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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 5) – Writing Your Memoir

I didn’t know I was writing a memoir until I checked the definition in the dictionary. I know I had loved to share my story and just put some nice themes across. I love to motivate and challenge people. And I tag most of my writings with challenging or motivating words. So, when I discuss these themes, I use examples from my own life and experience. I use short stories and anecdotes. I extracted the lessons and turn them into topics that I can discuss with people. 

Writing a memoir is pretty simple if you love to share your story and things about life in general. It also allows you to pay attention to things that you go through and the lessons that you learn from them. By the way, if you love to know more about the power of your story and why you should share it, check the previous article here - (

Just before we go further, let’s differentiate between a memoir and an autobiography. A memoir is a word from memory, meaning any nonfiction narrative of one’s personal memories. It is simply explaining a topic or theme, using your personal experience or story. Whereas, an autobiography is a chronological account of your life written by yourself (while your biography is written by someone else). A memoir is different from autobiography in the sense that a memoir doesn’t have to give a chronological account of your story or experience. It can be different phases or stages of your life. But an autobiography must follow a chronological order – say from the time you were born up to this present moment. So, while memoir focuses on the theme and the lessons you learn from your story, autobiography focuses on the story itself. 

Now, to write your memoir, how do you start? You start by having a theme or topic. In memoir, the lesson you want to share is more important than the story. The essence of sharing your story is to buttress a topic or theme that you are discussing. So, when writing a memoir, the first thing that you focus on is what lesson or topic do you want people to learn from your writing. 

After you’ve selected a topic, then you will look for a story or experience in your life that buttresses that topic or theme. For instance, if I want to discuss how to break free from sexual addiction, I can discuss that topic using my own story. I can discuss how I became sexually addicted, the struggles and the challenges and how I eventually broke out from it. So, using my own story, I’ve discussed how to break free from sexual addiction. So, there could be many topics or themes that you can choose to discuss using your own life experience or story.

People always love to hear your story. They always love to see that someone has gone through what they are going through and he/she is now proffering some advice or solution to their problem.

Now, depending on the story that you are sharing. If you don’t want to share the entire story directly, you can use indirect ways to share your story. Maybe you want to protect some people’s information or you don’t want to disclose some confidential or private matters, you can conceal other characters in your story and still bring out the original content of your story. You can change name, location, description and so on. Because sometimes, some people might not be comfortable with you sharing their private matters publicly or without their consent.

And as a memoirist, you may also feel the fear, anxiety or shame of sharing your story. But you know what, this is normal and you will later feel happy when you found out that your story has helped a lot of people. Many people that shared their story while discussing some sensitive topics were not at first comfortable with it. But when they saw the result, they were encouraged and fear disappeared. 

Again, while you write your memoir, what is important is the lesson that you want your readers to learn. So, focus on the lesson and not too much details of the story. And after you’ve put your ideas together, organize them and start writing your memoir. In the next article, I will show you how to continue and complete writing your memoir. Stay in touch!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Be An Author challenge (Part 4) - The Power of Your Story

Still on it... Be An Author Challenge. Check the previous article here Now, let’s discuss something very important – The Power of Your Story. Let’s first look at what a story is. I know it’s a word that we’re all familiar with, but to be on the same page and avoid ambiguity, let’s define it. According to Merriam-webster dictionary, a story is an account of incidents or events, or a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question. I love those definitions. When we talk about story, we’re talking about giving an account of incidents or events, whether it has happened, it’s happening or it will happen. Many people think story is only about the past. But no, there’s also story about the present and the future. 

The story of the past is history. The story of the present is mission. And the story of the future is vision.

So, which of your story do you want to share? All of them are important and they should be shared. As a matter of fact, they form the entirety of your life. 

Let's start with the first story - the story of your past. This story, which is your history, is the account of what has happened in your life. From the time you were born up to this present moment. It's never a waste no matter how it went. The things that you went through were never only for you, but also for others to learn from your life. I know for many of us, it may be hard to share our story, especially if it is one that we are not pleased with. We could feel so embarrassed and ashamed to share it. Or even try to avoid judgment or condemnation from people. But deep inside, we could still feel so much regrets and guilt. 

