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Monday, June 14, 2021

How to Solve Problem With What to Write

Sometimes we might not have problem with what to say, but what to write. But very important we need to understand that words are always with us every time. You can’t be exhausted of words. You came from the word. So, word is your life and everything about you. If you have problem with what to write, then say it. If you have problem with what to say, then write it. And if you have problem with both, then sit down and rest. Allow your mind to settle and think of any nice things that you have done or happened to you. You can engage in conversation with someone. 

If you feel nothing is coming from inside. It’s just a feeling, it’s not the reality. The reality is that words are always with you every time. Let words from other people prime the words inside of you. Listen to audios or watch videos about what you love. You can also read books as well. All these can arouse your mind and ginger your appetite towards expressing your own words. Words are powerful. And things are quite easier these days, thanks to technology. You can record your words. You can type your words. You can transcribe your words. You can translate your words. You can do absolutely anything with your word. That is the beauty of the world we live in right now. Everything is much easier, better and faster. 

And as a matter of fact, everything we found in our world today are created by the word. Both natural and artificial. Everything was first created from the thoughts. And thoughts are organized words. When put into action, they become reality. The reality of the technology that we can see in our world today. The reality of the arts and creativities that we can have in our world today. There’s so much to enjoy because of the blessing of the word in our world, which can be written, spoken or acted. Cheers!

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