I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday. That is my portion and direction. I don’t put my mind on the old things, for they are past and gone. I focus on the new things, for they are future and beautiful. I’m not looking at the distractions. For my path is like a shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. My path is success and progress. I see new things. I hear new things. I have new things. I have new solutions, new revelations, new ideas, new understanding. I’m improving everyday. I’m getting better everyday. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. There’s no tiredness in my spirit. There’s no frustration or depression in my life. I have divine strength. I have the mind of Christ. I have the ability of Christ. I am above all situations and circumstances of life. No evil has the capacity to do me harm. I’m soaring higher and higher in Glory. If you take a look at me yesterday, you would have seen the difference today. If you take a look at me today, you should expect mighty change tomorrow. Blessed Be God. Amen and Amen!
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Sunday, January 28, 2018
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Seeing Something New About People
Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes or clothes before? You will always look forward for the day when you will wear them. There’s something special about new things that make us love them. Apart from the fact that they look attractive and appealing to the eyes, they have never been used by anybody. So, we are the first person to use them. A new thing is not only new because we are seeing it for the first time, but because we are using it for the first time. If you’ve ever bought a new thing recently, perhaps you could remember how you felt when you use it for the first time. It’s always give a kind of joy and happiness that makes you feel like buying new things every time. ‘New’ can be delineated in many ways, depending on the context we put it. Something can be ‘new in general’ when nobody has ever seen or used it before. And it can also be ‘new in particular’ to a person who has never seen or used that thing before but other people have did. In any case, every new thing always communicate a special aura to us that makes us to always desire them. There are so many values we can get from new things. They are appealing and attractive. They give us the assurance of durability. They’ve never been used by anybody. They are usually neat and free of infections. New things are most times original. New things make us enjoy their value and optimum functions. Now, when we see new things about people, we value and appreciate them more. We want to do something new with them. As a matter of fact, we are tired of people who we don’t see something new about. Let’s not be too familiar with each other that we don't see new things any more about ourselves. Make effort to always find something new about people even if it is not obvious. Find something good and admiring. They will reciprocate and spread that good seed to other people. Let’s enjoy a beautiful life. #Blessings.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Graces FOODS
•Graces FOODS is an enterprise that focuses on meeting people’s needs on food.
•Hunger is not in any way good to the body.
•In our place, hunger is a taboo. We kill it to the roots.
•We’ve got several ways to satisfy our customers. We offer traditional and international dishes.
•Traditional dishes: Solid foods like; Poundo yam, Amala, Eba, Manka,
•Soups; Egusi, Vegetable, Ogbono, Okro, Ewedu, Edikan Ikong, Ofe Nsala (White soup), Pepper soup, Gbegiri etc.

•Also, we have Moin-moin, Bean cake, Mashed beans, Fried Plantain and so on.
•International dishes: Fried rice, Jollof rice, White rice with stew, Coconut rice, Different sauces, and Salad.
•We sell take-aways, receive orders and do home deliveries.
•We sell at reasonable and affordable prices.

•We have different price range for the convenience of our customers.
•We do ‘free food day’ and ‘food talks’ where all our customers and everyone is invited.
*We also have special snacks as well -Graces SNACKS
•You can follow us on Facebook; Graces FOODS.
•Email: sopiensofgod@gmail.com
•Mobile: +380933064513
You can't wait to have a taste of these foods. They are so yummy and nutritious.
Contact us to make your orders now.
Graces FOODS; we dish your wish. It's all about your wish!!!
•Hunger is not in any way good to the body.
•In our place, hunger is a taboo. We kill it to the roots.
•We’ve got several ways to satisfy our customers. We offer traditional and international dishes.
•Traditional dishes: Solid foods like; Poundo yam, Amala, Eba, Manka,
•Soups; Egusi, Vegetable, Ogbono, Okro, Ewedu, Edikan Ikong, Ofe Nsala (White soup), Pepper soup, Gbegiri etc.

•Also, we have Moin-moin, Bean cake, Mashed beans, Fried Plantain and so on.
•International dishes: Fried rice, Jollof rice, White rice with stew, Coconut rice, Different sauces, and Salad.
