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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Simple Trick on How to Make Money

The simple trick to make money is still very much simple- solve problems. Forget about people who always promise heaven and earth to help you make money without solving problems. Making money without solving problems is having money being thrown at you without it being yours. It’s just a matter of time, it would vanish away. But you want to say, “how about people who invest their money without solving problem and made a lot of money?” What happened in that case and other cases when someone is not directly involved in solving problems to make money is because someone else is doing it on their behalf. But at least you know someone is solving problem on your behalf and making more money for you. And by the way, that is not making money for you, but multiplying money for you, because if nothing is invested, nothing is multiplied. 

To make money (not invest money), you've got to understand how to solve problems. This is because money is made when problems are solved. People won't throw money at you just because they know you, or dash you some dollars because they are your friends, (and even if they do it, maybe once in a while and not all the time). But when you solve problem for them, they would always be glad to pay you whether you are their friend or not. Think of people who you bought their products or offered you a service, were they your friends? Even if you don't like them, if you like the goods or service they offered you, you will keep giving them your money and your closest friend may not get a dime from your pocket. That doesn't mean you are wicked, it just shows how life works. People give their money to people who help them solve problem. So, if you don't help people solve problem, they have no business giving you their money. 

Remember money is a medium of exchange that is only made when something of value is exchanged for it. If you want to make good money, then you’ve got to be keen on solving problems. The good news is that there are more than enough problems to solve. So, there won’t be excuse that the problems won’t go round. You will solve and solve and solve problems till you are tired of solving problems. But you shouldn’t be tired of solving problems anyway, if you are not tired of making money. 

Now, among the problems, there are crucial and pressing ones. There are ones that people will pay you any amount to solve it for them. There are ones that people will only pay you little for solving for them. It depends on the complexity of the problem and how rare the solution is. Of course we know from economics, that the higher the demand, the higher the price and vice-versa. So, if the solution you provided is of high demand, then you would make a lot of money. But if the solution is of low demand, you would make little money. 

This is what happens with people and industries that solve major problems, they make a lot of money. A good example is telecommunication industry. We know communication is key to human interaction and existence. And people would love to pay any amount to have it at the comfort of their homes. So, the companies that provide communication service are making good money. What about companies that produce capital goods such as automobiles, aircrafts, electronics, and other useful machines? They are making billions of dollars every year because they are solving big problems. The same thing goes for oil industries. They make good money because they solve big problems. Many useful items are manufactured from the petrochemical products that are extracted during the refinery process of the crude oil. And the list goes on and on. 

But those are major problems, that many people and companies would undertake. As an individual, you can also solve problem on your own and people would pay you for it. For instance, people who are professionals and specialists like brain surgeons, engineers, programmers, architects, lawyers, artists, and whatever unique service that you have that people can comfortably pay you for. Please note that people would gladly pay you for anything if they see the value it provides for them. 

Just before I conclude, let’s look at the common problems around us. There’s food and water problem. Currently as we speak, there are close to a billion people in the world who are going hungry every day and don’t even have access to good water. What about communication problem? There’s still a good junk of people who don’t have access to internet connection as they would love to. Many still have accommodation problem, security, transport, education, clothing, health, finances, marital and spiritual problems. When I told you earlier that there are more than enough problems to go round, that nobody would be short of problems, now you know! 

In fact, as the days go by, new problems keep popping up everyday, thanks to the fact that the olds are not solved, so they keep multiplying and producing new ones. So, we really have opportunities to munch on those problems and make good money out of them. If you are just thinking which of the problems you should solve or the one you want to start with, wait a second, and think of your area of interest or expertise. Look at things that you are passionate about or perhaps, the field that you are already in. Any of these could be pointers to which of the problems you can start with and people would gladly pay you for solving it. My regards!

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