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Monday, June 18, 2018

Demons Are Not On The Highway

A fallacy we’ve believed for a long time, "demons are on the highway, looking for blood to suck, and causing accidents and mishaps". But I wondered if demons are not on the highways of developed countries, I wondered if demons are not on the highways of places where the roads are good, or if the car is good, or if the person driving it is good. It’s only in Africa that you hear demons are on the highway whenever accidents happen. They won’t bother to find out what's the cause of the problem. The roads are not good, the driver is not competent, the vehicle or parts of it are already outdated. Yet, when any of these factors cause accidents, the fault would be the demons. 

Of course, the demons are the human irresponsibilities. When we don’t do what we supposed to do, we say it is demons. Howbeit, many lives are being wasted on our highways in the name of demons are out there to suck blood. This puts fear in the hearts of people whenever they are going on a journey. They began to fast and pray for journey mercies, when we fail to fix our roads or change those expired parts of our vehicles. But demons are not in countries where their roads are good. Demons have left those places for Africa. What a big lie! Until we began to take responsibility for what we are responsible for, irresponsibilities will continue to cost us our lives and destinies. 

Many people have been wrongly conditioned in their minds. They were told whenever accident happens, it means demons caused it and are out there to suck blood. But those demons seem to recognize some people who are super-anointed and leave the highway for them without causing accident. But for those who are less or not anointed, they are the victims of attack by those demons. What a shameful testimony! People whose minds are already polluted with these wrong doctrines have fear for demons whenever they are going on a journey, and that’s why they pray and fast in fear for journey mercies of 2 kilometres. But the whole problem is their minds that have been wrongly conditioned, so whatever they see and believe in their minds is what come to pass for them in reality, so they say problems happen to them because they are not super-anointed. But that’s not the cause of the problem, It is their wrong belief system that has brought them the reality of those situations.  

People live in fear day and night; fear of demons, devils, enemies, haters, antagonists, opponents, rivals, jealous, and so on. But there's a life higher than these struggles. The ultimate of that life is fulfillment of your God-given assignment without being choked by those surrounding distractions. You absolutely live with a different mindset. Hope you are enjoying or will start enjoying that life. Happy Weekend!

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