•We sell take-aways, receive orders and do home deliveries.
•We sell at reasonable and affordable prices.

•We have different price range for the convenience of our customers.
•We do ‘free food day’ and ‘food talks’ where all our customers and everyone is invited.
*We also have special snacks as well -Graces SNACKS

•Email: sopiensofgod@gmail.com
•Mobile: +380933064513
You can't wait to have a taste of these foods. They are so yummy and nutritious.
Contact us to make your orders now.
Graces FOODS; we dish your wish. It's all about your wish!!!
The Worst-Case Scenario Is Not The Worst
Imagine the worst thing that could happen to you right now, perhaps something close to death or death itself. But it’s nothing. Did I just say that? Yes! It’s nothing. Let me explain. The life God has given you is more important than death. The assignment God has given you is more important than the appointment man has given you. The challenge we have most times is that we don’t know 'who we are' and 'what we have'. We are so afraid of the future. We don’t know what will happen. We don’t know the future. There are so many things we don’t know. And it seems those are the things that threaten us most. We are so afraid and intimidated, walking in fear and anxiety every hour of the day and every day of the week. Is this the life God has given us? Is this how we’re going to continue living in fear and timidity? No single moment of rest. It’s negative thoughts all over. Always rising and falling into stress and depression, and headache and body pains. If only we know what we’ve got, If only we can take some moments out to meditate. Then, we would have been free from those troubles long time ago. One of my teachers often says there’s nothing too important in life than the life itself. There’s no urgency in life that is more than the life that you have. Take patience and relax yourself. There’s no problem except the one you create for yourself. Think of the worst-case scenario now and you will see that it’s not more important than the life that you have. If you think of death, you will say, won’t it terminate your life? No! death won’t terminate your life, it will only transfer you from one side to another side. And that’s why you should not be afraid of it. Not that you should be careless with your life but don’t be intimidated by it. Live a good life. Fulfill God’s purpose for your life. That’s why you are here. By the way, death has got nothing to do with you if God didn’t allow it. So, you are safe. And be rest assured that you have life insurance with God if you are in Him. Let nothing disturbs your heart. Let nothing bothers your mind. Be focused and face your assignment here. Devil doesn’t want you to fulfill your assignment. That’s why he’s always bringing problems and difficulties your way so that you will be distracted and frustrated. But never mind. He’s defeated. God has made him helpless and powerless. You are above and beyond him. You’ve got victory in Christ. Celebrate your victory and liberty. Congratulations! Blessings.
Penny Wise, Pound Wise
Women are penny wise. Men are pound wise. Women can protect money. Men can produce money. Women can buy money with time. Men can buy time with money. Women can do good to have some returns. Men can do good to have no returns. Women can easily receive. Men can easily give. Women can see near things clearly. Men can see far things clearly. Women talk to express themselves. Men think to express themselves. Women want to hear what happened. Men want to see what happened. Women want to know what happened. Men want to understand what happened. Women care about expression. Men care about impression. Women see small things in big pictures. Men see big things in small pictures. Women know where things are wrong. Men know where things are right. Women have good management skills. Men have good leadership skills. Women talk what they know. Men talk what they think. Women can hold on to provisions without vision. Men hold on to vision without provisions. Women care for who love them. Men care for who they love. Women care for love. Men care for life. If there’s no life there’s no love. But once there’s life, there’s love. Women can easily find problems in any situation. Men can easily find solution in any situation. Women can easily find way out. Men can easily make way out. Women learn fast. Men think fast. Women talk deep. Men think deep. Women like to teach. Men like to preach. Women like to care. Men like to bear. Women don’t like to take risks. Men don’t like to miss risks. Women sense well. Men set well. Women value companionship. Men value relationship. Women are adhesive. Men are aggressive. Women want affection before sex. Men want sex before affection. Women prefer to do same things better. Men prefer to do new things better. Women hear clearly. Men see clearly. Women prefer short-term gratification. Men prefer long-term gratification. Women know how they are going. Men know where they are going. Women are more bothered about where they are than who they are. Men are more bothered about who they are than where they are. Women understand the tone in a voice. Men understand the voice in a tone. Women feel pains in gains. Men feel gains in pains. Women influence people with their position. Men influence people with their contribution. Women are smart with where they are. Men are smart with who they are. Women are smart with the present. Men are smart with the future. Women are smart with what is in their hand. Men are smart with what is in their mind. Women are accurate with short-term plans. Men are accurate with