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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Using the Church as an Instrument of National Transformation (Part 3)

I alluded earlier to the fact that the church is the only system I have seen that is working in Africa, and I’d think that is a great opportunity for the church. (You can read Part 2 here).

At this point, we must not only see the church as a fellowship center or a place meant only for Christians, but as an agent of change—an instrument of national transformation.

The church has so much influence in Africa. Even in the realm of politics, church leaders influence their members to vote for a political party or organization, and they can organize a rally for a national protest. 

If a leader of a big church speaks, politicians listen. That is a big power wedged in someone’s hands, and they can use it for national good.

The time has come for us as a people to leave all sentiments aside and address the problems we have in our hands. We can’t fold our arms and say the problems going on in our nations are not our problems or they are problems for the world.

The church must be an instrument of national transformation. 

Right from when it was established in the time of the Apostles in the Bible, we saw how the church was a great agent of change in the society. It has always been like that. Now must not be different.

Every church leader must focus on addressing imminent issues in our society. We must not only come to church to pray and sing; we must practically address issues affecting our nations.

We are the light of the world; we are the salt of the earth. There is nothing biblical or spiritual about saying we are not sent to the world or that the problem facing the world is not our problem.

Jesus was going about healing the sick, feeding the multitudes, and teaching nations the gospel of the kingdom. He was not saying the problem of society was not His problem or that God didn’t send Him to the world.

Again, we are the light of the world. It didn’t say we are the light of the church. We are the salt of the earth, not the salt of the church. That is important to note. It emphasizes the level of our impact—that it must not be limited to the four walls of the church.

We have many urgent issues in our hands. 

First, are the basic ones. There is still so much hunger in our land. How can we have so much resources, and we are still hungry? That is absolutely unheard of.

We must all go back to the farm. I don’t care who you are or what you are doing. If nations that have millions of tons of food in their storage are encouraging their people to go to the farm, why not we, who are still battling with food insecurity?

We must address this issue and address it fast. We can’t be hungry and still be praying in the church. That will be foolishness. We’ve got to go to the farm. I will subsequently write on each of the problems and how to address them.

We have other problems like insecurity, finances, health, education, transport, electricity, and so on. 

There is so much in our hands to deal with. We must be intentional about solving our problems, and the church is highly instrumental in this. God has given us wisdom to solve our problems, and He has also given us the platform to do so.

So, let’s engage all the resources we have at our disposal. Let’s create a massive sensation and awareness among our people about these issues we are dealing with. 

We must all keep talking about these issues. We must not keep silent. We must add them to our sermons and messages. We must add them to our weekly services and Sunday school topics. We need to keep hearing and talking about this.

There is power in the Word if we engage it. God could only solve His problem when He spoke the Word in the first book of Genesis. We must apply the same principle. Let’s keep speaking the Word.

I know many of us know these things already, but that’s just how it works—by keeping on talking about it. Let’s keep talking about the solutions and applying them. Let’s engage all the resources we have at our disposal.

There are great biblical principles that we can engage for national transformation. I will discuss some of them in subsequent articles. For now, let’s put this Word to use. Let’s start engaging our spirit, soul, and body to solving our problems and bringing the good that our nations truly need.

If you enjoy this post, kindly share with someone. Thanks for your support! 

P.S. In case you want to, feel free to reach out to me. If you need advice on your plans and ideas, and how to work on your gift and purpose, drop me a message here or email me at, and we’ll arrange a call.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  The Role of Africa in the Ongoing Wars

2. Africa's Nuclear Weapon

3. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

5. Making Sense of Our Strengths

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Anonymous said...

This is profound and timely. Thanks, Doc.

S.O PIENS said...

You welcome 🤗