one weapon I want to share with you. It is Africa’s nuclear weapon. I know it may sound surprising, given that Africa doesn’t have any nuclear weapons or plans to acquire one. So, what exactly is this nuclear weapon? I will tell you. 

We all know nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction – the kind that nuclear states use to threaten their enemies. If one state offends a nuclear state, that state is at risk. It will receive the threats of its life.

So, it is what most countries are now using as a deterrent for their enemies and as an object of intimidation. Consequently, this has made many non-nuclear states to push for acquiring them. They also want to have nuclear weapons. They want to hold power on a global stage and don’t want to be at the mercy of their enemies.

But how cheap can nuclear weapons be? Who can afford them? The cost of setting up and maintaining a nuclear weapon runs into billions of dollars. So, nations that don’t have might be at the mercy of those that do.

Currently, there are nine nations in the world that have nuclear weapons according to official sources. Other nations are bidding to get theirs, including some Western states.

Now, to Africa, where little or no hope is found, Africans are believed to be at the mercy of other continents in the world. They are believed to be the least expected continent where anything nuclear can be found. And for now, they might be right. But here is a shocker – Africa has the highest and strongest nuclear weapon in the world. Maybe not the one they expected!

Africa has a nuclear weapon that can incapacitate other nuclear weapons in the world. So, we are not at a disadvantage. If those that have nuclear weapons think they can threaten Africa, let them think again. 

Now, here is Africa’s nuclear weapon – it is that thing that puts the world in place. It is from whom all things are made. It is what made the heavens and earth. It is what created man himself and put him in charge of things. I’m talking about the Word – the power that makes all things work. It is Africa’s nuclear weapon.

But how? Does that mean everyone doesn’t have access to this weapon? No, everyone has access to it. But not everyone will make use of it. Everyone thinks they have something they can use to fight except Africans. So, it is Africans that will appreciate this weapon. It is the language they understand. 

And how can this weapon be put to work? By faith. Only faith makes this weapon work!

Africans understand faith. But we need to go beyond understanding faith and come to its practical application. We need to put our faith to work through the words in our mouths. We know there is power in the word of God in our mouths. We have authority. We have power. We are not at a disadvantage in anything. We are in charge of situations as long as we can engage this weapon. We can use our faith to make things work and destroy the works of the enemies.

Let's read a scripture. I quoted it before. 

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” – 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

This is profound. Africa’s nuclear weapon is not to be joked with. It is not carnal or physical, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and bringing every power to the knowledge and authority of the word of Christ.

Exactly. It is the word of Christ in our mouths. It is loaded and powerful – full of lethal weapons and armory.

When we release this nuclear weapon, it destroys the plans of the enemies. When we release this weapon, it inactivates and attenuates the works of darkness. 

I urge you, if you are an African, to learn how to use this weapon. This is not because other races cannot use this weapon, it is because many of them are arrogant in themselves. They believe more in themselves than in the One who created them. And that is what will destroy them. Leave the proud nations alone and let them perish in their foolishness.

This word is not for the babies. It is for the matured and the grown-ups. Let the action begin!

Read next: How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

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