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Saturday, November 21, 2020

You've Got to Document Your Life!

My vision is for everybody to become author of their own book. I know there are a lot of books published already and so many people are yearning to become an author. Only few people who are talented or those who have broken the barriers of writing setbacks are the ones championing authoring a lot of books that we find on shelves and bookshops. But now, the era has changed. I want everyone to have the mind of having their own book. Not because they will suddenly become a writer even if they are not one, but they would suddenly realize that they are already overdue to have their own book. 

I once challenged someone who thought for him to become an author, he must first be a writer. I said to him- “all that is required for you to be an author is to have something worth documenting and sharing with other people.” And you would agree with me that everyone's life worth documenting and should be shared with other people. Part of what could be shared include an experience that you’ve once had. It could an idea that you once thought about. Or it could be something about your passion, vision or ambition. 

To be an author is not a big deal. In fact, it should be part of our life. We should form the habit of documenting our life. Many of us today cannot remember the names of our grand or great grand parents, talkless of what they did. Why? Because there’s nothing documented about them. How about we begin to change that order? How about we begin to take note of every major event in our lives? How about we begin to help other people live a better life by sharing part of our life with them?

Documenting our life is as important as living our life. If we are living without documenting our life, we would not be remembered. Consider people who have died many years ago and we still remember them very well today. Why? Because something was documented about them that is relevant to us  today. Imagine people like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, and other great scientists and philosophers, many of them have died long time ago, but their names are still very much fresh in our memories because we read something about them. Because their lives and ideas were documented, and they are beneficial to us today. 

What about great books like the Bible? A book that gives tremendous accounts of people and events that have happened thousands of years ago and we still remember and talk about those things today. Many of us wouldn't have known anything about the accounts of creation if not for the Bible. And we know who God and Jesus is, thanks to the Bible. Imagine if the Bible was not written, how are we going to have all these knowledge? Bear in mind that many of those things that happened during those times were not even as significant to those people as they are to us today.  

Don’t you think what you have today can also benefit generations to come? Don’t you think the experiences and ideas that you have today could be source of wisdom for someone sometimes in the future? If you don’t document any of these, how would they benefit from it? It’s high time you focused on the long time impact (- the transgenerational impact of your life) and start documenting your life and ideas. I have thousands of quotes and stories that I’ve written for myself to share my ideas and experiences with people of all ages. I have the habit of documenting my ideas. I also note down my experiences and major events that have happened in my life. All of these are necessary to live a remarkable and noteworthy life. 

If people would appreciate your life as you would want them to, you must show them how to, and that would be from what you have documented about your life. And to document your life is quite easier these days. You can do a voice recording, you can jot down something or type on your notepad, or you can even discuss with someone close to you and ask someone else to record it and later give the voice recordings to those who will help you transcribe it, and so on. The essence of all these is to make sure you capture every important moment of your life and give value to the precious time that you have lived here on earth. My regards.

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