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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 2) - How To Start Writing A Book

So, if you want to start writing your book, where do you start? You start by knowing what you want to share. Remember in the last article (you can read it up here - we discussed that you can’t have a book without having something to share. And you know that everyone of us has something to share. But the problem most times is that we don’t know that we have something worthy enough to share. And those that know don’t know exactly how to go about it. 

If I ask you to share something with me right now, I know you will have a lot to say. What about if I don’t ask you? You may not say anything even though you have a lot to say. But do you know that a book can give you the avenue to express what you have to say, without waiting for someone to ask you? There are many people who have buried their knowledge, ideas, passions, story because nobody ever asked them. They felt nobody needs what they have or they don’t know how to go about it. But the whole of their life and time have never been valued.

Again, some people felt they’ve never been heard. Nobody has ever said what’s on their mind. Their ideas and opinions have never been considered. And it’s just as if they’ve never been human being. And they’ve never been given the opportunity to express themselves. They’ve been looking for who will help them to let out those ideas and communicate them to the world. If you are in that position or know anyone who is, I have a good news – a book can be a good platform to use. That’s why you must consider having a book. It is never a luxury, but an asset. It is valuable both now and future. And generations would appreciate you for it.

If you are thinking of what you want to share, you can look at it in two ways. First, is to tailor it to satisfying your need, that is author-oriented. Or second, is to tailor it to satisfying your readers’ need, that is reader-oriented. I know many people think every book must be reader-oriented. But that’s just one side of the coin. There are some books that are written without readers in mind. The author focuses on his ideas and people still gain a lot of value from it. 

A good example is Codex Leicester, a book written by Leonardo da Vinci (an Italian polymath) in early 16th century. The 72-page notebook focuses on Da Vinci’s thoughts relating to water – tides, eddies, and dams – and the relationship between the moon, the earth and the sun. Bill Gates, the Microsoft cofounder, bought the book in 1994 for over 30 million dollars, a price that made the book to be the most expensive book ever sold. I’m sure when Da Vinci was writing the book, he didn’t have Bill Gates in mind, he was just writing his thoughts based on what he had observed and experimented. But Bill Gates found so much value in the book that he had to pay that much to own the book. You can decide to make your book center on your ideas alone, or you can make it focus on your reader’s needs. Both are good, depending on which one you want to share at the moment. The most important thing is – your ideas and thoughts are documented, which can benefit generations to come.

What you want to share can be anything, really. From your story, to your passions, to your knowledge, to your skills, to your ideas, to your lifestyle and so on, the sky is the limit. After you’ve made up your mind on what you want to share, then, you need to organize those things and turn them to a book.

How do you organize those things? First, pour them out. Let everything you know about the subject be articulated. If you like writing, write them out. If you don’t like writing, speak them out. Most people are comfortable with speaking. You can speak by yourself and record it or get someone to have conversation with and record it as well. The whole idea is to get all that you know about the subject out. This process is called mind mapping. And with the help of technology today, you can do that easily. You can also do it with writing. You can write down whatever comes to your mind on the subject and get it organized later.

While you may not bother if you are good with writing or not, you have all it takes to be an author. And that is the fact that you have something to share. You can get someone who is good at any of this to help you out or if not, I’ll make the provision very soon for those who are interested. 

All your ideas can be documented and valued. You don’t want people to just celebrate you when you are alive, you also want to be celebrated even after you have long gone. And that is through the legacy that your book would provide. I see you becoming a great author that you had always wanted to be. My regards! Follow this link to read the next article -

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Monday, August 23, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The POWER of NOW By Eckhart Tolle

1. Appreciate where you are now, not where you want to be.

2. Accept and deal with what every moment presents to you and don’t dwell in the past.

3. Now is all you have. When you focus on it, you get what you want.

4. When you give what you do your best attention, it gives you its best result.

5. Stress is caused by pushing yourself to be here and there at the same time.

6. Being grateful for where you are takes you to where you want to be.

7. Give up on the need to wait. Focus on what is available now.

8. If you can’t change what happens to you, change what happens in you.

9. You can only find true peace and happiness if you live in the now.

10. In the present moment, there are no real problems. What gives us problems is the thought that is outside the present.

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 1) - How To Be An Author

Let’s look at this whole thing about being an Author. Being an Author is simple, though we’ve been told otherwise. To be an Author is to have a book. And to have a book is to have something to share. Everyone of us has something to share, no matter how trivial or inconsequential we may think that is.

Whether you want to give a chronological account of your life (autobiography) or you want to discuss some topics or themes using your own life as anecdotes (memoir) or you want to share your ability to create stories out of nowhere (fiction), or you want to share your knowledge and skills (as in textbooks, journals, or research papers), or you want to share your dreams and revelations (as in inspirational or religious books), or you just want to share your ideas, passions, vision, ambitions, lifestyle and so on, you have all it takes to have a book.

