Monday, August 26, 2024

9 Ways to Avoid Distractions

Avoiding distractions is essential for maintaining focus and achieving our lifetime goals. Distractions come in various formsfrom simple messages and notifications on our phones to people's attitudes and the challenges we face in lifedistractions are quite inevitable, and they can occur at any time and in any situation in life. 

Anything that diverts your attention away from your goals and life purpose is a distraction. Anything that prevents you from living the life you desire, enjoying what you value, or expressing your true nature is a distraction. Fear, health issues, or financial crises can all be distractions.

For instance, someone experiencing a serious financial challenge may focus solely on solving their financial problems, just as someone with health issues may be consumed by their condition.

Distractions, even though they are unavoidable, are not insurmountable. They can be dealt with and overcome. You don't need to fear them or pretend they don't exist. Instead, you need to prepare yourself to face them. By learning how to overcome distractions, you can achieve your purpose and find fulfillment in life.

In this article, I will share with you 9 ways to avoid and overcome distractions. From the simple steps you take every day to the mindset shifts you experience, these methods will provide the tools you need to eliminate distractions from your life.

1. Identify Your Distractions

The first step is to identify what distractions exist in your life. What may be a distraction for one person might not be for another. It's important to recognize what specifically distracts you before trying to address it.

2. Know What You Want

Clearly define what you want to achieve. This may sound simple, but it is not. You can’t be distracted if you know what you want and focus on it. Distractions divert your attention from your goals. So, focus on your goals and begin to pursue them with determination.

3. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritize what is important. Address the most important tasks first rather than leaving them for last. Value relationships that add value to your life, and don't waste your energy on everyone. Your time and strength are limited, so identify the most important people and tasks in your life and give them your time and attention. Avoid those that contribute little or no value and can distract you.

4. Create a Dedicated Workspace or Environment

Having a designated workspace helps your mind and body focus. It sets the tone for work and helps avoid distractions. Create a conducive working environment that encourages focus. Work when it’s time to work and play when it’s time to play.

5. Practice Time Management Techniques

Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or time-blocking can help you maintain focus by dividing work into manageable intervals with breaks in between. Break large tasks into smaller ones and allocate time for each. For example, set a timer for 25-30 minutes to work on a task, followed by a 5-minute break. After four sessions, take a longer break. This approach keeps you engaged and prevents burnout.

6. Strengthen Your Mind

Dealing with distractions caused by people's behaviors and attitudes can be challenging. Prepare your mind for such challenges. People’s behaviors change every time, but don’t let that disturb or distract you. If necessary, separate yourself from those with negative energy. Your mind and life are more important than dealing with others' negativity. Focus on your life and purpose.

7. Manage Stress and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

High stress levels and poor physical health can make it harder to concentrate, leading to more frequent distractions. Incorporate regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep into your routine. Engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that relax you. A healthy mind and body are less prone to distraction.

8. Set Boundaries and Communicate Them

Let others know your boundaries to minimize interruptions and create a more conducive environment for focus. Inform family, friends, or colleagues when you’re working on something important and ask not to be disturbed. Set specific times for socializing or attending to other responsibilities to avoid constant interruptions.

9. Limit Digital Distractions

Lastly, limit your digital distractions. In today’s world of social media, it’s easy to get sidetracked. Avoid distractions from notifications and constant internet access. Use apps or browser extensions that block distracting websites, or limit your social media usage during work hours. Turn off unnecessary notifications, or put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" mode while working.

By applying these strategies, you can significantly reduce distractions and improve your ability to focus on what truly matters, leading to a happier, more fulfilled life. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Supercharge Your Faith: 7 Proven Ways to Transform Your Faith Life

2. Africa's Nuclear Weapon

3. How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

4. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

7 Things to Say “Thank-You” for

I know that going through life, it can be difficult to say "thank you" when we’re faced with so many challenges. We might be dealing with tough or frustrating situations that make life feel unbearable. But not to worry, they will soon come to an end and we will have reasons to rejoice again. Amidst whatever we might be going through, here are seven things we should be grateful for.

1. Health

Let’s start with health. As the saying goes, "Health is wealth." What can we truly accomplish without it? From the simple act of waking up in the morning to the more complex tasks of going to work and handling daily activities, being alive and having the ability to experience life is something to be deeply grateful for. We should never take these gifts for granted. Even if you're not in perfect health, the aspects of your well-being that allow you to function and live are worth appreciating.

