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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How Government Paid Our School Fees For 6 Years

The Government of the State of Osun under the leadership of Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola has made a remarkable stride in the history of Nigeria and Africa as a whole with the following points;
1. Successful transfer of 112 medical students to complete their medical training abroad; including both government and private students. 
2. Sponsorship of 85 government students for six good years.
3. None discrimination of the state or country of origin as students from other states and country were part of the scholarship.
4. Payment of private students final year school fees.
5. No attachment of bond or repayment for enjoying the scholarship.

Now, here's the story...
For complete 3 days I was in a shock. I wouldn’t believe what I just heard. One of the Commissioners had whispered into my ears “The Governor might pay you guys’ school fees for completing your medical training abroad,” He said. Immediately I opened my brain to calculate how much that could cost. But I couldn’t, because of the overwhelming joy. 

That time, it had not entered news. Nobody knew what was going to happen to us. Our case had already drawn the attention of the public, but not yet resolved. There was no teaching hospital to do the clinical part of our medical training. We had waited for 2 good years. Government made so much efforts to make sure we’re absorbed in other medical schools within the country, but all to no avail. Then, options outside the country came upfront. We ended up in one of the best universities in Ukraine. 

In my 3 days of shock I began to calculate how much the government had to spend if that would be true. Obviously, our state was not among the richest states in the country. So, how would the government foot all the bills? I had many thoughts in my head. So, how was government able to pay our school fees for 6 years? Did I say 6 years, yes 6 years of unrelenting efforts and sacrifice. 

A first time of any event could be an accident. A second time could be a coincidence. A third time could be a temporary incidence. But more than third time is already a planned agenda. That was what happened to us about our school fees. It means the government had us in mind. 

Many people had attacked the decision of the government to send us abroad. They said the Governor was wasting money. But they didn’t understand the worth of that investment and how much value the government has bought for us. Many of us have been mentally transformed and educated. Many people have asked me “Are you sure government is going to pay for your school fees and even continue to pay when you guys are there? Are you sure they will not just pay once and forget you guys there? Are you sure they are not just using you guys for their political propaganda and go and dump you there? Which government in Nigeria have you seen that has fulfilled their promise when it comes to issue of giving students scholarship to study abroad and so on? 

But I’m proud to tell them today that I have seen government in Nigeria that’s able to do that. And that’s the State of Osun through Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola who paid all our school fees without owing a dime to the university where we studied. One hundred and twelve students came through the state government to Ukraine, 85 were government sponsored, 27 were private sponsored. Due to delay in getting VISA, we came in batches, some were in 1st batch. Others were in 2nd batch. Both batches involved government and private students. Those in 1st batch had 4 years to complete their medical training. Those in 2nd batch had 5 years. 

Our first year school fees was given to us in cash as part of requirements to enter Ukraine at the immigration service. There were a lot of expenses involved that year, because of our transfer. Notwithstanding, every bill was paid by the government. We were all registered up to the last batch that came from Nigeria. Our tuition, registration and accommodation fees were all paid by the government. Everybody was happy. 

There wasn’t problem for the second year payment. Though the time for this payment was quite close to the last payment because we started from second semester (2nd course) of our first academic session in Karazin university. Notwithstanding, the government still went ahead and made all the payments to time. That was really amazing. 

For the third year, we had to wait. Some things needed to be fixed, especially in the state, knowing fully well that the government had got a lot of things to do. That time was when Nigerian Naira was highly devalued more than 300% its former exchange rate to US dollars. It was a big shock to everybody. We waited and waited. Then, Karazin university started raising alarm on us for expulsion. 

Then, many were saying, "yes, we knew this time would come, now it has come. Let them all be deported back home." Different words of envy and jealousy were coming from different quarters especially from those unexpected. But we kept our peace and faced the situation. The university had given us 5 working days to be expelled and deported back to Nigeria. 

One night, all of us government students had a meeting in our hostel, we decided to write an urgent letter to the government, stating the issue of expulsion and the deadline university gave us. That same night before sending the letter, I received a message from the Deputy Governor stating how they’ve been working so hard to pay our fees and said in no time all the money will be paid. 