long-term plans. Women believe what they hear. Men believe what they see. Women want to see the effect from the cause. Men want to see the cause from the effect. Women want the hardcopy from the softcopy. Men want the softcopy from the hardcopy. Women are good with plans. Men are good with decisions. Women are brilliant. Men are intelligent. Women manifest their activities from abilities. Men manifest their abilities from activities. Women focus on the process. Men focus on the goal. Women focus on the activities. Men focus on the abilities. Women are intrigued by what you have done. Men are intrigued by what you can do. It’s easier for a woman to believe what you have done. It’s easier for a man to believe what you can do. Women take fascinated risks. Men take calculated risks. Women can build big things from small things. Men can build some things from no things. Women can see the seen from the unseen. Men can see the unseen from the seen. Women value what they receive. Men value what they give. Women want the details of a situation. Men want the retails of a situation. More and more are differences that exist between men and women. Those differences make them complementary and not competitive to one another. Please note that those observable differences are not monopolized by one gender, but sometimes there could be exceptions with individuals. Best regards.
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Kindly put your comments below.
What Makes You Different?
One of the most important things I will ever learn in life is how to be myself. It’s one thing to discover who I am. It’s another thing to be who I am. Many may know who they are, but don’t know how to become who they are. The journey of life is a personal race, never a collective one. Your closest friend or twin brother/sister may not be able to run with you. So, you've got to find your own lane. This is not to separate you from people but to identify your unique difference and know why you are here. Oftentimes, we tend to please people, we tend to live for people and want them to admire us and like what we do. It's good. But in as much as it doesn't happen, you don't need to be bothered by it. You want to talk to people who don’t want to talk to you. You want to live with people who don’t want to live with you. You want to work with people who don’t want to work with you. What do you do? Let them go. Don’t feel ashamed. Don’t feel dejected or rejected. For the fact that they don’t want or like you does not remove anything from you. It does not devalue you. Rather, it makes you discover more things about yourself. It gives you opportunity to learn more and have more time to yourself. In as much as people are important in our lives, we need to be able to think and live on our own without too much attachment or dependency on them. As God wants us to be united and in one accord, he also wants us to acknowledge our individuality and uniqueness. You are different because God made you different. He wouldn’t want you to depend on anyone, but to love everyone. Dependency makes you susceptible to disappointments and frustration from people. You wouldn’t want to feel offended or become callous against people. Better to guard your heart. When you love people, love with understanding. Know what you are doing. Many have claimed to love and have put their life in danger. True love is expressed with knowledge. Know how to love. I see you going higher and higher in life. Blessings.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Keys To Productivity
Productivity is about adding value, contributing your own quota to the system to have a better life. It’s an economic measure of rate of outputs per unit input. Input involves labour and capital. Outputs are measured by revenues (income) and products (goods). Everybody has got to produce what they have. What do you have? You can’t be here doing nothing. You’ve got to do something, no matter how small. It’s not enough to have capital (money or other resources), labour is required. Everybody must work. Except you are underaged or incapable, if you are not working, you are not worthy to live. Work gives you worth. If you are a student, it’s not enough to pay your school fees (capital), you must study well (work). Learning and studying are priority for you above any other thing. If you are not doing this, you are not doing well, and you are wasting your life. On the long run, you won’t be able to add value. There are too many young people these days who have been distracted by so many things. No time to read. No time for self-development. No time for productive thinking. It’s activities all over, a syndrome common among people from undeveloped countries. They are lazy with their studies, but hazy with all kinds of activities. And I wonder who will bale these ones out of journey to poverty. Work is never a curse, God commanded it. Labour is never a sin, scriptures make it clear. God has blessed you, but you must work. God has given you all the riches on earth, but you must do what you suppose to do. It’s not enough to confess, you must go ahead to possess. If you are a student, you must be committed to learning. If you are a business man or woman, you must know how your business is adding value to people and meeting their needs. If you are a civil servant, you must know how you are adding value to government and have good returns as your salary. If you are a servant of God, you must know how you are serving God and his people. Let’s have a new generation of people who are productive and can change nations with what they’ve got. Blessings.
