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Monday, June 11, 2018

Believing Unbelievers And Unbelieving Believers

It’s a paradox, right? How could someone be a believer, and yet unbelieving, and someone who’s tagged an unbeliever, yet believing? The difference is in their minds. Some just carry the name ‘believers’ without believing anything except evil. They can easily believe generational curses than generational blessings. It’s amazing how people we call unbelievers are doing what is in the bible and the so-called believers are doing what is outside the bible. I was really shocked to find out that many renowned people that we call unbelievers today who have made breakthroughs in science and technology followed the principles from the bible. For them, bible is not just a religious book, it is a book of principles. And since they understood principles and how they work, they were diligent at following and observing them. No wonder they had such tremendous results. And the so-called believers are still wretched and poor because of their ignorance or disobedience to those principles. They are too familiar with the bible for them to diligently follow what is there-in. But God is not a respecter of persons. If you do his word, no matter who you are, you will have result. If you don’t do it, no matter who you are, you won’t have result. It’s as simple as that. The truth does not know who is saying it, It only knows who is doing it. Of course, God doesn’t force anyone to do his word, but for as many that are ready for change will all by themselves make up their minds to do His word. God’s word is not only for some people, it's for everything God created, man inclusive. God’s word is for the world. Be blessed!

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