Let’s share couple of stories about perseverance. Perhaps, we can start from your story. Maybe one time in your life you’ve persevere through hard moments, you’ve endured difficult times. And now you are a stronger person. Challenges come and go, but they don’t stop coming. That’s why it’s important to build resilience. It is necessary to learn how to persevere and endure hard situations.
It’s not every time things will go the way we want. Sometimes, the inevitable and unexpected happens. And in such situation, we hardly prepare for them, and we are left with shock and worries. But when we learn perseverance, we would build courage. We would not give up. We would always move forward and upward.
In many of the successful stories that we know today, hardly is anyone of them that does not demonstrate perseverance. The people have had their own fair share of life challenges and have built their inner strength and capacity. Let’s share some of their stories.
Can you imagine somebody failing at something for over 10,000 times and still keep doing it? Maybe you can wrap your head around it. To fail at something for 10 times maybe hard for many of us, let alone 100 or 1000 times. Then till you now get to 10,000 times. That's insane! And you know when that person was asked about this what he said? He said – “I have not failed. I have only found 10,000 ways in which something would not work.”
Imagine that kind of mindset. No wonder he did what others could not do. He invented an incandescent light bulb. An important electrical appliance that we use up to today. The name of that person was Thomas Edison. He was such a genius at making the impossible possible. He had a persevering spirit that was difficult to comprehend by most people. And that made him to be extraordinary and the one people celebrate from generation to generation.
If you love to eat KFC, know that someone has persevered for the business to thrive. After being denied for over 1,009 times, he still went ahead to give his recipe for the chicken that he so much believed in. Eventually, it has now become a franchise business that is spreading fast all around the world. The same thing we see in many successful businesses that we have in our world today. Tesla, Apple, Samsung, Sony, Mercedes, Zara, Google, Amazon, name it!, they've all had their own share of persevering moments before they succeeded in their businesses.
If you know about the richest author in the world, J.K Rowling, I would tell you something about her. Her book that became a bestseller in the world, Harry Potter, was rejected twelve times by traditional publishers. She was told that her book was substandard and nobody would read it. She persevered and later found one small publisher that would give her a try. She ended up becoming the richest author through that book.
Maybe we should share another story.
You know the story of Nelson Mandela? A man whose life was a demonstration of perseverance. He wrote a book long walk to freedom, which became an international bestseller. Nelson started the fight for freedom since he was in his twenties. He wanted to liberate his people from oppression by the apartheid government. He was put in the prison for 27 years. He was asked several times if he has changed his mind before his release, he said he would rather die fighting for freedom than to be alive seeing his people suffering discrimination and oppression.
After several uproar, and ascension to power by President De Klerk, Mandela was released in 1991. In 1993, he received a Nobel Peace Prize award and in 1994, he became the first democratically elected President in South Africa.
You see all these stories of perseverance? What situation are you going through right now that you are about to give up, I encourage you not to. Persevere more, and your story would turn out well. If successful people have once had difficulties and tough experiences and they overcame, you will overcome.
Remember “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Robert H. Schuller
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If you have any questions, write to bookminds247@gmail.com or Instagram @ so_piens.
Read the next article here: https://sopiensofgod.blogspot.com/2021/12/be-author-challenge-part-15-story-of.html
Read the previous article here: https://sopiensofgod.blogspot.com/2021/11/be-author-challenge-part-13-essence-of.html
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