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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Business Episodes; Business Mindedness

# My business is to do the will of Him that sent me while I'm on earth. A time comes when no man will be able to do work.
# Your business is not just what keeps you busy. It is what keep you living. Not just what makes you work. It is what gives you worth.
# If you are business minded you will not waste your time, and you will not waste your life.
# Some people have turned problems to business. They've turned needs to seeds. Where others are seeing problems, they are seeing business opportunities.
# In God's business plan, 1 person is equal to 99 persons. What is done to one must be done to all, differences notwithstanding.
# People that waste their time on other people's business eventually miss their own business. Get on your own business.
# In business, commerce is of essence. It bridges the gap between what is produced and what is consumed. It's not enough to know how to produce goods, you must know how to sell them.
# Money circulates only in the circle of business-minded people. If you are not business-minded, money does not know your address. The rich gets richer. The poor gets poorer.
# Every nation that knows the value of its young people will always invest in them. Young people are like business; whatever you invest in them is what you will harvest from them.
# In business, time is money. If you waste your time, you've wasted your money.
# A business mind spent $18,000 for 3days on advertisement during exhibition. He understood he could get triple of that amount if he could create enough awareness to people. What you don't make known will not make you known.
# What is your good? What is your service? What can we pay or appreciate you for? What can we buy from you? What do you have? It doesn't matter if it is small. If you've got any of these, that is your business. Start working on it.
# Nobody's business should affect your own business. Nobody's life should affect your own life. There's more than enough room for everybody. Face your own business.
# Business mindset gives you working mindset, profit mindset, value mindset, production mindset, multiplication mindset, people mindset, and accountability mindset. Even if you don't have any of these at first, business mindset will give you.
# To start a business, don't wait till you get all you want. Start with what you have. Having a tree always start with planting a seed.
# What is the best business in the world? The best business in the world is selling what you have, not what you earned.
# God did a business and made profits. He has committed that same business to us to make more profits.
# Population should not be a problem where there's business mindset. The more the number of people, the more the business opportunities.
# God will not increase you if you are not business-minded. The kingdom of God is not for lazy minds, it is for business minds.
# It's end of the year, have you taken stock of your goods (or activities) this year? Accountability is key in business. If you are not accountable, you are not dependable.
# Some people are doing what they don't like to do. But they say they are doing business. Your business will save you from distress.
# His business is my business. His business saves you from distress. Do His business and see His goodness.
# Life for business. Business for life. Both will come together and become one, one day.
# Whatever you are doing that does not pertain to your business is not allowed. Face your business.
# You can do business transactions with your words. While some people are making money with their words, some are losing money with their words.
# If you know how to do good business with your words, you will know how to kill distress in your world.
# Your business saves you from distress. Do your business and you will see his goodness.
# Until you make his business your business, your life may not be free from distress.
# Young people are one of the important driving agents of business in any setting. They either drive it forward or drag it backward.
# In the business world, there's no room for the lazy minds. You either work in or walk out.
# Our youths who supposed to work on improving the economy of our nations are busy organizing programs and doing irrelevant things.
# Business mindedness open our eyes to opportunities, privileges and chances that are available to us per time.
# Business mindedness make you know how to make use of resources available around you and how to market and multiply them.
# For me, my food business is more of passion than action. The passion will always drives the action. When the action is no longer there, passion will remain. Passion sustains action.
# God is a good business master. He traded with one and gained many.

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