Monday, June 3, 2024

The Energy We Carry: How to Cultivate Positive Vibes and Transform Your Life

Every human being embodies energy. How? Through the life force that is in everyone of us. As living beings, we contain life within us, and the primary component of that life is energy. It is the energy inside us that drives our existence.

It is this energy that enables us to breathe, walk, and perform all the activities we do in life. Without energy, we cannot move, open our eyes, hear, speak, or do anything for ourselves or others. Energy is what sustains life.

There are different types of energy. Generally speaking, energy can be divided into two broad categories: positive and negative energies. Positive energy fuels positive outcomes such as peace, joy, love, care, happiness, optimism, focus, determination, diligence, tenacity, faith, and more.

Negative energy fuels negative outcomes such as sadness, sorrow, hatred, hostility, resentment, jealousy, anger, laziness, pessimism, fear, aggression, doubt, and so on.

Positive energy drives you to do positive and progressive things. It creates a positive atmosphere around you, attracting people and enabling you to accomplish great things. You become an epitome of grace and humility. Positive energy makes you happy, it makes you smile and laugh, and it allows you to do amazing things.

Another crucial aspect of positive energy is that it is akin to light. Science has proven that light is a packet of energy (photons). Jesus also said we are the light of the world. So, because we are light, we are also energy.

People with positive energy are the light of the world. They provide solutions, generate ideas, bring joy and happiness to others, motivate and encourage, and pursue callings greater than themselves.

On the other hand, negative energy propels darkness. It brings confusion and regression, making people sad.

Moreover, everyone carries different types of energy. Some carry positive energy, while others carry negative energy. Some are filled with energy for progress, success, greatness, hope, faith, glory, prosperity, abundance, and all the good things in life. Others carry energy for failure, backwardness, lack, poverty, famine, difficulties, and all the bad things in life.

You need to be aware of the kind of energy you carry and also the energy of the people around you. Energy is contagious. If you carry good energy, you can transmit it to those around you, and if someone in your circle carries good energy, it will also affect you.

The extent of this influence depends on proximity. The closer you are to someone, the more influence they will have on you. Therefore, ensure that you surround yourself with people who have good energy; otherwise, you may regret the negative vibes around you.

You are a product of your environment, so choose well. Choose your spouse or partner well. Choose your friends well. Choose your neighborhood well. Choose your workplace well. Choose the religious or other institutions you attend well. Choose your gatherings well. Choose your environment well.

Don't enter into a wrong relationship that will ruin your life. If people come into your life, make sure it’s the right kind of people. Yes, people can change, but don't expect them to change their core characteristics. If they don't change before you marry them, don't expect a miracle after marriage.

Seek out people with positive energy and let them enhance your life with more positive vibes. I see you moving upward and forward, achieving great success. Cheers!

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