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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Your Life Is A Principle

Your life is a principle.
That means it is everything you know principle to be. Principle is a universal law that is independent of location, time and space. It is a truth that does not change. It is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let’s see how your life is a principle. First, your life is a universal law. It means it is the same everywhere. Location is not a limitation. It is your understanding of this that makes you succeed anywhere you are. Whether you live in the north, south, east or west, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you know. But you would say –“environment contributes to our success and affects what we would become in life.” Yes I agree. But do you know you can create your own environment anywhere? Location doesn’t limit you in creating the kind of environment you want. It is what you know and apply that helps you to create the kind of environment you want. 

We’ve seen this times and times again in the lives of successful people. They changed their lives in the same location where other people are complaining. If it is just location that makes anyone great, everybody in a particular location would be great without an exception. But that’s not the case. What we found out is that, even in the richest countries around the world, we still have people who are poor, or not living that kind of life that they want. So, it’s definitely not a problem of location, but environment. Now, you want to know the kind of environment I’m talking about. It is simply everything around you that affects you; things that you continuously hear and see; things that continuously enter your mind and interact with it; things that continuously affect your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Those are the things that form your environment. 

Your environment is not limited to only things that you can see like your physical environment, but it also include many things that you cannot see. You have mental and spiritual environments. Even though, these three environments interact and sometimes influence one another, they are individually important in how they contribute to the success you achieve in life. We would discuss more about those environments later. But let’s quickly look at how you can create your own environment despite any location you are in. This starts from being carefully selective of what enters your mind from your physical location. It means you can select what you hear and see; the people you interact with, the friends you keep, the places you go, the books you read, and the things you hear and so on. 

If you are in a place where people are doing what you don’t agree with, you can decide not to join them. It won’t mean you will fight with them, it only means you know what you want for yourself and you should owe nobody apology. People can’t tell you what to believe or what not to believe. They can’t come to your mind and start supervising everything going on there. So, you have power over your mind and what you believe. This is very important. Because it is what you believe that creates your life. It’s enough to hear anything. If you don’t agree, throw it away immediately in the dustbin and don’t allow it to enter your mind. If it has entered, create a new thought that would throw the old thought out. 

When you understand the power of your thoughts in creating your life, you will carefully select what you hear and see. There are so many junks and distractions in the world today. Everybody has got something to say and tell you how to live your life. But your ability to carefully select what you hear and see would go a long way in giving you the kind of life that you want to live. Remember, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So, if you want to change your life, change what you think. And since what you think comes from the environment, you want to create the right environment for yourself. You create your own environment when you carefully select what you hear and see. So, what do you hear? You hear words from people- from family, friends, TV, media and so on. This is where your association comes in. You want to carefully select who are your friends, because their words would affect you. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. People that you continuously associate with, affect your life after a while, positively or negatively. At first you may not know it because the effect is so subtle and insidious that it must be thorough to detect. But if you pay close attention and always do continuous assessment of yourself, you would know whether your life is progressing or regressing with the companies that you keep. 

Have you noticed there are times you just suddenly remember one of the words of your friend, or someone close to you like your roommate or housemate? You wonder why you remember such words because you were not paying attention when they were saying it. But it doesn’t matter, your brain is a programming machine and it responds to everything around you. There are many words you won’t remember, yes, but it doesn’t mean they are not there. It may only take some time for your brain to search them out. We have such a powerful machine. It is the working of our brain that turns on our conscious mind. If our brain is not working, we would lose consciousness or awareness of our physical environment. So, our physical environment continuously interact with our mental environment. 

If you can control what you hear and see, you can control what goes into your mind. And if you can control what goes into your mind, you can decide the kind of thoughts your mind produces, and if you can decide the kind of thoughts your mind produces, you can ultimately decide the kind of life you would live. Now, for creating your environment, this would also mean that you would find materials that would take you in the direction of what you want. You would get books that would help you to create the kind of environment that you want. You would find people who have the same desire or passion that you have and are going or have gone to where you want to be. This would also help you to reduce negative influences and increase positive influences. You wouldn’t want to go to events or occasions that you know won’t profit you, neither will you force yourself to do something because people want you to do it. You want to make sure you take total responsibility for your life and you don’t want to put blame on anyone if anything goes wrong. 

