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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Do You Know This About Your Health?

Do you know how well nature listens to you when you speak? Do you know how well your body listens to you when you speak? I’m about to share something very important with you. Take a moment and think of the last person you spoke with physically. You remember how the conversation went. Whether the person was one of your family members or friend, or just an acquaintance, you expressed yourself in words to the person. 

Now, imagine in all the conversation, when you spoke and expected the person to respond, he/she didn’t. How would you feel? And this is someone close to you, no dispute, no disagreement, the person just decided not to respond to you. Of course, you would say that’s not possible. The person would surely respond. Even if the person is angry, they would still respond and anger is a response on its own. I want you to just think of how your spoken words were able to affect and influence the person you were talking to and how they responded to you. Now, that’s the same way your body responds when you speak to it. 

If you always look at your body as your closest buddy, then you will know how to speak good words to it. All your body cells can hear you when you speak and they know when you speak to them. Take for instance, when you have headache, you may think that’s normal because you’ve been having it and you know which drugs to take, but would you tell your body to receive good health and relief you of the pains? What makes you feel pain is there's something wrong in the system and that's why you are not comfortable. Perhaps it could be neuronal irritation, discomfort, lack of blood supply and so on. 

Therefore, when you tell those cells to receive health from your spirit, everything would begin to take shape, and the cells would stop processing pain sensations and start processing relief. It’s all biological processes and many of them are controlled by your thoughts. So, the way you think is very important. If you think health, health would come. If you think it’s normal for you to have pain, pain would stay. It’s all your choice. Many of us don’t know yet the power we have within us to control and decide whatever we want. We just think many things are out of our control. 

Because you don’t have access to medical diagnostic machines doesn’t mean you can’t diagnose and heal yourself. Your mind can screen and heal every part of your body. When you are worried about what’s going on in your body, stick your mind to good thoughts. Think good health. Because that’s what you have. The appearance of sickness in your body is not the truth. The truth is that you have health. And you can draw from it any time you need it. 

At first, you may struggle with holding the truth of good health in your mind, when there’s appearance of sickness. But with time, you would get used to it and overcome the barrier in your mind. Yes, it takes time to convince your mind and make you access your divine health. But with consistence and results, your mind would be convinced and you would live a happy life. This principle is applicable to many other important things in your life such as your finances, success, joy, happiness, and all the beautiful life that you had always wanted.

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