1. Feeling like sleeping: This happens to us most times, we want to sleep after eating, especially high-carbohydrate diets. Decreased circulation of blood within the brain (because of blood supply to the intestines) and increased serotonin secretion brought about this occurrence.
2. Feeling like going to toilet: This is common if you eat regularly or eat after a long fast. Arrival of food in the stomach stimulates the intestines to release the already-digested food that has been turned into faeces. We don't defecate the food we just ate, we only release the ones already digested to allow space in the intestines for the new ones.
3. Feeling full; this could be like your tummy will break: This happens when we overeat, perhaps because of the way we're hungry. We, sometimes, eat more than what our body can carry at that time.
4. Feeling strong and energized: We know food gives us energy and nutrients. Most times after eating, we feel strong and energized.
5. Feeling weak and lose control: This could be a paradox. But, it happens sometimes that our whole body is weak especially after taking a heavy meal. If it continuously affect you, you may want to stop taking such diet.
6. Feeling like doing nothing: Sometimes after eating, we could just feel like we should have some moments of doing nothing, absolutely nothing!
7. Feeling like food is no longer interesting.
8. Feeling like going for a walk.
9. Feeling like watching a TV Show.
10. Feeling like reading a novel or an interesting book.
11. Feeling like talking with our friends.
12. Feeling like sitting at home.
13. Feeling like we shouldn't be hungry anymore.
14. Feeling like taking water: This is common. We feel more satisfied with taking water after eating. It aids digestion and prevents constipation.
3. Feeling full; this could be like your tummy will break: This happens when we overeat, perhaps because of the way we're hungry. We, sometimes, eat more than what our body can carry at that time.
4. Feeling strong and energized: We know food gives us energy and nutrients. Most times after eating, we feel strong and energized.
5. Feeling weak and lose control: This could be a paradox. But, it happens sometimes that our whole body is weak especially after taking a heavy meal. If it continuously affect you, you may want to stop taking such diet.
6. Feeling like doing nothing: Sometimes after eating, we could just feel like we should have some moments of doing nothing, absolutely nothing!
7. Feeling like food is no longer interesting.
8. Feeling like going for a walk.
9. Feeling like watching a TV Show.
10. Feeling like reading a novel or an interesting book.
11. Feeling like talking with our friends.
12. Feeling like sitting at home.
13. Feeling like we shouldn't be hungry anymore.
14. Feeling like taking water: This is common. We feel more satisfied with taking water after eating. It aids digestion and prevents constipation.
15. Feeling like you don't want to eat any more: Of course that's why you just finished eating, unless you're not satisfied with what you just ate.
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