To control things that you have the capacity to control would help you to control things that you don’t have the capacity to control. You know what you think over time would become your life. So, as you control what you think, you control your life. Have you heard many people complain about their lives? They complain about what is going on; how the government is bad, how the economy is bad and everything that would make them feel sorry for themselves. But all of these don’t matter when you know what to do. It’s not government or politicians that should make your life better. It is you. It is not location that should favor you. It is you that should make wherever you are favorable and create the kind of environment that you want. And that’s all I’ve been sharing with you. So, when you understand that your life is a principle, which means it is a universal truth that can be lived anywhere, then you know you have signed in for success and happiness in life. 

Let’s look at the second feature of principle. Principle is not limited by time and space. It means your life is not limited by the factor of time and space. If you discover your purpose today, it would not change tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if you are 9 years old, or 40. All that is important is that your life is the same yesterday, today and forever. You can, and you should keep growing in the knowledge of who you are and what you have. You can’t know too much of yourself. When Jesus was saying- “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.” Many people don’t know what he was talking about. They thought he was talking about religious activities and trying to please God, but what he was talking about is what is inside of you, because the kingdom of God is in you. He said it himself- “For the kingdom of God is not here or there, but the kingdom of God is in you.” So when you discover what is in you in its rightness and fullness, all other things of life would be added unto you. This is not far from what we have seen in the lives of great men and women. They discovered first who they are and then manifested it to the world and they became people of influence. A tree doesn’t call on people to come and pluck its fruits. It simply keeps growing and manifest itself and people come on their own accord to come and pluck its fruits. Even birds and arboreal animals also find their abode on it. If you would discover and manifest who you are, the world would discover you by itself and fame and riches would follow you. Remember, your life is a principle. 

The mentality of doing everything fast has made many people to always jump the process and start looking for the result. They don’t want to work, but they want the outcome of the work. They don’t want to spend time, but they want to spend money. How’s that possible? What produces money? Is it not investment of time? When you invest your time into discovering and developing yourself, you’d become a person of value and the world would seek after you. Instead of looking for money, invest your time on yourself and become a person of value and money would look for you. 

Your life has transcended the limitation of time and space, which means, it is not limited to where you are at the present moment. You are also not limited to this earth. You will keep living even after you’ve left this earth and of course you want to make sure that you live your best life here. You don’t want to leave here and start regretting of how many things you should have done. So, it’s better to avail yourself of the opportunity that you have with you now. And if you are fulfilled on earth, your life would be celebrated, even after you’ve left because life is not limited by time and space. People value lives that made impact on earth. They celebrate people who express their gifts and manifest who they are with all the genuineness of their heart. Why do you just want to be doing activities without being focused on what your life is all about? Life is not about activities. Life is about purpose. There is a purpose for your life. And that’s the reason why you are here. You want to find that purpose and begin to express it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve heard one thousand and one things, the only one thing that is needful is you fulfilling your purpose. There are many things associated with it, yes I know. But you don’t want to lose focus of what you’ve got to do here because of what you are doing now. Activities can surround your purpose, but you should not leave your purpose and be running after activities. 

Some people would tell you they know what they want, they know where they are going, and they know what they want to do. But if you just try to ask them, they would tell you things that you’ve always been hearing. They would tell you things that are not specific and not in line with their purpose. They just know that’s the right thing to do. For instance, someone would tell you they want to help the orphans, widows, and the less privileged when they have enough money. That doesn’t sound specific. How about they understand that those things are byproducts of living a purposeful life and not purpose themselves. What everybody is doing cannot be your purpose. If not, why are you here in the first place? Is it not because you have something different to deliver to the world, that’s why you are here? And that’s your purpose. The creator didn’t make duplicates. You are unique on your own, likewise your purpose. Imagine a tree that says its purpose is for people to come and pluck its fruits. But that’s just a byproduct of it growing well and manifesting itself as a tree. While it’s growing, it’s not saying its purpose is for people to come and pluck its fruits but to fully express itself as a tree. Apart from its fruits, it has got many other benefits. You discover and fulfil your purpose and every other thing would fit into it. 

