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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What to Do When You Are Confused

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're confused – absolutely unsure of what to do? Perhaps you're grappling with doubt, not knowing of whether the outcome will be in your favor. It's possible that you're in such a predicament right now, feeling lost and uncertain.

Let me assure you that this is entirely normal, and it's part of life. It's a transient phase that will eventually pass, just as we know no situation is permanent.

Depending on the source of your confusion—whether it’s in your marriage, or about your finances, business, project, workplace, or it’s emotional, spiritual, social or anything—you can begin by identifying it and understanding why it's causing you distress. For instance, if you're perplexed about your finances, feeling at a loss for job opportunities or assistance, and everything seems dooming, it could be hard to deal with but it’s not impossible.

Firstly, allocate some time to relax and calm your mind. Confusion thrives on uncertainty and indecision, so easing the mental burden by temporarily setting aside your concerns is paramount.

Next, engage in activities that foster inner connection, such as meditation, prayer, or simply immersing yourself in a serene environment to unwind.

Often, the solutions we seek externally are already within us; we just need to quiet our minds and listen.

In times of confusion, focus inward. Don't dwell on external chaos; instead, center your attention on your inner being.

Also, seeking counsel from like-minded people can be invaluable. There's strength in unity, and sharing your thoughts with someone who understands can provide clarity and perspective. As the saying goes, "Two heads are better than one."

Another thing —consider your end goal. What do you hope to achieve amidst the confusion? If it's financial stability, explore various avenues, brainstorming alternative income streams, seeking assistance, or even starting your own venture.

Document your thoughts and options. Clarify your objectives and brainstorm potential solutions. The more you focus on your end goal, the clearer your path forward will become.

More so, invest in self-improvement. Acquire knowledge, develop new skills, or attend events that will broaden your horizons. Empower yourself with the tools needed to navigate through uncertainty.

I hope these strategies will help you in finding clarity amidst confusion, and enable you to progress towards your goals with confidence and determination. Hearty cheers!

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Friday, April 26, 2024

Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

Everything you need is in the hands of people. I can’t overemphasize this. The earlier you understand this, the better for you—because this will help you in achieving success in life. Everything you need is in the hands of people—whatever you are looking for, whatever you desire in your life, someone already has it.

The life you are dreaming to live, someone is already living that life. That dream job that you wish to have, someone already has it. I say that dream car and all those beautiful things you want in your life, someone already has them.

You may know or you may not know it, but for everything you want to do, someone is already doing it. That is why they say there is nothing new under the sun. It is because everything we are doing now or about to do, someone has already done them. And does that mean we are not creative or innovative in our own way?

Definitely not! Every one of us is unique and different, and we can’t be compared to any other person. But the truth of the matter is everything we do is fundamentally the same as human beings. 

Now, you don’t have to invent the wheel if someone has already invented it. It’s only left for you to discover it and use it to your advantage. One of the most important leverages you can use in life is people

People have the things you are looking for. They have the knowledge, experience, expertise, time, resources, and many other things that you are looking for. It is now left for you to find people that have those things.

That is where discernment comes in. As people have what you need, you also want to know that not everybody has that thing. So, you have to be selective and discerning in connecting with the right people. Because not all people are valuable to you. Not everyone you see should be your friend or people you should connect with.

There are people who don’t have anything to contribute to your life. Rather, it could be something negative. So, you have to be highly discerning when it comes to choosing the right people to relate to and bring into your inner circle.

I know individuals who have been exalted by people. And I also know individuals who have been demoted by people. When you connect with the right people, your life gets better. When you connect with the wrong people, your life gets worse. So, people can make or break you.

Discerning and understanding people start with knowing different human personalities and uniqueness. You can read this article to learn about different human personalities: 16 Types of Human Personality

Any and every subject that has to do with humans is relevant to your success in life. Getting to know human behaviors, attitudes, habits, characters, qualities, nature, and so on, is essential in forging ahead in your life and career.

You might not know how to relate with people if you don’t study people or learn from those who have the experience. Learning the lessons of life all by yourself might not be easy. If you make too many mistakes, you might feel frustrated and disappointed in life. That is why you want to learn from other people, and understand how to interact and handle different situations with people.

For sure, people have what you need. And people need what you have. In the next article, I will discuss what you have that people need. You don’t only need what people have. People also need what you have. And that is the connecting point. We will discuss that in the next article. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend.

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You Don’t Want to Waste Your Time with People

You don’t want to waste your time with people. This is very important to understand. People are valuable, yes. People are resourceful, yes. People are a blessing, yes. But you also want to understand that there are people who are none of the above. 

There are people who don’t really have so much value to add to your life. What do you do with such people? You don’t want to waste too much of your time with them. Sometimes, they can come as friends, colleagues, neighbors, workmates, housemates, or even family members or relatives.

I understand that it can be challenging to distance yourself from people you've known for a long time. However, it's vital to make the right decisions now for your own well-being rather than continuing down a path that doesn't serve you. 

Every moment is precious and should be utilized wisely. If something or someone isn't enhancing your life or helping you progress, it's best to let go and focus on what truly matters.

As Steve Jobs said, "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." These profound words from Jobs buttresses the fact that our time on this earth is finite, and it's crucial to invest it in pursuits that resonate with our true selves. 

Rather than conforming to the expectations of others or following paths that don't align with our passions, we should embrace our authenticity and pursue endeavors that bring fulfillment and purpose.

It’s important to prioritize our purpose and fulfil our dreams with unwavering dedication.

Remember, you are the most important person in your life. Taking care of your life enables you to care for other lives effectively. Prioritize your own assignment, and you'll be better equipped to add value to the world around you.

So, guard your time and energy. Invest them in relationships that nurture your growth and fulfillment, and you will see yourself making meaningful progress in life.

