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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Penny Wise, Pound Wise

Women are penny wise. Men are pound wise. Women can protect money. Men can produce money. Women can buy money with time. Men can buy time with money. Women can do good to have some returns. Men can do good to have no returns. Women can easily receive. Men can easily give. Women can see near things clearly. Men can see far things clearly. Women talk to express themselves. Men think to express themselves. Women want to hear what happened. Men want to see what happened. Women want to know what happened. Men want to understand what happened. Women care about expression. Men care about impression. Women see small things in big pictures. Men see big things in small pictures. Women know where things are wrong. Men know where things are right. Women have good management skills. Men have good leadership skills. Women talk what they know. Men talk what they think. Women can hold on to provisions without vision. Men hold on to vision without provisions. Women care for who love them. Men care for who they love. Women care for love. Men care for life. If there’s no life there’s no love. But once there’s life, there’s love. Women can easily find problems in any situation. Men can easily find solution in any situation. Women can easily find way out. Men can easily make way out. Women learn fast. Men think fast. Women talk deep. Men think deep. Women like to teach. Men like to preach. Women like to care. Men like to bear. Women don’t like to take risks. Men don’t like to miss risks. Women sense well. Men set well. Women value companionship. Men value relationship. Women are adhesive. Men are aggressive. Women want affection before sex. Men want sex before affection. Women prefer to do same things better. Men prefer to do new things better. Women hear clearly. Men see clearly. Women prefer short-term gratification. Men prefer long-term gratification. Women know how they are going. Men know where they are going. Women are more bothered about where they are than who they are. Men are more bothered about who they are than where they are. Women understand the tone in a voice. Men understand the voice in a tone. Women feel pains in gains. Men feel gains in pains. Women influence people with their position. Men influence people with their contribution. Women are smart with where they are. Men are smart with who they are. Women are smart with the present. Men are smart with the future. Women are smart with what is in their hand. Men are smart with what is in their mind. Women are accurate with short-term plans. Men are accurate with long-term plans. Women believe what they hear. Men believe what they see. Women want to see the effect from the cause. Men want to see the cause from the effect. Women want the hardcopy from the softcopy. Men want the softcopy from the hardcopy. Women are good with plans. Men are good with decisions. Women are brilliant. Men are intelligent. Women manifest their activities from abilities. Men manifest their abilities from activities. Women focus on the process. Men focus on the goal. Women focus on the activities. Men focus on the abilities. Women are intrigued by what you have done. Men are intrigued by what you can do. It’s easier for a woman to believe what you have done. It’s easier for a man to believe what you can do. Women take fascinated risks. Men take calculated risks. Women can build big things from small things. Men can build some things from no things. Women can see the seen from the unseen. Men can see the unseen from the seen. Women value what they receive. Men value what they give. Women want the details of a situation. Men want the retails of a situation. More and more are differences that exist between men and women. Those differences make them complementary and not competitive to one another. Please note that those observable differences are not monopolized by one gender, but sometimes there could be exceptions with individuals. Best regards.
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