Let’s look at another feature of principle. Principle is a universal truth. Your life is a universal truth. It means all of the creation attest to your existence and therefore would be happy to support your enjoyment and fulfillment. The clause is, if things that you do are in harmony with them. What are the things that you do? What you think, what you feel and how you act. Pay attention to the things that you think, because they would determine what and how you will feel. Also, pay attention to what you feel because it would determine how you will act, which on the long run will become your habit and way of life. If what you do (thoughts, feelings and actions) are in harmony with the universe, you will have all that you want. To expand it further, you will let your thoughts, feelings, and actions be positive. I know in the beginning it might be hard, but keep doing, it would get better and easier. You may not feel good always, but you should stay positive. You don’t want to allow negative thoughts that would down your spirit, and put you in a state of depression. But you want to encourage yourself and believe all would be well. This would energize you and help you to follow your thought with action. Belief is a force that enacts possibilities. If you believe, you will receive. 

Don’t doubt positive things and don’t lower your expectations on good things. If you are in pains, declare health to your body and take action. If you are poor, confess abundance and go to work. If you are failing, know that you are walking your way into success. Every challenge that comes your way has a purpose. You don’t just want to go through it, but you want to learn from it. Because that is the wisdom that would help you and others in the future. The universe has all of the good things that you want. But what will unleash those things to you is your belief. And belief doesn’t take place in a negative mind. Positive mind creates belief and allows positive things to happen. Negative mind creates fear and allows negative things to happen. Don’t allow negative mind. But keep positive mind, so that you can enjoy the kind of life and success that you want. 

Let’s consider another important thing about principle. Remember we said principle is a universal truth, it doesn’t change. Now, there are many principles. And they differ in potency and functionality. We have big principles and small principles or more potent principles and less potent principles. Among the top big principles is your life. Whenever any of the big or more potent principles is at work, the small or less potent principles are suspended. Let me give you an example, whenever the principle of aerodynamics is at work, the principle of gravity is suspended. So, a heavy object like aircraft can comfortably fly in the sky without fallen into the ground. Also, whenever the principle of floatation is at work, heavy objects like ships can float on water without being drown or capsized. In the same manner, whenever your life is at work, some principles and methods can be suspended. So, what that would mean is that your life is unique and there are some things that would be applicable to your life and there are some things that would not. And that is why you should not follow methods, but understand your life principle. Remember what Jesus said you should seek first- The kingdom of God, which is in you. So, the better you understand your life, the better you will enjoy it. 

You know some people can apply certain methods in their lives, and it would work, but that may not be applicable to you, because your life is a principle on its own right. Have you noticed that sometimes, some things happen to you that don’t happen to others and some things happen to others that don’t happen to you? Why? Sometimes we call those things luck, fate or miracle. But the truth is that your life is a principle that has its own unique ways and methods. It has its own peculiarities that would always differentiate it from others. So, depending on the situation, you wouldn’t say you are unfortunate if something you didn’t like happened to you and not others or something good happened to others and not you. It just shows that your life is a principle and it’s unique. I’m not talking about cases when you have to do the right things to get the right results. I’m talking about exceptions, which most times, confuse many of us. Therefore, your experiences will be unique. Your methods, ways, destiny would all be different from other people. So, don’t feel sorry for yourself for what you didn’t cause or can’t control. 

Sometimes, I hear some people complain about where they are born, the race they belong, their body type or gender, the environment they live in and so on. And I wondered if they had caused those things. I know if everyone of us were to choose all of these, nobody would choose something bad for themselves. But fortunately, they cannot. But the creator chose the best for everyone because all of those things are important for everyone’s purpose. In as much as we don’t want to live or be born in certain parts of the world, if we are born in those places, there’s a reason. And that reason is strongly attached to our purpose. 

If you are born a woman, don’t complain about all you have to go through to live your life. Because that is important for your purpose. The peculiarity of our gender makes it automatically easy for us to do some things and leave other things. As a woman, you know the ability to conceive and carry a child in your womb is what you are naturally endowed with and to nurture and care for beings are what you are happy to do, even though you go through stress and pains. You wouldn’t say your gender is not important for your purpose, even though your purpose is not limited to those things. Science has proven to us that most of our behaviors as men and women are associated with our sexual hormones which are peculiar to our individual sex. Also, these hormones influence the way we think, feel and act. So, if all of these things are present and we all can testify to their effects in our body, how are we going to say that our sex or gender is not important? It’s definitely important and must be well understood and that of our opposite sex, so that we can enjoy a happy and fulfilled life. And other factors that differentiate and peculiarize us as individuals must also be put into account of what makes our life a principle that must be discovered and manifested to the world. 

Kiev, Ukraine. 

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