I see you stepping into a new level of success and fulfilment. Have a great time!

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Why Most Black People Are Poor

Let’s consider, for a moment, the question: why are most black people poor? Perhaps this is a question that has sometimes crossed your mind, or you often think about it: why are most black people poor in the world? Is it because of their race, skin color, or location? Maybe it’s because they don’t have access to many things that white people have access to. 

First of all, let’s see where this problem started from.

Up until the 14th century, Africa still held one of the richest empires in the world. Africa was doing great in economy, trade, agriculture, mining, and infrastructural development. There were accounts of inventions and innovations that came from Africa. But when slave trade and colonization came, Africans were robbed of their things. Their resources were looted away in multitudes.

Is the looting away of the resources the reason why Africans are poor? Let's discuss further. Poverty is not created by losing what you have. It is created by not recognizing what you have. Even if the white people took away all the resources in Africa, they can’t still make Africans poor, because poverty is not in the physical things that we see, but in the abstract things that we cannot see.

For a person with a rich mindset, he can create wealth anytime, any day, anywhere. He’s not limited by location, time, or place. Even if all his wealth is taking away from him, he can create a new one over and over again. Riches are not limited to only the physical things that we see. But they are present in the abundant things that we cannot see.

So, what makes Africans poor? It is the mindset – the way we see ourselves – the way we think and the way we interpret things. Because of the history of slavery and colonization that we have, many of us have not come out of that mental peonage yet. We still keep thinking about them. We still keep thinking we are victims and disadvantaged. We still think somebody is behind our problem. 

Yes, we can identify the problem and know what or who the causative agents are. But that doesn’t mean we must continue to play the blame game. It doesn’t mean we must continue to leave our life in the hands of the oppressors. 

Rather, we must take action. We must take responsibility for our own life and move forward. We don’t want to keep dwelling in the past, but we want to create a better future for ourselves and our children. Despite all the bad that the colonizers have done, we can still rise again and make a better life for ourselves and our future generations.

The ball is in our court, and we can decide what we want for our future. Africa is a land of resources – both human and mineral. We can never be short of resources. Our land is always flowing with milk and honey. No matter how much the foreigners have come to drain our resources, we will always have more than enough for ourselves and those around us.

We’ve got to come out of this mentality of lack and poverty. We’ve got to take ourselves away from this mindset of slavery and colonization

I know we hear the story every time, and it used to demoralize us, and make us have this feeling of being victims and at the mercy of the people to help us and bale us out of poverty. But no one will help us more than we can help ourselves. No external help is sustainable. We must focus on the inside and tap into our own grace and ability that the Creator has given us.

Contrary to what many think, Africa is not disadvantaged. We are not unfortunate or unlucky. It’s not a bad thing that we are born in Africa or have African origin. 

Black is not cursed. Africa is not cursed. We are blessed people. We are people of grace and power. We are smart and strong people. We are willful and ambitious people. 

We don’t have a lack or poverty in our lives. Whatever poverty we see is the one we have created in our minds. It doesn’t exist. It is a mirage that if we keep moving, it will disappear.

How can a land that has tremendous resources in the world be in lack? How can a continent that gave birth to humanity be in lack? Africa is where all the resources in this world came from. And all the good things that we see in the world today came from Africa. 

Think about people who have done great and mighty things in the world; they are of African origin. 

There is no single thing that has excelled so much in the world that doesn’t have its origin traceable to Africa. Top big companies like Apple, Tesla, Hp, and Intel have their products made from minerals extracted from Africa. 

There are a lot of others in the background, taking advantage of African resources. It is because Africa is a land of gold. It is because Africa is a land of treasure – a land of the rich – rich in resources and power.

I encourage you to start working with this mindset. Let this be your thinking. Let this be your life. I see you stepping into a new level of success and fulfillment. Cheers to higher living!

Do share this article with someone if it makes sense to you. Thanks for reading.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

99 Things People Don't Like You Do to Them

The idea for this book stems from years of my interaction and experience with people. I’ve lived, eaten, played, danced, sung, hiked, worked, and did so many things with people. I’ve found these secrets with people and now understood them in a better way. It’s good you know what people like and what they don’t like, so you can know how to avoid those things and find your way with people.

 Grab your copy on Amazon: 99 Things People Don't Like You Do to Them

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99 Most Important Things to Know About Money


In a world driven by dreams, desires, and aspirations, one thing remains steadfast and undeniable in its influence—money. The pursuit of financial freedom is an endeavor that transcends borders, cultures, and generations. This is because the language of wealth is universal. Our lives are intricately woven with the threads of money choices, investment decisions, and the pursuit of economic freedom. It is the enabler of dreams, the source of security, and the key to unlocking the doors of our desires.

In the pages of this book, I will share with you some financial ideas and fundamental principles that govern the world of wealth. From saving and investing to understanding the nuances of debt, taxes, and retirement planning, this book serves as your compass on the path to financial empowerment.


Grab your copy on Amazon: 99 Most Important Things to Know About Money

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7 Elon Musk's Money Secrets - A New Book RELEASE!

Elon Musk's journey to wealth and success is a testament to the power of mindset and perspective. Over the past 15 years, I have immersed myself in studying his life, his businesses, and his projects, seeking to unravel the timeless principles that have propelled him to the pinnacle of wealth and riches. 

Through my research, I have gleaned insights into Musk's intentions, mindsets, and beliefs, uncovering the secrets that have enabled him to achieve extraordinary success.

In this book, I share the inner workings of Musk's mind and unravel the secrets behind his extraordinary success. I also uncover the principles that have guided him on his journey to financial abundance and reveal how you too can apply these principles to unlock your own path to wealth.

Get your copy on Amazon: 7 Elon Musk's Money Secrets

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