To our biggest surprise, in less than three working days, the whole money for 85 government students was paid. That was really amazing. We were so happy. Thank God for our Governor, Deputy Governor and everyone who was instrumental to saving us in that situation. And thank God for our parents and all stakeholders who have sacrificed many things of value to them and have committed themselves to our future. We can’t thank them all enough.

This year was such an interesting one because even before the time was due for payment, government had already paid. The governor wouldn’t mind how much it costs him to buy education for youths and leave good legacy for his children. We were all happy and everything was going smoothly. 

Just like 4th year, the school fees was paid up to time. This was really amazing. The tuition, accommodation and registration fees were all paid. Government also paid the outstanding and full year school fees for one of the private students that was at the verge of expulsion. That was really a big act of magnanimity, and we were all grateful for it. The first batch graduated this year. One of us, Dr. Lateefah Oyeleye, came out the best graduating student all over Ukraine.

This was the final year and the last batch. The government did wonders. In addition to the remaining government students (2nd batch), government also paid for the remaining private students. That was really mind–blowing. 

In all, we thank God for the journey so far and the great people who have been instrumental to our success. I’m sure none of us would forget the government of the State of Osun under the leadership of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola. I believe this is a worthwhile and global investment that will yield great results in the nearest future. I thank you all. My regards.

Samuel Owoeye, MD
June 2018

Monday, June 18, 2018

Demons Are Not On The Highway

A fallacy we’ve believed for a long time, "demons are on the highway, looking for blood to suck, and causing accidents and mishaps". But I wondered if demons are not on the highways of developed countries, I wondered if demons are not on the highways of places where the roads are good, or if the car is good, or if the person driving it is good. It’s only in Africa that you hear demons are on the highway whenever accidents happen. They won’t bother to find out what's the cause of the problem. The roads are not good, the driver is not competent, the vehicle or parts of it are already outdated. Yet, when any of these factors cause accidents, the fault would be the demons. 

Of course, the demons are the human irresponsibilities. When we don’t do what we supposed to do, we say it is demons. Howbeit, many lives are being wasted on our highways in the name of demons are out there to suck blood. This puts fear in the hearts of people whenever they are going on a journey. They began to fast and pray for journey mercies, when we fail to fix our roads or change those expired parts of our vehicles. But demons are not in countries where their roads are good. Demons have left those places for Africa. What a big lie! Until we began to take responsibility for what we are responsible for, irresponsibilities will continue to cost us our lives and destinies. 

Many people have been wrongly conditioned in their minds. They were told whenever accident happens, it means demons caused it and are out there to suck blood. But those demons seem to recognize some people who are super-anointed and leave the highway for them without causing accident. But for those who are less or not anointed, they are the victims of attack by those demons. What a shameful testimony! People whose minds are already polluted with these wrong doctrines have fear for demons whenever they are going on a journey, and that’s why they pray and fast in fear for journey mercies of 2 kilometres. But the whole problem is their minds that have been wrongly conditioned, so whatever they see and believe in their minds is what come to pass for them in reality, so they say problems happen to them because they are not super-anointed. But that’s not the cause of the problem, It is their wrong belief system that has brought them the reality of those situations.  

People live in fear day and night; fear of demons, devils, enemies, haters, antagonists, opponents, rivals, jealous, and so on. But there's a life higher than these struggles. The ultimate of that life is fulfillment of your God-given assignment without being choked by those surrounding distractions. You absolutely live with a different mindset. Hope you are enjoying or will start enjoying that life. Happy Weekend!

10 Things I Know About Fathers

1. They are providers.
2. They are protectors.
3. They are mentors.
4. They take responsibilities.
5. They solve problems.
6. They see farther.
7. They know better.
8. They are focused and purposeful.
9. They are resourceful. They share their life and experience with us.
10. They express unconditional love. They discipline us for wrong doings, and reward us for right doings. Happy Fathers’ Day, Fathers. Hearty Cheers!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Believing Unbelievers And Unbelieving Believers

