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Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Get a copy of my new book: WHY SEX IS FOOD On Amazon-


There are few topics that arouse human curiosity as sex. The biological continuity of human species hinges on it. And, it is a nature that is engraved in our beings, so we can’t get rid of it. The feeling, the desire, the act and everything that pertains to it always give us unique experience that we’re never tired of. Pretty much like food!

But why is this so? Why do we always have to look for food, just as the way we always have to look for sex? The answer is in the purpose. And it’s well outlined in the pages of this book.

Food is designed to bond man to his environment, just as sex is designed to bond male to the female.

We don’t only eat food, we eat sex. We don’t only cook food, we cook sex. And again, we don’t only feel hungry for food, we feel hungry for sex. Why sex is food is a book that outlines the unconventional ways of understanding sex, while describing its food nature.

The feeling of sex is the most strongest of all human feelings, and for years, human beings have not been able to crack this code of fully mastering this aspect of their nature. There has been many accounts on how this area has been mismanaged, even by popular figures. But it is impossible to suppress this part of human nature, but only to learn how to channel it in the right direction.

When we understand why sex is food, we would understand why we can’t let go of the desire, the feeling and the act. We would understand why nothing can replace sex, just as the way nothing can replace food. But we would only keep getting better at it, as our level of knowledge and education increases in the subject.

For many of us, sex is what represents one of the most intimate parts of our relationships and it keeps us bonded and connected. Conversely, problems in this area has also caused increased rate of divorce and infidelity in marriages. And has so, increased number of broken homes and criminality in the society.

This book seeks to throw more light into dark areas concerning sex and solve practical problems in understanding the nature of sex and its purpose.


May, 2021

Get YOUR COPY On Amazon-

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