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Thursday, July 19, 2018

What Should I Be Grateful For?

"God has not answered my prayers yet, things are not working for me yet, but rather getting worse everyday. It’s better not to be alive than to be alive and be useless. I don’t know the kind of life I have. I’m totally frustrated.” If you are in these shoes, I could relate. There was a time I almost committed suicide when I’ve reached the height of my frustration. But today, the story is different. Things have changed. Please understand that nothing is permanent. Things, whether good or bad, will undergo change. Nothing will remain the same forever. Whatever you are passing through right now is not going to remain the same, it must change. Change is a force that makes nothing to remain the same. The problem most people have in the world today is that their inability to adapt to change  is what leads to frustration. They complain, condemn and criticize as if they have control over people or situations. But what they don’t understand is that, the only place where they have control is inside, which has got nothing to do with the outside. The way things work is that outside conforms with what is inside. And since we have control inside, we can control what is outside by controlling what is inside. Having the mindset or thought that “what should I be grateful for” is a wrong mindset that will make things worse. It’s coming from an ungrateful heart that can’t see good in any situation. Rather, everything is bad, nothing is good. But if you change what is inside, you will start seeing change with what is outside. Shukran, Masalamah!

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