2. Family and Friends

Another crucial thing to be grateful for is your family and friends. Whether it’s your immediate or extended family, family is a blessing, as are good friends. The relationships you have with your loved ones provide love, support, and happiness—things that money cannot buy. These connections are essential for our emotional well-being.

3. Security

Feeling secure is vital for achieving anything significant in life. It’s difficult to accomplish much in a place where you don’t feel safe. Security fosters growth and development, and we should be grateful for whatever level of security we have. We know that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, so being secure wherever we are is something to be grateful for.

4. Freedom

Freedom is when you are able to do what you want to do at the time you want to do it. The fact that you can go out when you want, eat when you want, sleep when you want, meet friends when you want and do things when you want is absolutely remarkable. You won’t know how expensive freedom is until it is taken away from you. From external to internal freedom, freedom is something we must always be grateful for.

5. Access to Food and Water

The fact that we have access to food and water is something to be thankful for. There are over a billion people in the world who still don’t have access to these basic necessities. This isn’t always due to poverty; sometimes it’s due to war, famine, or socioeconomic issues in their countries. Whatever the case may be, having access to food and water is something we should all be grateful for. And if you have access to these resources, share with those who don’t. Food and water are blessings of nature, gifts from God given to nourish our bodies and help us enjoy life. Therefore, share with those in need.

6. Education

Be grateful for the education you have, however much or little it may be. There are many who yearn to learn but don’t have the opportunity. The ability to learn and grow intellectually is a privilege that opens doors to new opportunities and personal growth. Whether it’s career opportunities, personal development, or the ability to pursue your passions, having options in life is a blessing. Be grateful for it.

7. Nature

Last but not least, we should be grateful for nature—the world around us. The beauty of the natural world, from the air we breathe to the sunlight we enjoy, contributes to our well-being and serves as a source of inspiration and peace.

Being grateful for these things helps deepen our appreciation for life and cultivates the positive mindset needed to make life meaningful and fulfilling. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Supercharge Your Faith: 7 Proven Ways to Transform Your Faith Life

2. Africa's Nuclear Weapon

3. How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

4. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Supercharge Your Faith: 7 Proven Ways to Transform Your Faith Life

Faith is a familiar topic for many of us, and if you grew up in a Christian home like I did, you would have heard the word countless times. However, the subject of faith is one that shouldn’t be trivialized. It is one that shouldn’t be considered merely religious or fanatical. It is an essential ingredient in our journey of life.

We know life is full of challenges, and we can’t succeed without having faith. Faith is what helps us win the battles of life. It is also what helps us overcome our fears and enjoy a happy life.

Here are seven ways to boost your faith:

1. Listen to the Word of Faith

This is the first way I would recommend. If you want to boost your faith, listen to the word of faith. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. The Scripture is filled with the word of God, which is the word of faith. When you listen to it, it inspires your faith.

2. Hear Testimonies of Faith

Testimonies of faith are inspiring. They boost your faith and energize your spirit. As you listen to others share their testimonies, you get inspired and encouraged to put your faith to work. Not only that, you are not discouraged by the negative words coming from others, but you are encouraged by the words of faith that come from the people of God.

3. Express Gratitude

Gratitude is a great way to boost your faith. When you appreciate where you are and what you have, you inspire your faith. You increase your confidence and trust levels. Gratitude also makes God energy available, which creates a positive atmosphere around you. It makes you more than a conqueror!

4. Worship

Worship plays a crucial role in boosting your faith. It involves acknowledging, adoring, reverencing, and glorifying God. Through worship, you acknowledge your source and recognize that you can’t do without Him. The very life that is in you is His special gift, which has allowed you to have access to all His treasures. Worship keeps you connected to Him.

5. Prayer

Prayer boosts your faith. If you always find time to pray, you will feel a surge in your faith level. When you express your thoughts, feelings, and needs to God, you feel confident and assured that the supernatural is at work in your life. God is in charge of your life, and He will make all things good. No disappointments. No tragedies. Knowing this, your faith is boosted and established.

