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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Sexual Health Episodes; Preventive Health 3

1. Sexual health is focused on having a healthy mindset and behaviour towards everything that pertains to human sexuality. Many are sexually sick but cover it up with a cloak of hypocrisy. Sorry, I'll burst your bubbles.

2. "He just used me and dump me, what a wicked generation of men do we have?" A lady yelled out in anger. But sex was not gonna keep him, it was rather gonna kill you. You know wrong sex life can ruin your life.

3. Early morning penile erection (morning wood) is absolutely normal for a normal man. It keeps the penis active. If you are not healthy sexually, you are not healthy generally.

4. Sexual libido varies from individuals. While there's no problem with high libido, there's problem with ignorance, because every sexual mistake will be the devil. But there's a way sexual energy can be channeled to something better.

5. Sex is the strongest of all human feelings. The reason is simple; to keep man together, and replenish the earth. But it becomes a big fight to restrain from sex when one is sexually addicted. There's a simple solution, It's found in my new book- "Sex, As it is!" Watch out!

6. I know you have something to fix on your body. But that's not a problem. It can be fixed. But don't throw yourself on anybody for sex. If someone would not value you before sex, they will not value you after sex.

7. Men spend 43 minutes everyday staring at a woman. I wonder what they are looking for. Women, don't worry. They are looking for what they don't have that they think women have, womb. On their way there, they found sex. Hey men, don't go wrong way. Look after your own.

8. What do you have to say about LGBT? Somebody: It's a sign of end time. Me: Which one is a sign of beginning time? LGBT is an issue with sexual orientation not just a casual presentation.

9. While there are many cases of unreported rape, over 120 million girls worldwide have experienced sexual assaults at some point in their lives. Many of them have ended up being mentally, physically or sexually traumatized. This is violation against women's rights. Sex should not be by force. It should be by choice.

10. Part of sexual health is having right mindset about opposite sex. Most times cultures and traditions have dominated our opinions on how we relate with other people. It's important we understand our differences and appreciate them. Our differences are not for superiority. They are for complementarity.

11. Parents should be ready to answer questions; From "Mom, what's this?" to "Mom, how do I control it?" sex-related questions. We are in a jet age where children learn things fast and information flies everywhere. You wouldn't want your children to catch wrong junks from outside. Let them know the truth from you. It will free them from wrong stuffs.

12. It's good to keep our sex secrets. Yes, it's good to hide from people what we go through in the dark but come out as a superstar. But it's better to be genuine with ourselves and with people around us. I want to see a man who has never struggled with sexual urge or had some sexual temptation and I will show you a man who can pretend more than the devil. If you are going through any sexual challenge, you are not alone. Don't feel ashamed to share it with someone who can help. That will really go a long way.

13. The desire for food is close to the desire for sex. If you can control your desire for food, you can control your desire for sex.

14. What drives sex outside marriage is lust. What drives sex inside marriage is love. Lust is expressed outside marriage. Love is expressed inside marriage.

15. Is it true that some women see some men as sperm donors? If that is true, then, whose fault? A woman has no value for a man who is just after sex. A man has no value for a woman who is just after money. Sex is abused when it becomes a transaction, even in marriage.

16. Attention please, someone is asking "Why should we have sex only in marriage? Or Why should I wait till I'm married before I have sex?" The person wants strong arguments. Please put your answers as comment or inbox me. Thank you.

17. More than 95% of sex outside marriage is for pleasure. More than 95% of sex inside marriage is for treasure. We miss out the purpose of sex when we have it outside marriage. Sex is a wrong prescription outside marriage. We can't overlook the side effects. An article is coming on "Why sex should only be in marriage".

18. You wished you had never made that sexual mistake, but you did. No problem, learn from your mistake and move on. You might not be able to change what has happened to you. But you can be able to change what will happen to you.

19. There was a time when I could fall for a woman's dress. There was a time when I could fall for a woman's voice. There was also a time when I could fall for a woman's body. But now I'm above all that, not because the desire is no longer there, but because my aspire has gone beyond my desire.

20. Some men are dying everyday because of sex. Their wives have refused to understand what they need. But there are many cases of married men abusing girls up and down. You know one problem can lead to many problems. Let's solve sex problem in our marriage.

21. Someone asked me, "How do you control your sexual urge?" I thought it was a simple question until I had to answer. It took me 3days to answer. The answer is in my new book- "Sex, As it is!" An article is coming on "How to control and channel your sexual energy".

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