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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Brief History Of Human Health

There are essentially four stages of the historical account of what causes or affects human health. At the first stage during the stone age, humans believed the cause of their diseases was evil spirits. They claimed that the evil spirits were in the air, so they called it “bad air”. This was associated with when they have some respiratory diseases that were air-borne and highly contagious such as flu and tuberculosis. 

In the second stage during the industrial age, there was invention of tools and machines, and the first microscope was invented. Then, bacteria was detected as the cause of human diseases. So, humans concluded their diseases are caused by microorganisms in the air. And later other microbes were discovered such as viruses and other pathogenic agents. Then, there was outset of the third stage, in which humans believed that the cause of their diseases is essentially from social and environmental factors; that most of the diseases that they have come from humans close to them. That other humans harbor diseases and transfer to them. 

Also, there is mental and emotional influence on them from other humans which affect their health. Then, the fourth stage came which is personal. Humans believe that they could be the cause of their diseases, and not just other humans or microbes in the air. They believe that they could position themselves either for health or diseases, and no really much external factors have influence on their health as the internal factors that they have control over. From these accounts, we saw upgrade in man’s thinking and understanding of his health. 

Initially, man’s health problem was supernatural (evil spirits in the air), then later became natural (microbes in the air), then later became social (problems from other human beings), then later became personal (problems from within- internal conflicts). Among these stages, the last stage, which is personal is the most important, because it makes us understand that our health is essentially a personal thing, and not a general thing as we had always believed. By ourselves, we can decide where we want to live, how we want to live, what we want to eat, when we want to eat, where we want to go, what we want to do, and so on. We can literally decide anything we want, all by ourselves. And these are things that on the long run affect our health. 

The choices that we make every day directly or indirectly have effect on our health. Instead of being bothered or concerned about things that we don’t have control over, we rather pay attention and understand things that we have control over so that we’ll be able to even control things that we don’t have control over. If we take care of the choices that we make every day and make sure they align with the guidelines of good health, we would see the result in our life. 

Consider someone who drinks two bottles of beer every day or smokes one packet of cigarettes every day, he doesn’t need someone to tell him that that choice he's making every day would have adverse effect on his health on the long run. The little choices we make every day would always have concerted outcome in our life eventually. Things that we do to our body, whether big or small would always have effect on it. The foods and drinks that we put into our body, the activities that we go through every day, whether active or inactive, even the words and thoughts that we conceive and the people that we decide to associate with, would all have effect on our health. So, it's important to always take conscious decision of everything we do and not to think they are too small enough to affect our health. 

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