You can watch the inspiring video below by Dr. David Oyedepo.
Kindly drop your comments below.
You can watch the inspiring video below by Dr. David Oyedepo.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Guard Your Heart
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it comes issues of life. This is protective and instructive. Guard your heart from worries and anxieties of life. Guard your heart from problems and troubles. Guard your heart from failure. Guard your heart from human disappointments. Guard your heart from wrong attitudes. Guard your heart from bad companies. Guard your heart from wrong doctrines. Guard your heart from excuses. Guard your heart from procrastinations. Guard your heart from human misbehaviours. Guard your heart from misunderstandings. Guard your heart from blames and guiltiness. Guard your heart from wrong human assertions and superstitions. Guard your heart from errors and mistakes. Guard your heart from pressures of life. Guard your heart from evil thoughts and attacks. Guard your heart from economic instabilities. Guard your heart from sickness. Guard your heart from poverty. Guard your heart from wrong environment. Guard your heart from raging storms, human storms, environmental storms, physical storms, spiritual storms, emotional storms that trouble the mind and soul. For the fact that people are making noise around you does not mean anything, guard your heart. For the fact that people are misbehaving to you does not remove anything from your life, guard your heart. For the fact that nobody is helping you does not mean God has abandoned you, guard your heart. For the fact that your good is being repaid with evil does not mean you will not get your good rewards, guard your heart. For the fact that you have nobody to call your friend does not mean Jesus, the greatest friend has forsaken you, guard your heart. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding garrison your hearts and minds through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. What is the peace of God? The word of God, the Spirit of God, the blessings of God, the testimonies of God, the revelations of God, the anointing of God, the provisions of God, the power of God, the wisdom of God and everything you have access to in God which gives you comfort. Every provision of God is peace in your heart. And who or what shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “For Your sake we are put to death all day long; We are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Be Blessed.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Behold I Will Do A New Thing
God said, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Yes, that’s God, the father of all creation. He said he will do a new thing. If he will do a new thing, how? He does new things in diverse ways. But one of them is the one he does through our minds. Hear what the scripture says; This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. It’s a new covenant. God does new things when we renew our minds with his word. You can't live the life of Christ without having the mind of Christ. This involves every moment of our lives. It's a daily renewal. You won’t want to miss your package for any day, because they are always fresh and new. The mental renewal works out in our reasoning, thinking, studying, working, talking, relating with people, generating ideas, carrying out projects, planning, and other important things we do with our lives. Everybody likes new things, but not everybody does new things. If you are ready for new things, then let the word of God condition your mind. Let it form your thoughts. You will generate new ideas. You will do new exploits. I see you soaring higher and higher than before. Be Blessed.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Goals For The New Year
For as many of us that desire new things in the new year, my prayer is that may we achieve them all. Now, let's follow this carefully. Whatever we want to achieve can be achieved in as much as it does not disobey the right of another person. It's not enough to desire good things. But, it's necessary to know how to go about it to get result. It's not enough to talk, it's important to work. At first, you've got to be specific with what you want, if possible, write it down. That could be your goal/s or target. Then, draw out a plan on how to achieve it. You may want to give yourself reasons why what you want to achieve is important so that it can motivate you well enough. In your plan, you can draw out the algorithm- the step-by-step ways of achieving your goal. If you need to study more or make findings about it, go ahead and do that. Then, from your plan, you will know your responsibility, the resources required, and the time frame. If you don't have all the resources required at the beginning, you can make use of whatever you have in your capacity. As you start, your ‘working hands’ will attract the resources needed. The key point is 'to start'. Get into it. The new year has started already and before you know it, it has reached midyear and finally end of the year. You don't hope new things will happen when you sit down watching. You've got to work things out. Your mind is an important tool God has given you. Generate ideas in your mind, and work them out. Ideas don't attract resources in your mind, they attract resources in your hand. Bring your ideas to work, and you will see things working out for you this year. Be blessed …to be continued!
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