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Saturday, September 26, 2020

15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book

Wonder if having a book would ever be a reality for you. Wonder if you would be able to surmount all the challenges of putting your thoughts and ideas together. Wonder if you would ever have the time, energy and sacrifice required to write your book.
 All of these are common challenges. And you are not alone. Studies have showed that out of 100 people that say they want to write their book, only 5 eventually did. What happened to the remaining 95? Maybe you know. But let me tell you that you have more reasons to have your own book than not to. Being an author is not a laborious task as many of us have thought. It is an achievement that has simple requirements. Let me show you some of those requirements. 

First, you must have an idea that worth sharing. Second, you must have something you are passionate about. And third, you must have an experience that you feel could help people. I'm sure you have one of those requirements, if not all of them. Age is not a barrier when it comes to having your own book; whether you are at ten or sixty, once you have any of those requirements, you are good to go. 

And by the way, let me inform you that you don’t need to be a writer before you can be an author. You don’t need to learn how to write a book before you can be an author. An author is a person who has a book. It doesn’t matter whether he was the one who wrote it or not. What is important is that the original idea in the book is his’ and it’s his brainchild. So, you don’t have to worry yourself on when or how you will start learning how to write when you are already overdue for having your own book.

While there’s no problem with learning how to be a good writer, being an author is not limited to writing as I’ve established. So, what you need to do is to organize your thoughts and ideas. If you want to have your own book, ask yourself these questions; What do I want it to be about? What am I passionate or concerned about? Do I have some noteworthy experiences or memories? This could be pointers to what your book should be about. And of course you also want it to be what people would like to read. So, you can channel it towards meeting your readers’ needs. 

After you are convinced on what you want to write about, then you begin to put down all the words connected to that main idea or topic that you want your book to be about. Then, you are one step closer to having your own book. You can do voice recordings of what you know about those topics and later transcribe them. And you can engage writers and editors to put the ideas together for you and make it your book. If you have difficulty going through any of these processes, you can write me an email ( or put down your comment. Right now, let’s see the reasons why you must have your own book. 


1. You have a unique life that should be documented for the benefit of others. 

2. The only lasting way your word can remain on earth after you’ve gone is through your book. 

3. It can reach many places that you may not have access to. 

4. It breaks the barriers of communication and language; like if you are not good with verbal communication or if people don’t speak your language, it can be translated to other languages). 

5. Your book increases your level of influence and impact. 

6. Many people would know you through your book. 

7. Your book is a good advertising or publicizing tool if you are into business or any field. 

8. People see you as an authority in the area where you author a book. 

9. You’ll inspire, motivate, challenge, or encourage people through your book. 

10. Your book is a way of trapping down your knowledge and ideas that you have at the moment, which may not be there after a while. 

11. You write your book once, and you reap the benefits many times. 

12. Your book would help you save resources in reaching out to many people. 

13. When you write your book, you’re giving part of your life to people- it could be your experience, ideas, knowledge, opinion or story. 

14. Your book can solve problem, create value or meet people’s need. 

15. Your book gives you opportunity to know more, do more, and be more. 

An author is a person who has a book in his name, not just a person who writes. –S.O PIENS 

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