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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Be An Author challenge (Part 4) - The Power of Your Story

Still on it... Be An Author Challenge. Check the previous article here Now, let’s discuss something very important – The Power of Your Story. Let’s first look at what a story is. I know it’s a word that we’re all familiar with, but to be on the same page and avoid ambiguity, let’s define it. According to Merriam-webster dictionary, a story is an account of incidents or events, or a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question. I love those definitions. When we talk about story, we’re talking about giving an account of incidents or events, whether it has happened, it’s happening or it will happen. Many people think story is only about the past. But no, there’s also story about the present and the future. 

The story of the past is history. The story of the present is mission. And the story of the future is vision.

So, which of your story do you want to share? All of them are important and they should be shared. As a matter of fact, they form the entirety of your life. 

Let's start with the first story - the story of your past. This story, which is your history, is the account of what has happened in your life. From the time you were born up to this present moment. It's never a waste no matter how it went. The things that you went through were never only for you, but also for others to learn from your life. I know for many of us, it may be hard to share our story, especially if it is one that we are not pleased with. We could feel so embarrassed and ashamed to share it. Or even try to avoid judgment or condemnation from people. But deep inside, we could still feel so much regrets and guilt. 

But this is not unusual, it happens to many of us. However, it is important we detach ourselves from the chains of the past, and be free to live in the present. Because our past is never to define us, but to refine us. To make us a better person with ourselves and with the world. 

The things that have happened to you, whether good or bad are never a waste. But something that could benefit you and others. Imagine how the experiences you’ve had in the past have helped you to do things better now, to make wiser decisions, and to commit more to life and purpose. Imagine how your story of the past has shaped your thinking, and allowed you to develop inner strength and will, so much so that you can now face the future with boldness and courage. I tell you, this story is a blessing in disguise. 

The second story is the story of your present, which is your mission. So, what’s your mission? What are you currently doing? What goals are you working on? And how do you plan to achieve them? Your mission is the story of your present. It is exactly what you are doing now to get to where you want to be. The beautiful future that you aspire will not land on your laps. You've got to work it out. So, what exactly are you doing now to achieve that? What are the skills that you are acquiring? What are the new knowledge that you are gaining? and so on. You don’t want to wait for miracle. You want to perform the miracle. So, tell us the story of your present, which is your mission, your very assignment at the moment, which takes you to the future.

The third story is the story of your future, which is your vision. What is your vision? Where do you see yourself in the next 10, 20, 30,…50 years? What do you see yourself doing and who do you see yourself becoming? You should have vision for your future. And your vision is the picture of your future. The way you see yourself in the next decade of years. Again, you don’t have to wait for it. But you have to work towards it if you want to achieve it. When you share your vision, you inspire people. When you inspire people, you set them to work. People become more encouraged and enlightened. They can also go ahead and set their own vision and begin to work towards it. And you'll also attract like minds that will connect with your vision and work with you. 

The power of your story is in you sharing it. Whether it’s about your past, your present, or your future, don’t keep them to yourself. Don’t hesitate in sharing any of these stories with people around you and the world, because the power of your story is unveiled in you sharing it. Have a great time! 

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