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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Seeing Something New About People

Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes or clothes before? You will always look forward for the day when you will wear them. There’s something special about new things that make us love them. Apart from the fact that they look attractive and appealing to the eyes, they have never been used by anybody. So, we are the first person to use them. A new thing is not only new because we are seeing it for the first time, but because we are using it for the first time. If you’ve ever bought a new thing recently, perhaps you could remember how you felt when you use it for the first time. It’s always give a kind of joy and happiness that makes you feel like buying new things every time. ‘New’ can be delineated in many ways, depending on the context we put it. Something can be ‘new in general’ when nobody has ever seen or used it before. And it can also be ‘new in particular’ to a person who has never seen or used that thing before but other people have did. In any case, every new thing always communicate a special aura to us that makes us to always desire them. There are so many values we can get from new things. They are appealing and attractive. They give us the assurance of durability. They’ve never been used by anybody. They are usually neat and free of infections. New things are most times original. New things make us enjoy their value and optimum functions. Now, when we see new things about people, we value and appreciate them more. We want to do something new with them. As a matter of fact, we are tired of people who we don’t see something new about. Let’s not be too familiar with each other that we don't see new things any more about ourselves. Make effort to always find something new about people even if it is not obvious. Find something good and admiring. They will reciprocate and spread that good seed to other people. Let’s enjoy a beautiful life. #Blessings.

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