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Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Body Episodes; Mortal Of Gold

* One of the ways by which God made man special among all the beings he created is to give him a body. Man's body makes him special among all the creatures.
* It's better to come late than to be late. It's better to be in the body, good, than to be out of the body, bad.
* Your body is as important as your spirit on earth. Spirits without body are illegal on earth.
* There are 5 vital organs in the body; brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. Something is common to all of them, their function affects every part of the body. Location, notwithstanding.
* You are not your body, but we can touch you through your body. You are not your mind, but we can know you through your mind.
* There are no male and female spirits. But there are male and female bodies. Your body is a gift you didn't ask for, but necessary for your fulfillment on earth. Value your body and thank God for it.
* You can carry your mind to where you want your body to be on earth. If your mind is there long enough, your body can be there quick enough.
* An interesting part of the body, the brain. Human brain is the most vastly sophisticated apparatus in the world. No human technology can mimic the neuronal connections. Unfortunately, it is the most underutilized.
* There can't be sex without the body. What attracts people to sex is not spirit. It is the body. Your ability to control what you have gives you the ability to control what you don't have.
* Every part of the body is important, from the smallest to the biggest. The brain wouldn't say it's the most important when there are no alveolar cells in the lungs. The 'big' brain will soon die because of the absence of the 'small' alveolar cells. Everyone is important.
* Physical death is separation of body from the spirit. Spiritual death is separation of spirit from the source. Physical death takes the spirit from the earth. Spiritual death takes the spirit from heaven.
* Age is the number of years our body has existed on earth, not the amount of time our spirit has existed. Spirit is from the Lord. Body is from the dust.
* If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you, that same Spirit will vitalize your mortal body. You have access to perfect health, if only you know it.
* Without a spirit, you cannot be in heaven. Without a body, you cannot be on earth.
* Your body is the vehicle that carries your spirit around on earth. Wherever your body appears, your spirit is recognized.
* Clothes can cover the body. It can't cover the mind. Whatever is inside must surely manifest outside.
* It is difficult to fall into sexual sin with the body that you don't see. You see the body first, then you sin with the body, second.
* One part of my body I will keep learning how to use is my mouth. It is where impressions become expressions.
* Many of us know what happens outside our body. Only few of us know what happens inside our body.
* The value of your body is priceless. It's so precious. Let no one ridicule your body. Wrong image kills confidence. Have good image about your body and work it out. Your body is a blessing to us, never a curse. Do good works with it.
* How do you confirm the presence of a spirit that you don’t see? By the presence of a body that you see. If the body is alive, the spirit is around.
* I will go there tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow. I will see him next tomorrow. I will get the money next week. All because the body is still with the spirit. The moment the spirit is out, the body is off.
* There’s no need for God to arise. If Samuel Owoeye has arisen, God has arisen. I do things on my Father’s behalf on earth. He does things on my behalf in heaven. He gave me body to connect with earth. He gave me spirit to connect with heaven.
* While still in the body, let’s go to school to learn. Let’s add some value. Let’s work. Let’s serve. Let’s use our gifts and talents. Let’s fulfil purpose. For whatever we do in the body will follow us out of the body.
* Physical things are physical. Spiritual things are spiritual. Your body is physical. Your spirit is spiritual.
* If spirits with body can hear my voice, how much more spirits without body can hear my voice.
* Mouth is a powerful tool that can save or destroy. It is the cause of most things that kill the body.
* You can win somebody’s spirit without wisdom. You can win somebody’s body without wisdom. But you can’t win somebody’s soul without wisdom. How does God wins us? By wisdom.
* Everybody knows the day their body was born. Only few people know the day their spirit was born.
* You can’t enjoy good life without good body.
* There’s a clock in the body. It’s called Suprachiasmatic nucleus. It set time of your body activities and aligns with your schedules, plans, and thoughts. Good timing is important for good living.
* The better you understand your body, the easier you enjoy a good life.
* The spirit gives the body life. The body gives the spirit flesh. The spirit gives the body impression. The body gives the spirit expression.
* To the great architect, the master planner, the chief designer and the creator of human body, I salute you sir.
* Here on earth, everything must be balance. Your body must cooperate with your spirit to enjoy your best life on earth. Your body must allow your spirit to live his best life on earth.
* Your body makes you visible, tangible, and audible. Without your body, you are none of these.
* The world entropy is increasing. The degree of human mobility is increasing. The human body is becoming more sedentric. And the human mind is becoming more eccentric.
* I was in a place where I was counting the number of people who were there. I was actually counting their bodies.
* Don’t complain about your body. Redefine your view about your body. It’s specially for you. You must cherish and admire it.
* Wait a minute and check your body in the mirror. Can you see how you are beautiful and handsome. * Can you see the architecture of your skin. Observe the nice positioning of the structures on your face. There’s never an object or creature that could have your exactitude.
* Good food makes up good body. If you eat well, you will live well. If you packed junks inside your body, you will bear the stress of carrying heavy body.
* Your body is an important apartment your spirit lives here on earth. Keep it well.
* Some people pretend like they are angels. They’ve forgotten they are spirits that have bodies.
* The only sin against your body is sexual sin. Every other sin is without the body.
* Caring for your body is important. Your body expresses the image of your spirit.
* Faith without work is dead. Body without spirit is dead.
* A body without a spirit cannot function in heaven. A spirit without a body cannot function on earth.
* We live in the confinement of time because of our body. The moment we are out of the body, we enter eternity.
* Spirit is the content. Body is the container.
* What attracts people to sex is not spirit, it is the body. A man is more sexually attracted to the body of a younger woman than the body of an old woman.
* If your sexual antenna is allergic to touching a woman’s body, then don’t do it. It is better to prevent the allergens than to endure the repercussions.
* If you don’t value having your body, you won’t value giving it. Your body is precious to who made it. Let him know you value it.
* Whoever or whatever does not value your body does not value your life. Take a leave before they take your life.
* Your body has a heating system, cooling system, refrigerating system, preservating system, storage system, and balancing systems.
* Finally, let's learn more about our body. Your body is a book that you must read. It doesn't matter if you didn't learn it in school. You can 'school it' yourself. What kills us is not what we know, it is what we don't know.

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