Sunday, June 13, 2021

12 Ways to Approach Failure

1. Failure is a process. It is not the final or the end. It is success in progress.

2. Failure is a navigator. It stops you from where you shouldn't go and directs you to where you should go

3. Failure is a coin. It has two sides. One side shows you what works. The other side shows you what doesn't work

4. Failure provides options and alternatives.

5. Failure is an opportunity. It doesn’t happen all the time.

6. Failure is a teacher. It always has something to teach.

7. Failure is water. It is part of you. You cannot do without it and it’s what gives life value.

8. Failure is a walk to success. You can’t get to success without going through failure.

9. Failure is a filter. It eliminates people who aren’t serious or dedicated enough.

10. Presence of failure ascertains success is approaching. Absence of failure ascertains nothing is approaching. 

11. The only person that makes failure the end is you. If you don't give up, you will never lose all.  

12. You never lose things. You return them.

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