It’s a paradox, right? How could someone be a believer, and yet unbelieving, and someone who’s tagged an unbeliever, yet believing? The difference is in their minds. Some just carry the name ‘believers’ without believing anything except evil. They can easily believe generational curses than generational blessings. It’s amazing how people we call unbelievers are doing what is in the bible and the so-called believers are doing what is outside the bible. I was really shocked to find out that many renowned people that we call unbelievers today who have made breakthroughs in science and technology followed the principles from the bible. For them, bible is not just a religious book, it is a book of principles. And since they understood principles and how they work, they were diligent at following and observing them. No wonder they had such tremendous results. And the so-called believers are still wretched and poor because of their ignorance or disobedience to those principles. They are too familiar with the bible for them to diligently follow what is there-in. But God is not a respecter of persons. If you do his word, no matter who you are, you will have result. If you don’t do it, no matter who you are, you won’t have result. It’s as simple as that. The truth does not know who is saying it, It only knows who is doing it. Of course, God doesn’t force anyone to do his word, but for as many that are ready for change will all by themselves make up their minds to do His word. God’s word is not only for some people, it's for everything God created, man inclusive. God’s word is for the world. Be blessed!

Monday, June 4, 2018

If It Is God, It Is Good!

"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good."* When God created man, he made sure everything was good. He created male and female bodies that carry the spirit of man. The two essentially complement each other, and are bond together. The male cannot reproduce man on his own, neither can the female do, but the coming together of the two. We saw that from the first male and female that the Lord God created. Adam and Eve met before they gave birth to Cain and Abel. On the subject of sex, God didn’t ask man whether he likes it or not. But he puts it there, because he knows it’s good for man. When a man doesn’t understand what God has done, he won’t understand what he can do. Devil is always perverting whatever God does in the hearts of men. He comes and sows bad seeds. Then, man began to generate evil ideas on what God has done to defile it. God puts sex in marriage. Devil puts sex outside marriage. God puts sex between husband and wife. Devil puts sex between any human beings including gays, lesbians and transgenders. Every blessing of God for sex is inside marriage. Every problem of sex by the devil is outside marriage. As individuals, we can restore the glory of God back on earth by keeping sex in marriage and make it honourable before men. Blessings.
*Scriptural Reference; Titus 1:15&16 (NIV)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

How To Control And Channel Your Sexual Energy

I just finished a 3-day marathon fasting, It wouldn’t just solve my problem. I became so worried and frustrated. What else would I do? I wouldn’t just stop seeing girls on the street, or meeting them everywhere I go. So what’s the problem? I had issue with my control, so I fasted to see if the urge would go or at least reduce. But it became everyday battle and struggle that I had to deal with for a long time. Okay, I understand men have high sexual drive because of testosterone. Perhaps, I didn’t know the purpose. You know many of us have not understood why we experience many things we experience. We could just find some flimsy reasons to cover up our ignorance. But then, none of these things just happen on their own. There are reasons for them. An average person has sexual energy that pulls them to the opposite sex. This is not sexual lust or promiscuity. Of course, there’s a thin line between the 'natural pull' and 'sexual lust'. And that is where ‘control’ comes in. We need to learn how to control our sexual energy if we’ll not let it work against us. High sexual drive shouldn’t be a problem but rather an advantage if we know how to control and channel it. Have you done some things before because of the influence by the opposite sex? Have you had some achievements before because of the help by the opposite sex? That is channeling your sexual energy to tangible products. Sometimes, the sexual energy could come in form of affection, attraction or admiration of the opposite sex. Some people, especially men have risked their lives, integrity, money, status and everything they have to satisfy a woman. As a matter of fact, men operate at a higher level of energy when they are under the influence of a woman. This is part of the reasons why men who have women as their assistants performed better and faster than those who have men as their assistants. The same reason goes for a married man who achieved for 2 years of marriage, what he wouldn’t have achieved alone for 10 years. There are better things we can do with our sexual energy than physical expression of it as sex. I know sometimes it’s difficult to control but you can learn it. How do you control your sexual energy? By controlling your thoughts. Your mind is your most sensitive sexual organ. You can see a naked woman, if it doesn’t click in your mind, it will not trigger any erection in your penis. If you can control your mind, you can control everything about sex. What you see, what you hear, and what you know are all processed in your mind as thoughts that trigger sexual feelings in your whole body. If your mind is not engaged with something more important, sex has a way of overwhelming your mind and attenuate your control over it. But if your mind is already engaged with your goals, life assignments, projects, work, ideas, vision, dreams, and so on, then sexual energy will serve as a drive to bring those things to fruition. This happens for both men and women. And we can both control our sexual energy and channel it towards something better and life-changing. Happy Weekend.