But this is not unusual, it happens to many of us. However, it is important we detach ourselves from the chains of the past, and be free to live in the present. Because our past is never to define us, but to refine us. To make us a better person with ourselves and with the world. 

The things that have happened to you, whether good or bad are never a waste. But something that could benefit you and others. Imagine how the experiences you’ve had in the past have helped you to do things better now, to make wiser decisions, and to commit more to life and purpose. Imagine how your story of the past has shaped your thinking, and allowed you to develop inner strength and will, so much so that you can now face the future with boldness and courage. I tell you, this story is a blessing in disguise. 

The second story is the story of your present, which is your mission. So, what’s your mission? What are you currently doing? What goals are you working on? And how do you plan to achieve them? Your mission is the story of your present. It is exactly what you are doing now to get to where you want to be. The beautiful future that you aspire will not land on your laps. You've got to work it out. So, what exactly are you doing now to achieve that? What are the skills that you are acquiring? What are the new knowledge that you are gaining? and so on. You don’t want to wait for miracle. You want to perform the miracle. So, tell us the story of your present, which is your mission, your very assignment at the moment, which takes you to the future.

The third story is the story of your future, which is your vision. What is your vision? Where do you see yourself in the next 10, 20, 30,…50 years? What do you see yourself doing and who do you see yourself becoming? You should have vision for your future. And your vision is the picture of your future. The way you see yourself in the next decade of years. Again, you don’t have to wait for it. But you have to work towards it if you want to achieve it. When you share your vision, you inspire people. When you inspire people, you set them to work. People become more encouraged and enlightened. They can also go ahead and set their own vision and begin to work towards it. And you'll also attract like minds that will connect with your vision and work with you. 

The power of your story is in you sharing it. Whether it’s about your past, your present, or your future, don’t keep them to yourself. Don’t hesitate in sharing any of these stories with people around you and the world, because the power of your story is unveiled in you sharing it. Have a great time! 

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 3) - How To Organize Your Ideas Into A Book

George Elliot said “it’s never too late to be what you might have been.” I agree with that. Being an author is also not too late. You can become one. It is not time bound or age restricted. It is simply an achievement of a lifetime. It makes your life to be documented for the benefit of mankind.

Now, after you’ve vomited your thoughts through mind mapping (as we discussed in Part 2 of this series, check it up here (, you need to organize those ideas. You want to organize your ideas accordingly so that they make sense. Depending on the type of person you are, whether you are good at speaking or writing, you will need to put the ideas down in written format, since it’s going to be a book. If you recorded the ideas, you can transcribe them. Looking at how any book is organized, the first thing we look at is the central idea in which the entire book is anchored – that is the title of the book. The title of the book is important for its readership.

After you’ve written down your ideas, and arranged them in the order of importance. Then you need to put them into chapters or sections. Every book has contents. And every content has chapters or sections. Usually, the ideas in a book are organized according to the content. Be that as it may, people will enjoy reading your book if the ideas are well structured and organized.

Now, depending on the type of book you’re writing, you may need to do some research, get more information, read books related to what you want to write about (so that you’ll know how your own would be different), and get your mind informed.

Writing a book is always a good adventure. You’ll go through many things that you’ve not gone through before, especially if it’s your first time and you’ll learn many skills along the way. You’ll know more about how to communicate and share your thoughts and ideas with people. You’ll also know how to manage your time, space, emotions, and self. To top it all, you will get better at writing and documenting your thoughts. How lovely is that! The journey of writing a book is an interesting one that you need to be motivated and driven by yourself, and not just what somebody compels you to do. 

In any case, if you don’t have time or know how to do any of these, you have opportunity to engage people who know how to. Having read over 100 books and had six years of writing experience, I can tell you that I have cracked the code to writing a book. I have written books for myself and for people, and I’m happy to announce to you that you too can have your own book if you’ve not had one. My team and I are currently helping people to write books. There are different categories. From those who don’t have an idea on what to write, to those who already have a template or synopsis for their book, we provide them easy way to get their book done.