6. Surround Yourself with a Faith Community

Iron sharpens iron. You boost your faith by the company you keep—your spouse, family, friends—they all contribute to your faith. Surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals who share your faith and beliefs. They will uplift your spirit. Being part of a faith community also offers mutual support and encouragement. This allows you to put your faith to work.

7. Think of the Lord’s Faithfulness

The final way to boost your faith is to think of the Lord’s faithfulness. Know whom you have believed. This is crucial. The Lord is not a man that He would fail. And He’s not your mate that He would lie. He’s your ever-present help—your rock and your salvation. He will not let you down. He will uphold you with His right hand and make His face shine upon you.

Look into the future and see all the beautiful things He has prepared for you. I see greatness all around you. God bless you. Have a beautiful week. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

3. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Monday, August 5, 2024

Understanding African Science and Culture

African science is unique and diverse. It is rich and holistic. It entails the traditional way of understanding life in all its forms and our environment. A knowledge we engage in understanding our indigenous cultures as well as the contemporary advancements we’ve made in the past years.

To understand our science, we must appreciate its historical roots, cultural significance, and modern developments.

Our science is deeply intertwined with our continent’s history and culture. Our traditional science, often referred to as indigenous knowledge, includes a vast array of practices and understanding passed down from our forefathers to us. 

This knowledge encompasses fields such as medicine, agriculture, mining, astronomy, engineering, arts, trade, and so on. This is rooted in the lived experiences and observations of our various African societies, knowing fully well that Africa is the origin of science and humanity.

Our traditional medicine, for example, is renowned for its use of herbal remedies and natural treatments. Our African healers, often referred to as herbalists, have a profound understanding of local plants and their medicinal properties. Many of our forefathers have spent their lifetimes discovering the purpose and value of each herb and how they have contributed to our health and well-being.

Plants like the African bush mango and the neem tree have been used for centuries to treat various ailments, illustrating a sophisticated understanding of botanical properties and their effects on health.

Our agricultural practices are also a true reflection of our deep scientific understanding. Traditional farming techniques, such as crop rotation, companion planting, and the creation of terraced fields, demonstrate an intimate knowledge of soil health and crop growth. 

These practices are tailored to local environments and have been refined over centuries, showcasing an impressive grasp of ecological balance. Such methods ensure sustainable farming and food security, reflecting a profound understanding of environmental stewardship.

Beyond medicine and agriculture, our science has contributed significantly to various fields through ingenious inventions and problem-solving techniques. Our artisans and craftsmen have created products of international significance, from intricate art works and sculptures to practical home-made products such as baskets, soaps, kitchen equipment, clothes, shoes, just to mention a few. 

These creations are not merely empirical; they are deeply connected to our cultural beliefs and spiritual practices, embodying a holistic approach to science and technology.

Our engineering also stands out, particularly in historical contexts. The Great Zimbabwe structure, the Pyramids of Egypt, and the ancient city of Timbuktu are testaments to the engineering prowess and architectural ingenuity of our ancestors. These structures were built with an advanced understanding of mathematics, astronomy, and physics, long before similar developments in other parts of the world.

To understand African science is to appreciate its depth and breadth, acknowledging the wisdom of our ancestors and the innovative spirit of our modern-day scientists. It is a science that is both ancient and cutting-edge, rooted in tradition yet forward-looking. It encompasses a holistic view of the world, integrating empirical knowledge with cultural and spiritual insights.

In conclusion, our science is a profound and multifaceted domain that enriches our understanding of the world. It is a legacy of ingenuity and innovation, spanning from the ancient practices of our forefathers to the groundbreaking advancements of today's scientists. 

By embracing the principles of our African science, we honor our heritage and propel ourselves towards a future where traditional wisdom and modern science coexist harmoniously.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Africa We Deserve – #End Bad Government

I was glad to see our people rising against bad government in different parts of our continent. It started in Kenya, spread like wildfire to Uganda, and now, to Nigeria. There is a new wave of change sweeping across Africa, and I believe that it will yield lasting results. In fact, it is already yielding results.

Youths in Kenya succeeded in bringing their government to its knees by abolishing the demonic finance bill. In Uganda, citizens courageously raised their voices against the intimidation and corruption that plagued their parliament's leadership. Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the government is scrambling to do damage control, realizing too late that Nigerians are determined to stand firm against their oppressive and bad government.

As African people, it is high time we reclaimed our nations from the clutches of these wolves.

Most governments in Africa are the same. They are oppressive and dictatorial governments. The politicians enter positions by hook or by crook, and they start executing bad policies that plunge people into poverty. That, in itself, is supported by foreign powers who masterminded the act and gained from the arrangement.

But the tide is turning. The fact that our people are rising against these oppressive governments is not only impressive but also a sign of hope and a call to action. We must all support this movement, whether we are in the diaspora or within the continent. Now is not the time to keep silent.

"He who does not oppose evil commands it to be done." — Leonardo da Vinci

We must leverage every tool at our disposal—social media, contacts, connections, and resources—to amplify our voices and push back against the oppressors. We must let them know that we are not the same people they once thought they could subjugate. We have changed, and Africa is changing with us. The change we seek for Africa is the change we will achieve.

No longer will we be fooled by false hope and promises from those who do nothing to improve our lives. While they busy themselves looting public funds, buying luxurious homes abroad, and selling us empty dreams, we will stand resolute in our demand for real progress. We refuse to submit to their deceitful tactics.

The Africa we deserve is the new Africa that is rising. It is an Africa that will empower its people. It is an Africa that will raise great men and women. It is an Africa that will be a beacon of hope and peace to the world. It is an Africa where we will all take pride in living and working together toward our collective growth and development. 

In this Africa, our talents and gifts will be deployed, and people will achieve great things for themselves and their nations. It is an Africa where we will all be committed to the success of our land. An Africa where equality and justice will be our guiding principles.

This is our destiny. This will be our legacy. And we will rejoice in being alive in this age, knowing that our children and future generations will inherit a continent we can all be proud of. Cheers.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. The Spiritual Authority of the African People

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Friday, August 2, 2024

How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

So, how do you put your nuclear weapon to work? (Read previous article here: Africa's Nuclear Weapon). What exactly do you do? I’ll tell you. You put this nuclear weapon to work by one thing—prayer. Many people have not understood yet what prayer is. They’ve not understood the power in it. 

Prayer is not just communicating with God; it is not just asking God for what you want. It is a means—a means of getting things done in the spirit.

Without prayer, you cannot accomplish anything in the realm of the spirit. You cannot exercise your spiritual authority. Also, without prayer, you cannot take your place and function in the realm of the spirit. So, prayer is as important as your breath. It is as important as your life.

When you pray, you connect to the spirit. You tap into the spiritual energy, and you also make abundant grace available. 

Prayer makes you connect to your source —to communicate with the Father—the Father of all creation in whom all power in heaven and earth belongs. 

There is no other authority that is higher than the authority of our God. And when you pray, you connect to that authority. So, every other authority, including the ones on earth, must submit to that authority. Prayer makes you connect to that authority.

When you pray, you see things in the realm of the spirit. You control and manage things. You also discern things. You know what is to happen and how to navigate life and situations. Prayer makes you a true ambassador of your heavenly Father on earth. 

Through prayer, you can also create things and receive great ideas that will liberate the world.

I love what David said—he said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable unto You, O Lord, my salvation.” That is what I call prayer: the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart. Prayer starts with the words that are in your mouth and the meditations that are in your heart.

This is very important to understand about prayer. If you stop praying with your mouth, don’t stop praying in your heart. That is why the Bible says, “Pray at all seasons. Pray always.” This is because it is important to keep praying if you want to win in the battles of life.

Now, you know prayer is not only when you fix a time to pray. It’s not only when you open your mouth to pray. It is when you open your heart to pray. It is when you are conscious and connect your spirit and soul to your source—your heavenly Father.

We understand there are different types of prayer, and each one has its own purpose and function. Nevertheless, prayer always has the goal of effecting a change in the realm of the spirit. And when things happen in the realm of the spirit, they manifest in the realm of the flesh.

Everything that we see in the physical has first manifested in the spiritual. Nothing happens in the physical that has never happened in the spiritual. The spiritual dictates the physical. That is why you must use your spiritual authority as a believer. 

You must not let anyone trample upon your rights because you are a believer. You must engage your spiritual weapon to fight any battle on earth. Remember, you are the true ambassador of your heavenly Father on earth, and so you must represent Him well.

With prayer, you engage your spiritual weapon and tap into the anointing and power in the spirit.

Here is another thing— speaking in tongues is extremely important when you pray because it allows you to overrule your mind and connect with the heart of the Father. You can reach more depths in the spirit and wrought more miracles. 

Speaking in tongues makes praying easy, makes you avoids distractions, and you don’t have to care about the use of human language or difficulty in communication. You don’t have to worry about prayer points or prayer verses. You only have to connect your spirit, which will make you download things in the spirit and make you bypass all human limitations.

Prayer is our vital tool we must always engage. We can’t afford to lose in the battle of life, and after all we’ve got as believers, we cannot have less than success in life. Prayer is not a religious practice. It is not a cultural or traditional thing we must do. It must come from a place of understanding and reverence if we want to have maximum results and live a higher life.

I see you winning in the race of life and shining your light for Christ. God bless you and have a great time.

Read next: 10 Powerful Areas of Our Strength As Africans

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Eumelanin – The True Name of Our Color

What is the name of our color? It is eumelanin, which means "true melanin." Our color is neither black nor brown; it is eumelanin. I call our true name "Eumelanians." 

We are not blacks. We are not dark. We are Eumelanians, which means we are people of true melanin – people of true pigment. Melanin is the skin pigment that gives skin its original color, lying under the skin inside the melanin cells (melanocytes).

Africans, for a long time, have received a pseudonym. We’ve been given a false identity and recognition. But now, we have discovered the truth. We know we are not defined by the name given to us, because anything that goes wrong with that name goes wrong with the person who carries that name.

Strangers launched their propaganda and twisted history in their favor. They claimed they discovered Africa and so gave it a name, but we know Africa was not discovered and that name is not the true name of our continent. 

Africa was originally called Alkebulan – a name given by our forefathers who lived several years ago. 

The name Alkebulan means:

The garden of Eden
The mother of mankind
The land of the original people

Looking at these meanings, the word Africa is a misnomer. However, because of the widespread usage, that will take time to change. Notwithstanding, we know our true name. We know our true identity. We know our continent doesn’t mean the land of monkeys and wild animals. It is the cradle of humanity. It is the mother of mankind – a land flowing with milk and honey.

Africa is the garden of Eden. It is the garden of treasures. And we can see this even today. Africa is a land where all major resources in the world are found. Nothing tangible can be done in the world without Africa.

Indeed, Africa is a blessed and generous land, a land full of great and happy people. God bless Africa. God bless us. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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The Spiritual Authority of the African People

I have said it time and again – Africans are spiritual people. Not just spiritual people, but people with spiritual authority. This means there are certain things in the realm of the spirit that African people are in charge of. This is not about race or religion; it is a reality and the truth.

Africans command things in the realm of the spirit, and that is part of their strength. We know other races have their own strengths, and many of them have robbed it on Africans that they don’t have any valuable thing to offer the world.  But here is the truth – Africans hold spiritual authority in the world. They are in charge of matters of the spirit.

Opening the spiritual gate requires an African. 

Don’t believe it? Look at the people who have wrought real-life miracles throughout the history of the world; they are mostly Africans. 

Whether other races believe it or not, it doesn’t matter. Africans must know what they possess. We have the largest churches and religious gatherings in the world. We have the highest number of spiritual leaders in the world. We also have the highest number of religious centers outside the continent.

This is not a coincidence. It is not due to population size or poverty. Even if Africans were not hungry, they would still go to church. The proliferation of churches outside the continent happened the moment Africans began to move abroad. The world is never in short supply of religious gatherings wherever Africans are.

Africans are spiritual people. They hold spiritual authority, and they command things in the realm of the spirit. Whoever does not do what is right is dealt with in the spirit realm. 

Let those inexperienced in the spirit realm stop accusing Africans of having no value in the world, or they will be dealt with.

Part of the spiritual authority of African people is their faith – their belief in God and supernatural powers. These are the same supernatural powers that strangers have bastardized as voodoo or black magic. It is because it is a threat to them. They don’t want Africans to know their power or value their strength.

But Africans must not submit to this ploy. We must not allow strangers to tell us what is right and what is not right. We have spiritual power and authority, and we must hold on to it.

So, it is very important to know our place in the world and how we offer value on the global stage.

I see Africa as a great and mighty continent. Cheers to a higher life. ( be continued!)

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You can also check out these posts: 

1.  Africa's Nuclear Weapon

2. How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

3. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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