To be an author is not a big deal. In fact, it should be part of our life. We should form the habit of documenting our life. And with technology today, it is quite easier than ever. We use our devices to do many things; to chat, to text, to call, to record and so on. Documenting is not far-fetched from us. And it is what can help us to put our ideas together in form of a book. (More on that would be discussed later.)

Many of us today cannot remember the names of our grand or great grand parents, let alone what they did. Why? Because there’s nothing documented about them. We can’t have access to any part of their lives despite they once lived here. It could pain many of us not to see anything written about these ones or the life they lived. But, how about we begin to change that order? How about we begin to help other people live a better life by sharing part of our life with them?

Documenting our life is as important as living our life. Consider people who have died many years ago and we still remember them very well today. People like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, and other great scientists and philosophers, many of whom have died long time ago, but their names are still very much fresh in our memories today because we read something about them. Because their lives and ideas were documented, and they are beneficial to us today.

What about great books like the Bible? A book that gives tremendous accounts of people and events that have happened thousands of years ago and we still remember and talk about those things today. Many of us wouldn't have known anything about the accounts of creation if not for the Bible. And we know who God and Jesus is, thanks to the Bible. Imagine if the Bible was not written, how are we going to have all these knowledge? Bear in mind that many of those things that happened during those times were not even as significant to those people as they are to us today.

Don’t you think what you have today can also benefit generations to come? Don’t you think the experiences and ideas that you have today could be source of wisdom for someone sometimes in the future? You don’t just want your life to go like that, you want something to come out of it that can benefit the world and of course, generations to come.

I encourage you to look through your life and note one area that you want your book to be about. Whether it’s your biography, memoir, fiction, knowledge, skills, ideas and so on, you are good to go. You can write on all or any of these.

I know a lot of people have challenges in writing their book and most times don’t even know where to start. I will address most of these issues and proffer an actionable solution in the upcoming articles. Follow this link to read the next article -


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Sunday, August 15, 2021

10 Ways To Become UNSTOPPABLE

1. Don’t avoid pain, for that is where your gain is.

2. See obstacles as part of the way, not what hinders the way.

3. Never get satisfied with where you are. There’s always more for those that want more.

4. Anything you do, do it faster today. And even faster tomorrow.

5. Get yourself motivated, even when there’s nobody to do so.

6. Be consistent in whatever you do. It will give you better and longer results.

7. Don’t just put your eyes on the success, focus on the process.

8. You will be better of by being optimistic on what you are not sure about than being pessimistic on what you are too sure about.

9. Don’t be limited by your beliefs. But be expanded by your vision.

10. Live your full life and enjoy every moment of it.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From High Performance Habits By Brendon Burchard

1. You must be clear on everything you want in life.
2. Let your intention resonate with your action. Don’t live a double standard life.
3. High performers understand how to connect and relate with people.
4. High performers take full responsibility over everything that pertains to their life.
5. High performers know how to motivate and challenge themselves into action.
6. Focus your strength on what you can leverage on to increase your productivity.
7. High performers summon courage to hit their goals despite obstacles on the way.
8. High performers are keen on their ideas. They stand for themselves and others.
9. High performers strive for excellence. They don’t stop at what they do.
10. High performers avoid procrastination. They make results instead of excuses.

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Sunday, August 1, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From THINK AGAIN By Adam Grant

1. Be open-minded on everything you know. There’s always room for better knowledge.

2. There’s no need to be sentimental about your ideas. Analyze situations with a critical mind.

3. You can be humble and still be confident. Humility is knowing you can flaw it. Confidence is knowing you can do it.

4. Our allegiance should be to what we value, not to what we believe.

5. Don’t only ask WHY something should be done. Ask HOW it should be done.

6. Instead of making judgment, ask questions.

7. The power of social groups affects our belief systems and stereotypes.

8. The best way to change people is to let them motivate themselves to change.

9. It’s better to consider things from a general form than from good and bad form.

10. Doing the same task over and over again opens door for more creativity and innovation.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From GIVE and TAKE By Adam Grant

1. In any human settings, there are three categories of people – the givers, the takers and the matchers.

2. The givers give more than they get. The takers get more than they give. And the matchers balance giving with getting.

3. The best leaders are givers, because they want to give others than they receive.

4. What makes any team perform well is when the givers are more than the takers.

5. To expect others to do to you as you’ve done to them is not driven by self-interest.

6. Those who love to take from others are easy to spot in any setting.

7. Givers don’t give without control. They give with understanding.

8. Success is measured by what it has done for the people around you, not what it has done for only you.

9. Successful people are motivated to help others and maximize opportunities.

10. When you give without expecting returns, that is when you truly give.

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