So, whether you know what to write or not, or whether you know how to start or not, you don’t need to worry about all that. Just take a step of reaching out to us and we would get your book done. Contact us at –
You will soon become an author and launch out your book to the world. People might have been waiting to see your book. And they might have been looking forward to gain from the values and lessons that you've got out of life. Don’t hesitate to give them.

We’ve seen so many values in books that a lot of us have benefited from. However, it is when you write your book that people can benefit from it. If you don’t write, nobody would benefit, and that would deny them a lot of values from your life. Your book allows you to bring people into your world. People appreciate your life experience and knowledge because they read them. They get timeless lessons from all of the things you’ve gone through and learned in your life.

Everyone of us has a unique life that should be documented and shared with others. And a book will allow you to do just that. So, go ahead and start working on your book project today. I see you becoming a great author that you had always wanted to be. My regards. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From HOMO DEUS By Yuval Noah Harari

1. In the nearest future, human beings will graduate to be god beings.

2. Creativity and immortality will be the hallmark of homo deus (god humans).

3. There would be increased level of wellbeing and wellness because of increased technological solutions to most human problems.

4. The myth of human freedom and independence will soon be unveiled by the advances in science and technology.

5. Homo sapiens (if didn’t change) would no longer be relevant and could become dispensable in the nearest future.

6. Artificial intelligence will work with data to understand humans more than themselves.

7. Reasoning or intelligence will no longer be relevant in humans, but consciousness and adaptability.

8. Dataism will be the new religion. Many human problems would be solved, thanks to data.

9. The internet-of-all-things is a data-processing system that will upgrade human beings to the level of super beings (cyborgs).

10. The next evolution will be the transformation of human beings from ordinary carbon-based elements to information-assessing organisms.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From I’ll Teach You To Be RICH By Ramit Sethi

1. Becoming rich is not a rocket science. It is as practical as taking a walk.

2. You have a better advantage if you start early.

3. Wherever you are, getting started is more important than waiting to become an expert.

4. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. That is what will make you better .

5. Spend money on what you love, and cut expenses on what you don’t love.

6. There’s nothing to pretend about being rich. If you are rich, you are rich.

7. You can look sexy and attractive, it doesn’t mean you are rich.

8. Be proactive and intentional about your financial life. Don’t leave everything to chance.

9. Money only comes to those who have the right mindsets about it.

10. You can use money to design your rich life.

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Saturday, September 4, 2021

New Book - How to Become An Author

This NEW BOOK I just released (How to Become an Author) is a no nonsense, no bullshit manual. It is super simple and classic. I broke down every hurdle of becoming an author and created an easy route to write a book. From getting ideas for a book, to getting the motivation and skills that you need, and to creating an easy formula to solving writing problems, this book hits a home run. For anyone who has challenge with how to start writing their book, how to complete it, or how to publish and market it and so on, this book solves those problems. It’s right now available on Amazon for pre-order. It will be out 12th of September, 2021. Get the link here:

Thursday, September 2, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From GOALS By Brian Tracy

1. You have the power to change anything in your life if you want to.

2. When you commit to achieving anything, your system goes into work into making you achieve it.

3. Right mindset puts you in right position to make you succeed in life.

4. Successful people focus on what they want and how they will get it.

5. Set goals that are specific and attainable, not just formidable.

6. Any goal that has no time-bound is just a wish.

7. Your goals should be inspiring enough to make you grow.

8. Don’t pursue two different goals at the same time, you will lose both.

9. The only goals that are not realistic are the ones that are not well planned.

10. Always believe in your heart that you will achieve your goals, even before you set them.

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Suggested Articles: 

1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From 12 RULES For LIFE By Jordan B. Peterson

1. You can’t win the game of life by being passive.

2. Choose the kind of energy you want around you.

3. You are the only one on your race. So, don’t run by other people’s watch.

4. Give your children right instruction, and they would not miss the direction.

5. Attack comes when you fail to protect your house but poke-nosing into others’ affairs.

6. Pursue what gives value to your life, not just what gives praise.

7. The truth will always justify itself. So, don’t waste time twisting it.

8. No one is an island of knowledge, so be humble enough to learn from everyone.

9. There’s clarity in brevity. Quality comes from precision.

10. Offer help whenever you can. You wouldn’t know who might need next.

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Suggested Articles: 

1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life: